
Question for Big Al:
What organization do you recommend to support the second amendant and gun owners rights?
On a brighter note how is the fly fishing in Alaska and can you recommend a fishing camp. I want to go to Alaska while I can still fish the streams?
I would like to live in Alaska to get away from NY and the LIBS.
an NRA member, LaPierre is more concerned about his $900,000 per year paycheck than the 2nd Amendment. Take half of that green away from him and watch him disappear. The NSSF has a proven record of leading our cause.

This is a CHEAP shot. You contend that LaPierre is disingenuous for no other reason than class envy.
Since it's currently executive bashing season....let's put this in perspective.
LaPierre runs an organization worth $230 million in assets and an annual income of ~ $215 million in annual income from ~ 4 million members. My annual dues are $35/ year.
John Sweeney the head or the AFL-CIO has ~ 10 million members and his annual salary is........???? Why I don't know.....they don't tell you...I bet it's orders of magnitude greater than Waynes salary. Union dues are considerably more than $35/ year. Are you getting a big bang for your buck from Johnny?

Anyway, you should love guys with the big salaries, they're the ones who are paying the free ride we seem hell-bent on giving to more and more people.

As was stated previously, LaPierre does an outstanding presentation, and in a free-market society his talents are justifiably rewarded. In his speech I see genuine passion for THE cause.
Try this

This is a CHEAP shot. You contend that LaPierre is disingenuous for no other reason than class envy.
Since it's currently executive bashing season....let's put this in perspective.
LaPierre runs an organization worth $230 million in assets and an annual income of ~ $215 million in annual income from ~ 4 million members. My annual dues are $35/ year.
John Sweeney the head or the AFL-CIO has ~ 10 million members and his annual salary is........???? Why I don't know.....they don't tell you...I bet it's orders of magnitude greater than Waynes salary. Union dues are considerably more than $35/ year. Are you getting a big bang for your buck from Johnny?

Anyway, you should love guys with the big salaries, they're the ones who are paying the free ride we seem hell-bent on giving to more and more people.

As was stated previously, LaPierre does an outstanding presentation, and in a free-market society his talents are justifiably rewarded. In his speech I see genuine passion for THE cause.

LH. The current NRA membership is 1.7 million. Not 4 million. The latest documentation from the USPS shows roughly 1.7 million publications from the NRA processed in 2008. Membership numbers are always inflated. With 4 million members at $35.00 per year each, they wouldn't have to ask every member for more and more money. You do the math. The answer to your question about Sweeney is $275,000 per year + his pension and health & welfare.
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Now see here my good man!!

First of all how can you correlate the number of publications with membership?
Some members opt for multiple magazines, some (like me) don't want any.
Furthermore you can't just divide the annual income into $35/ member........there's various membership levels, and some life members have paid up years ago, plus other sources of income.
Soliciting more money is the very reason the basic dues remain relatively low. If you don't want to be bothered...have them take you off their call list.
If that's all Sweeney makes....he needs a better bargaining agent:D:

Oh Yeah, you are correct.........I overstated the number of union members....I got the membership number off their website....and as YOU said "they are ALWAYS INFLATED".
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I wonder if we could get Ted Nugent to run for pres of the NRA or maybe even the U.S.? :D

There you go.
A bona fide conservative. ....who speaks without regards to PC.
Let's work on this.........Nugent/ Palin in 2012!

A "Nuge" State-of the - Union would be something to behold.
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Very few

NRA members decline their magazine of choice. No one in his/her right mind is going to believe 2.3 million NRA members choose to decline their choice of magazine. Why don't you give up on the union thing. You have made clear to everyone, your hate for anyone affiliated with unions. I doubt seriously, that anyone cares. The only threads you respond to are ones of a political nature.
Bashing the NRA

Like it or not, the NRA is one of those grass roots organizations that has the political clout and membership to counter those who seek to disarm us. Wayne LaPierre is a very articulate speaker for the rights of gun owners and listening to some of the criticism, on this site, is unfounded. When we start division in our own ranks, it just makes it easier to allow the anti gunners to attack our weakness. This is not the time to fight among ourselves but to stand united because the forces allied against us are determined, with the help of our liberal leadership, to try and defeat us.

