New IBS Grand-Agg Record ...


At the Vermont State Championship (Yards) this weekend in St. Johnsbury, Randy Jarvais put up a 250/22X on Saturday and an amazing 250/18X at 200 yards on Sunday for a tentative new IBS record agg of 500/40X.

To make this feat even more impressive, only two of 22 shooters stayed "clean" at 200 yards in very pesky conditions.

Congratulations to Randy.

Full results are up on IBS site.
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Hats off to Orland Bunker as well.

Hats off to Orland Bunker as well.
With 22 shooters in VFS and 6 in Hunter Orland's fine 500-27x score was second only to Randy, and Orland did it with a Hunter class rifle with a 6X scope.
Really wished that Dad and I could have been there to see Randy set the record. 18x's at 200! Awesome! Couldn't happen to a nicer guy and congrats to Orland as well.
Excellent shooting!
Way To GO Bunk!

You had the system working, that's for sure. That's getting er done! Congratulations.


I truly appreciate the kind words, thank you. It was about as perfect a day's shooting as I have ever had. I was able to avoid screwing up what the equipment was trying so hard to accomplish. I hope the esteemed committee finds the results the same as the people involved this past weekend. I was fortunate enough to tie the record when it was set at 38x but didn't know that until later as I don't think in terms of records. To think that I may have done what no other has, blows me away. You don't get the opportunity to "dance with the stars" without a lot of help from others. I am fortunate to have a Jim Borden Rimrock that has always been competitive regardless of the barrel. I have had quality bullets from Robinette and in this case, Allie Euber. Jim Borden, Allie Euber, the departed Rick DeMaro, Butch Randall and others have shared their knowledge knowing that I may someday beat them at their own game because of what they shared! What other sport does that for newbies?? I apologize to the people I forgot to acknowledge as obviously there are many more and I again thank all of you. Randy J.
Congratulations, Randy - yer efforts have paid off! :cool: Hey, Orland, that's "TALL cotton" with any rig - for a Hunter rifle, truly a GREAT effort! :)RG
Randy and Bunk

Great shooting. Randy, hope your score holds up. Bunk, you better get all the Hills bullets you can get fore they're all gone!

Ps I wonder if Vermont holds the record for grand agg records?
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Congrads To Randy & Bunk!!

Want to tell both you guys that u put on an awesome performance in VT. I'm glad that I was fortunate to be there. I have the honor to shoot with both these guy's in Maine. Bunk is Bunk what can I say. Always smiling, always willing to go out of his way to help anyone. He probably has helped more people get into this sport than anyone I know. I salute u Bunk! Randy on the other hand is a pure machine. When he gets to the range and puts his game face on, LOOK OUT! You might as well just try to shoot for a 2nd place finish because when he's there that's as high as your going to get! Being a rookie my first impression of Randy was that he was unapproachable. But after him inviting me over his house, he is a totally different person when he's not shooting. He is a very intense, competitive person when he gets to that range, but once he's done shooting, he takes his gameface off and he's just one of the guys. To show you what a classy person he is, When I won my first and only match in VT on August 17th, he sent me an e-mail congradulating me on my very first win. That meant a lot to me, a real lot. I EVEN THANKED RANDY FOR NOT SHOWING UP SO I HAD AT LEAST A CHANCE OF WINNING! LOL! I SAUTE U ALSO RANDY, YOUR A GREAT GUY AND A GREAT SHOOTER! PS: GREAT JOB AT THE MAINE STATES 200 & 300 YARDER! YOU WON BOTH YARDAGES, THE GRAND AGG, & MAINE SHOOTER OF THE YEAR! LIFE IS GOOD AIN'T IT!
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