
Apparently some of you think that the Heller decision has negated any attempt by this administration to impact your status quo regarding your firearms.
I am here to tell you that they will seek other avenues to restrict the use of firearms.
The availability of ammo and components, mandated liability insurance, and extreme mandates on shooting range safety and environmental concerns.
There will be 4 million of us who will pay the freight to fight for the rights of over 100 million gun owners.
In my mind this is shameful.
You can tell your grandchildren how you could have stopped this mess, but that damn NRA was such a pain in the ass, that you didn't want any of their right wing BS.
I can appreciate those who belong to other pro 2nd amendment groups.....but realistically they don't make a pimple on the NRA's butt.
The Mayor of Chicago took "Air Rifles" away from the ROTC school units in the Chicago area. The anti gun people are never going to give up the fight. The NRA is the biggest voice we have on our side. It is run by people, and any club is going rub some people the wrong way - you can't make all the the people happy. I pay the dues every year because it's I think it gives me the most pro-gun bang for my money. The Anti Gun people have big money behind them and it seems like there are more big city anti's every year, and they gladly give money whenever asked - because they are going to save the world. I am 73 and it's hard to believe how anti-gun this country has gotten in my life time. My own daughter voted for Obama, and it seems like most of the younger people voted like her. If the anti-gun trend continues like it has, I think it's just a matter of time before they win. Gun owners don't stick together, and young people are taught in school that guns are bad. It does not
look good.
I havent belonged to nra in three years, had it ready to mail to rejoin and laying here, started reading these posts and remembered why I dropped it to begin with. They go too far to the right on occasions, ask for money too much, and always seem to have a crisis going. I think I will just let it lay.

Man,get real,i'm a life member of the NRA,if the NRA loses,you lose,simple as that.
Too far right,what a laugh.
Hey, Larry........

Those two senators from Montana voted FOR eric holder's(Uncle Janet's no. 2) confirmation!!! As far as keeping the crooks in dc on the track, the reason I joined GOA was because of one thing: "34 years of no compromise 1975-2009" I still remember their compromising, and I'm tired of it. I hope ol' sarah pushes jim around till she's blue in the face, she's sure made enough out of it.:rolleyes:
Question for Big Al:
What organization do you recommend to support the second amendant and gun owners rights?
On a brighter note how is the fly fishing in Alaska and can you recommend a fishing camp. I want to go to Alaska while I can still fish the streams?
I would like to live in Alaska to get away from NY and the LIBS.

National Shooting Sports Foundation! Remember the Late NEAL KNOX and the Hard Core?

Right now the fly fishing is rather slow. You cast out your line and wait for three months for the ice to thaw. Today at the home stead it's four below ("spring time in Alaska and it's fourty below") Remember the ssong?

I'm a died in the wool fly fisherman myself. I recommend you go on line and buy a subscription to "Fish Alaska" magazine.

That way you can sit at home and tear your heat out the whole year.

If you are a person with the money? You can go for the cream Delia cream trip and pay a few grand and go for the dream trip of a lifetime and do the remote fly in "Steel Head" fly in trip, have a chance of hooking in to a half dozen or more huge steelies a day (or more). I don't know of any where else on the planet you can do that?

The are a lot cheaper trips for a day and for the cost of a rental car and gas you can do a lot of great one day (or if you camp) as long as you want, just by driving the Hwy, between Anchorage and Fairbanks. Just make sure the ice is mostly gone, and remember these fish are hungry.

You can also find fly patterns for Alaska in the magazine.
Big Al:
Thanks for the Alaska fishing info. I ordered the magazine Fish Alaska.
First of all, you can opt out of NRA mailings, just call them, you don't wait on hold, you talk to a person, very easy. Second, it's hard for me to believe that there are members of this forum that don't belong to the NRA, I thought the original poster was preaching to the choir, guess not. If every gun owner in America was a NRA member, you would never, ever, hear a single word about gun control. Thanks, Douglas
First of all, you can opt out of NRA mailings, just call them, you don't wait on hold, you talk to a person, very easy. Second, it's hard for me to believe that there are members of this forum that don't belong to the NRA, I thought the original poster was preaching to the choir, guess not. If every gun owner in America was a NRA member, you would never, ever, hear a single word about gun control. Thanks, Douglas

It's worse that that.........when some on this forum freely denigrate the NRA and one goes as far as claiming it's actual membership number is only 40% of all published accounts (with no reference to justify this claim)..........then I fear we are headed to a place where our Aussie and Canadian friends have been warning us about.
Do some research and you will find that it was Chris Cox, from the NRA, who met with "Department of Defense" and had the "milsurp" directive/decision that would have destroyed G.I. brass, (like 223 & 308), reversed. Once fired brass remains available for those who use it, including commercial reloaders like "Black Hills", 3-D, etc. I did not see any other orginization stepping up to fight. Life Member since 1965 and now Endowment.
First of all, you can opt out of NRA mailings, just call them, you don't wait on hold, you talk to a person, very easy. Second, it's hard for me to believe that there are members of this forum that don't belong to the NRA, I thought the original poster was preaching to the choir, guess not. If every gun owner in America was a NRA member, you would never, ever, hear a single word about gun control. Thanks, Douglas

Yes Doug,and any gun owner should be a member of the NRA if they care about their guns.
I cannot understand why they vare not members,they spend hundreds on ammo,guns and shooting stuff but too cheap to pay NRA dues.
Big Al:
Thanks for the Alaska fishing info. I ordered the magazine Fish Alaska.