Lou Baccino
New member

I joined the NRA last year for the first time in over 20 years. I had a major disagreement in the support of certain ammunition after a friend that was a police officer was shot to death with armor piecing handgun bullets that went through his vest. Sorry, I just don't see the need for the general public to have these but that is a different debate. I did continue to support the NRA at the local level and have brought my share of the annual tickets for the various local fundraisers. Even made it to a banquet or two.

After the politic change change last fall, I decide it was time to step up and join again or I did. Since that day, I have pretty much been regretting doing it. Their junk mail tops that of credit card companies a few years ago. I have been "signed up" and billed for two types of insurance that I didn't ask for and I am still trying to cancel a policy I didn't start. The bills stating payment past due keep showing up. It reminds me of the magazine subscriptions that bill you without requesting anything.

I am a member of two professional societies associated with my career. One is small and is a joy to be a member of. The other is larger and shares the same tactics as the NRA. Massive mailing campaigns and continuous phone calls when a crisis (such as a potential bill) occurs stating money is "required" to defeat this bill. This professional society is 225,000 members, much smaller than the NRA. I served as a officer and represented our state in national meetings for several years and participated at the higher levels in the organization. I quickly learned that the grassroots original organization was only a small part of a non-profit corporation. The organization was thriving on money generated from subscriptions, insurance, and others things. 10s of millions in income yearly. It has become a self-feeding monster. The more the side-promotions bring in, the more staff they hire to do more of them. I personally knew a person that served as the national president. They had absolutely no role in the true decisions that ran the organization. The chairman and the board of directors made all of the true choices. Decisions were being made solely based on what could bring in the most amount of money to the non-profit. I suspect the NRA has turned into such as organization. How much endowment money does the NRA have? Why isn't more of this being used to change public opinion in a way it counts: such as building public gun ranges, offering firearms safety classes, teaching self-defense classes to the public, getting more youth and young adults involved.

I will have to think hard about rejoining this fall. I personally think lobbyist and special interest groups are part of the part problem in this politic mess with our county. I will continue to contact my elected officials and state my view on 2nd amendment legislation. I will continue to vote every time the polls are open. There is a fine line between being a fanatic and sportsman.

Off the soap-box and open to the hall of comments you wish to throw, tiny
If they want something

It's different, if you need information, they disappear. They are no help at all. I only renew my membership on it's aniversary date.
I had the nra come..........

to a club I belonged to for a "range improvement assesment". The guy got out of his car, walked around, said, "You should do this, you should do that". I'm figuring this guy's going to send us a report, after all, we were PAYING the nra. Nothing did we ever hear from them. So, about a year later, another committee member had them come down (I was out of state) same thing!! So, I called them to come back. Another guy comes out, so I meet him, same crap, walks around, talking, so I asked him why he wasn't taking photos for a report to us, so we could document what they felt we had to work on, then we could allocate funds to get going on the improvements. "Oh, well, we just look around & make suggestions.....No written report..." I told him, "Well, partner, don' LOOK no farther, just get in yer car & LOOK at that road, an' don't BOTHER sending that bill, either!!" I told the club NOT to pay that bill when it came in, because we weren't getting ANYTHING for that money!
And the last time they wanted to hit me up for a membership renewal, my membership had like 5 YEARS to go!!! Nothing like jumpin' the gun!!:rolleyes:
Like it or not, the NRA is one of those grass roots organizations that has the political clout and membership to counter those who seek to disarm us. Wayne LaPierre is a very articulate speaker for the rights of gun owners and listening to some of the criticism, on this site, is unfounded. When we start division in our own ranks, it just makes it easier to allow the anti gunners to attack our weakness. This is not the time to fight among ourselves but to stand united because the forces allied against us are determined, with the help of our liberal leadership, to try and defeat us.

