Now that was a halftime show!

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Ahhh Memory Lane. Told the wife anyone under 50 wouldn't recognize the music. Actually very refreshing :D
Told the wife anyone under 50 wouldn't recognize the music. :D

I beg your pardon! Is that like anyone under 175 wouldn't recognize Beethoven? I'm well under 50 and have at least twenty Who songs on my Ipod! Long live the windmill guitar!;)
Thank goodness I can remember the Stones fantasic performance a few years ago. This just didn't cut it, and I'm 66. IMHO
One of the worst halftime shows I've ever suffered through...

Off key, off beat, I'd rather remember the Who of the 70's.
Off key, off beat, I'd rather remember the Who of the 70's.

True, all true...... in fact I think they lip-sync'd parts of it......but these guys are 70yrs old and ROCKIN'!!!!!!!!

can't touch that.

I did wait with bated breath when 'Who Are You' came on though, thinking "noooooo, please don't do it!!"

And they didn't.

Good show, hilarious ads, great game.

The first couple of songs sounded like Roger was trying to sing louder than the crowd noise but he tamed it down and it sounded better nearer the end.
My father said Roger couldn't carry a tune if it was in a bucket.
The Go Daddy ads were good.
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When Mr. Daltree sings My Generation, does he keep a straight face when he says "I hope I die before I get old?"

Or does he always have a straight face 'cuz of the Botox? I miss Keith and John.
Horrible music, I would have been much happier watching the cheerleaders.;)
Bad Show

Aging Rock Stars are a lot like aging athletes, they simply cannot come to grips with the fact that age catches up with everybody. That wasn't The Who, that was a bunch of old men trying to be what The Who once was. It ain't workin'.

Heck, those guys are as old as I am.:D.

A while back, I saw Rob Stewart on some show. Now, ole Rob could really make the women swoon back 30 years ago. But, come on, button that shirt up. Nobody wants to see your old sagging belly as you try to remember the words to your last hit...30 years ago........jackie
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