I'm warning you now, you'll go nuts next winter reading about fly fishing in Alaska. I do every winter and I live here.:eek:
Well said and Amen.
Divided we become defeated, united we have a chance to survive.
NRA, again

And, I should have added: it was the NRA who was at the forefront with a battery of attorneys fighting in our collective favor for the favorable Supreme Court "Heller" decision.
And, I should have added: it was the NRA who was at the forefront with a battery of attorneys fighting in our collective favor for the favorable Supreme Court "Heller" decision.

That Sir is not true. The NRA rode the coat tails of the NSSF on this. In fact you could say they weren't even on the hind teat on that one.

Learn the facts, the NRA needs to have a change, only missed out on that for the past 40 years. You want and need and NRA that is good as you think it is, NOW.

The NRA has been riding the coat tails of other organizations for many years. When that organization wins, then and only then will the NRA claim a victory and claim it's their own.:mad:
Mr. Shuster, Big Al, you are both...........

MISTAKEN about the Heller decision; It was neither the nra NOR the NSSF that successfully prosecuted that through the courts, to the Supreme Court. That suit was brought by the CATO Institute, and during its progress, the nra had MANY opportunities to garner support for a pro-gun initiative. And, after the suit was going to the Supreme Court, nra tried to snuggle-up to CATO, to offer "assistance" in the court proceedings, etc. etc., but CATO wisely declined their "assistance", which left them the only alternative, to file a friend of the court brief. Know what?? THE ONLY brief, (which was remarked upon as "unique") which used the term: "....shall not be infringed.", was the brief filed by GOA!! Even in this, you'd THINK the nra could GET IT RIGHT, after all, that quote appears in their magazine!!! As I have said before, the nra had many, MANY opportunities to bring this suit, & when they tried to "help out", again, they were rebuffed as undesirable. If I had the nra calling me, I'd ask them about this, and some other things, such as: Why have they "fixed it", so that the very things Neal Knox & other respected members brought about as necessary changes, can never be voted on, or changed again (all have since been nullified); are they so afraid of positive "change"? Also, I'd ask them, how is it, that an organization, so old & revered, has NEVER taken it upon themselves to bring such a suit??? It CAN'T be about the money!! And, how is it that an organization, that is ALWAYS trumpeting about their ALWAYS taking the lead in the fight, can't even QUOTE THE SECOND AMENDMENT in their brief before the court??? Hey, I always was a suppoter of the nra, but when they come out & say I HAVE to belong, as a prerequisite to join some clubs, and I get no real political BANG for the BUCK, instead, a veritable BLIZZARD of requests for MORE BUCKS, I say, enough is enough. I joined the GOA & here I'll stay. And, I even pay the $35 a year nra could have continued to get, maybe one day I'll come back, & be a member of BOTH, I don't know, and right now, I don't care.:rolleyes:;) Oh, one MORE thing, type: "nra's Montana Snafu" in your favorite search engine; find out what a REAL pro-gun organization has to say about nra, go ahead, its a real EYE-OPENER!!!:mad:
All this may be true, but who the heck are GOA, CATO and NSSF? Nobody ever heard of them except the avid enthusiast. I'll gaurantee you one thing, everyone has heard of the NRA, even folks from around the world. My opinion, any member of this board who is not a NRA member is unconscionable. Thanks, Douglas
Dis the NRA if you want to, for what ever reason, but they are the only ones who have been around for 138 years. and I know for a fact will fight for my right to own a firearm or to hunt.

NRA Life
Y'know, Neal Knox & Harlan Carter..........

didn't "Dis" the nra when they pointed out serious shortcomings, and neither am I. I made an effort to point out what I believe are serious problems, and deviations from the proper path, that is all. Yes, the nra has been around for 138yrs. That, however, does NOT necessarily mean they are at present living up to their hype; nor does it mean we are getting the results we desire, or should expect, for the freight we pay. It is sad, indeed, when an organization is turned into a company that masquerades under the attributes and mantle of a bygone era, while successfully deluding the customer to believe his best interests are its driving force. But, why should I care, when I look to comparisons of other businesses today, as usual.:rolleyes:
didn't "dis" the nra when they pointed out serious shortcomings, and neither am i. I made an effort to point out what i believe are serious problems, and deviations from the proper path, that is all. Yes, the nra has been around for 138yrs. That, however, does not necessarily mean they are at present living up to their hype; nor does it mean we are getting the results we desire, or should expect, for the freight we pay. It is sad, indeed, when an organization is turned into a company that masquerades under the attributes and mantle of a bygone era, while successfully deluding the customer to believe his best interests are its driving force. But, why should i care, when i look to comparisons of other businesses today, as usual.:rolleyes:

amen +1.