Lou Baccino's sad to see that some of us must whine about being inconvenienced by the NRA. Perhaps they don't see the formidable force that is about to turn their world upside down. I don't have the problems they contend.
I choose to pay annually, as I don't want to give ANY organization a carte-blanche to use my membership as an approval of their policies. As long as the NRA is in-sync with my idealogy, I will continue to renew annually. And I will offer a ILA contribution when I deem necessary.
My math

NRA members decline their magazine of choice. No one in his/her right mind is going to believe 2.3 million NRA members choose to decline their choice of magazine. Why don't you give up on the union thing. You have made clear to everyone, your hate for anyone affiliated with unions. I doubt seriously, that anyone cares. The only threads you respond to are ones of a political nature.

This is just an approximation,since there are various levels of membership, but it gives us an idea of the amount of dues it requires to come in proximity to a KNOWN number i.e. $205 mil.(wikipedia)
4mil members x $35 dues= $140 mil
Their annual income in "04 was $205 mil
Using YOUR figure: 1.7 mil x $35 =$59mil

So, using your number means one hell of a lot of soliciting on NRA's part........and judging by some of these posts, I really don't think they're THAT successful.

All the sources I could find state 4 mil as the current membership,except one lib blog lists it at 3 mil.

I don't hate anybody.

But, when I see misinformation , I call it out.

You are the one hanging his hat on some USPS number of publications....I'm saying that is a poor correlation to true membership.

You do realize that they put out at least 4 different publications. Your USPS numbers must be in error.........lest there be several million dissed subscribers.

One must wonder why a shooting sports enthusiast would continually denigrate the NRA.
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I always read the NRA magazines at the library. I used to be a member, and generally support their goals.

However, as we went into the election last November, I did get a little uncomfortable with the extreme bias of NRA leaders against one of the candidates. Some of the editorials were little better than polemics against this guy.

As a service organization for the nation's sportsmen, I'm not sure it is necessary to paint yourself into a "far-right corner."

Even so, I do support their goals, and I may consider joining the organization once again. Although I might be happier joining a similar sportsman's organization that is not so polarized and extreme politically. Can anybody suggest one?

Everyone at NRA seems convinced that the new president will take away our guns -- or try. This remains to be seen. He stated before the election that he would NOT do this.
Give it a rest LHSmith

Spin how you choose to. The NRAs biggest contributions come via telephone and big donations. Each and every site you find showing the membership numbers, is related in some fashion to the NRA. The USPS is not. I'm a member of the NRA, but disagree with most of what they do, and their reasons to fight only battles they are certain to win.
Obambi hasn't taken our guns YET, but he's floated making a new assault weapon's ban permanent, and various other "ideas" that Holder or one of the other flunkies puts forth. I've heard people complain that the NRA is right wing, but they gave both Montana's Senators A ratings and they're both Democrats.

Judging a politician, any politician, by what they SAY instead of what they've DONE is like believing in fairy tales and Santa Claus. ONE of the candidates had pretty much shown that he was about as anti-gun as anyone can be.

The NRA concerns themselves with gun related laws and regulations, and it doesn't matter what party anyone is if they are against more laws or regulations.
Hey, Larry............

nra gave both Montana's senators an "A" rating, BUUUUUUUTTT, the MSSA said, ".....those guys always make pro-gun noises, but when a must-have piece of anti-gun legislation comes along, those guys will always provide the swing vote." Bottom line, don't trust 'em as far as you can see'em; But remember, ila says they're "...staunch pro-gun senators..." Yeah, right.:rolleyes:
I havent belonged to nra in three years, had it ready to mail to rejoin and laying here, started reading these posts and remembered why I dropped it to begin with. They go too far to the right on occasions, ask for money too much, and always seem to have a crisis going. I think I will just let it lay.
nra gave both Montana's senators an "A" rating, BUUUUUUUTTT, the MSSA said, ".....those guys always make pro-gun noises, but when a must-have piece of anti-gun legislation comes along, those guys will always provide the swing vote." Bottom line, don't trust 'em as far as you can see'em; But remember, ila says they're "...staunch pro-gun senators..." Yeah, right.:rolleyes:

Well, they both told Holder that a new AWB wouldn't get their vote along with 63 other Democrats as I remember. I think that Baucus learned his lesson when he voted for Clinton's AWB and caught holy heck for it.