New Sporter Class 100 Agg. NBRSA World Record shot at Midland, TX, July 7th 2018.

Mike Bryant

Active member
Congratulations to Charles Huckeba for his new Sporter class 100 aggregate NBRSA world record that the records committee officially scored as a .1449". This eclipses the previous record of .1573" held by Dick Katchmar from April 14, 1985. Charles definitely had a handle on the conditions and his tune that Saturday morning as none of his groups even approached a .200".

Equipment specifics are:
Bat action in Scoville stock
Bartlein 13.8 twist barrel
March scope
Lapua cases filled with 29.2 gr of 133 topped off with Charle's 68gr BT bullet
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Charles Huckeba

For some reason, this comes as no surprise to me. If you know anything about Charles Huckeba. You know that when he sits down at the bench, at a benchrest match. Records are in jeopardy. Congrats Sir Charles. Awesome.
