Lou, how much force do you want to use? We use a round "nut" that takes a pin wrench on most of our barrel nuts (includes the tensioning nut on a tension-barrel rifle). With a glue in & the stock in the way of a conventional pin wrench, you'd need a long, straight pin acting as a lever. The holes in the nut ('bout 6 should cover any eventuality) & the pin would have to take the needed force to break the nut loose. So, just how much force do you need?
Thinking on it, I have had stocks made with a 1.50 barrel channel (Kelbly's will do it). You could make a nut, then, that would allow a strap wrench to break it loose, & have some other way -- pins, maybe? to spin it off fairly quickly... You'd need a special strap wrench, but nothing too hard to make.