New Northern Missouri Club


Gene Ford

This is to inform all the interested shooters that we have been approved by the IBS, we will be up and running as soon as we can get all the work done. :)

We wish to thank Jim Borden for his input and his support of the forming of the new club.

As new information becomes available we will post it here on Benchrest Central.

Gene Ford
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As you might already know if you have been following the weather in Missouri, it is still raining every day or two, but not to worry there is work being done on the new range. There is plenty to do besides the dirt work that needs to be done. As soon as it does however dry a bit the berms and firing line will go in. I will keep you updated on the progress.

Hi Neil,

The club will be located at Spickard Missouri just 3/4 mile west of 65 highway. I will have to get you an address of the farm that is on, I don't have it at this time. As things take shape I will put up a map to the farm that it is located on. They are working on a web site which I will also post when it is up and running. Hope to see you at a match there if we can ever get it to dry out long enough to get the dirt work done. Thank you for your intrest.

Hello Gene!

This is very good news.

Is this the only way you will shoot with me again?:D

Hi Darrell,


Once this is up and going I will probably start doing some traveling again. You are more than welcome to come shoot up here when we get started, bring Jerry and Jacob Hurt with you. Looks like they have some pretty hot guns working down there. A 100 score in a shoot off at 1000 yards, wow, that is tuff. If you see Rick tell him I said come on up also.

Well we finally have some good news at the new range, that being that it has been dry enough to get the berms and the shooting line dirt work done. They are now packed and settling. We are getting ready to build the target boards and the benches. As soon as I get the information I will post a work day if someone would like to help out.

I was able to visit the new range site today, as you will see I was given some bad information. The firing line is in and we are putting the finishing touches on it. Shortly we will have the steel post in for the benches, but no target berms as yet, but that should not take long to get done. Here is a picture of the new range looking from behind the firing line to the south where the 600 and 1000 target berms will be placed.


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Hopefully I can make it down your way.

In your description of the range, does it mean you're shooting due south?

Also, where're you gonna plug in your house?

Hi Al,
I hope you can make a shoot at the new range when it is up and running also. To answer your question, yes you will be shooting pretty much due south, haven't put a compass to it but it won't be off by much. Much the same as south Missouri or Iowa clubs lay out I would say.

KD, the owner has said he will be putting in several RV drops at the range, so pulgging my home should not be a problem. My problem is going to be paying for the fuel to get it there.

If you have more questions feel free to e-mail me at

Thanks for your intrest.

Just a quick update on the new range we are putting starting in Northern Missouri. The weather has us at a stand still; the weather forecast looks favorable to get the rest of the dirt work done before much longer. The tops and target frames will be going in shortly. We are hoping to hold a match by fall. Board of Directors and officers are now in place so if Mother Nature will just dry things out we should be accomplishing the tasks at hand. By the way the club name is North Missouri Border Regulators or NMBR for short. I will post more as things progress further.

Will this range have pits, I believe I remember it will be both 1000 and 600.
I am very interested it is about the same distance as Ft. Pierre and 50 miles further than Byers for me. Anything for the wife to do in the area if I drag her along to a match?

There will not be pits at this time, but that is not to say it will not be a consideration in the future, and yes it will be 600 and 1000 yard range. There is the Amish town of Jamesport to the southwest that is full of hand crafted goodies, antique shops and some good restaurants with bake goods done on kerosene stoves, so if she is into that the answer would be yes. It does not look like we are going to be able to have and IBS match this year, but will have a full season for 2009. We are trying to get things ready and will hopfully have a come see the range match and meet the officers later this fall, as it stands now it would be a free match, and a chance for the crew to get some pratice in. We would like to see you, and all intrested parties there if at all possible. I will post more on it as information becomes available.

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Darn and I was hoping for a late October/early November match, a guy needs something to help him hold out to the Spring matches.:D

Thank You for the information Gene.


You could be right, you know how it goes when you turn a bunch of North Missouri Hill Williams loose with a bunch of guns. If it stops long enough we will shoot at it, notice I said at it, heck we even get lucky once in awhile and hit it. When we get this up and running, would like to see you and some of the Hawks Ridge shooters at a match here in the future. You do know we are bordered by eight states, just never can be to careful.

new MO range

Hi Gene, long time no see, you must have a worthy venture going there, I see the picture of ole DEE doing some digging, & a picture is worth a thousand words, you know?
Good to hear you have a new range going, and I'll try to drag some few of the KNOXVILLE crowd down there to check you out in da spring.
Steve Long.
Hi Steve,
Thank you, but we are moving at a snails pace right now, seems everytime we get something started it rains on us. We are hopping to have a fun shoot this fall if we can get things put together. I will be looking forward to seeing you at a match this spring.

NMBR Range

Gene, yes, please send me an email as you get closer to the fall practice match, and I will drag some folks down there & visit your new digs.
I'll make sure all the Knoxville crowd knows about it at our season-ender Aug 23.