New Northern Missouri Club

Thank you for your interest, as soon as I have some firm information I will be glad to e-mail it to you. Right now it looks like we may be able to get it in mid October time frame. I will keep all informed as to progress we are making.

There is some progress at the new range, but it is slow. Seems everytime we get something going it rains us out. We now have the firing line lowered about a foot and looking better. We are soon to put in the concrete floor and put up the blocks for the bench tops. Once that is done it will be on to the target lines, hopefully it won't be as hard to get the work done on them as it has been on the firing line, maybe it will dry out and let us get some more of the work done.
Hey Boss Hoss, Rich says we can use any bullet we want as long as it comes in a green box and says Sierra on it.:D

At this time I am not sure if we will be able to get one in or not. I need to get with K.D. the owner and see what he thinks the latest we can do one is. It will be an informal one of course. Hope to do both a 600 and 1000 yard match if possible. I have shot a couple of matches where the temp was below zero and survived, but can not say it was the most fun I have ever had shooting. As soon as I can get the information I will post it here.

Sure would be interested in any updates on this range.
Match schedule sure would be nice. I doubt I could make every match, but I would sure like to make a couple this year.
