NBRSA Varmint For Score Passes

jackie schmidt

New member
Welcome from Saint Louis.

The NBRSA Board of Directors voted to establish Varmint for Score as a Registered Class, on a one year provisional bases.

What this means is that Clubs will be able to hold Varmint for Score Matches sanctioned by the NBRSA, with all privleges.

That's the good part.

Now, it is time for all of the Shooters who backed this agenda item who are not members of the NBRSA to now be willing to join the organization, (NBRSA), and most of all, be willing to support the clubs who are willing to hold the Matches.

The Clubs also have the responsibility to be willing to hold these Matches as well. If Clubs are not willing to put forth the effeort required, then shooters will have no place to participate, regardless of their enthusiasm.

A key part in this is the individule Match Directors.

The NBRSA has taken taken the first step, and a Major one. It is now up to us, the Shooters, to see if Varmint for Score will indeed work as part of the NBRSA Format.

We have one year to make it work. The ball is now in the Clubs, Match Directors, and Shooters Court.........jackie
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Thanks, Jackie

Like I told you a few weeks back, I'd join if VFS was voted in. I have the envelope with the form and check on my desk to be mailed Monday. The form notes that my membership is one year, provisional.


That wasn't clear. I just noted it on my form to echo Jackie's statement that the vote for VFS was 1-year, provisional. I guess that's the way I view my new membership.

... an attempt (weak) at a little humor.

The Clubs also have the responsibility to be willing to hold these Matches as well.

I disagree Jackie. Each club and match director has the right to decide whether or not they will hold VFS matches. I don't think there should be any pressure to force this on clubs or match directors. I my short time shooting NBRSA groop events I've developed a great respect for the time and effort each match director invests to help us enjoy this great sport. Most have been doing it for many years. If a particular club or match director does not want to hold VFS then that is OK by me. To each his own.
I have shot both at the Denton range and I like both equally. I think it is great fun to try to hit that little dot. Course it is also fun to shoot very small groups Just another way to chase that blasted accuracy bug.:D

Welcome from Saint Louis.

The NBRSA Board of Directors voted to establish Varmint for Score as a Registered Class, on a one year provisional bases.

What this means is that Clubs will be able to hold Varmint for Score Matches sanctioned by the NBRSA, with all privleges.

That's the good part.

Now, it is time for all of the Shooters who backed this agenda item who are not members of the NBRSA to now be willing to join the organization, (NBRSA), and most of all, be willing to support the clubs who are willing to hold the Matches.

The Clubs also have the responsibility to be willing to hold these Matches as well. If Clubs are not willing to put forth the effeort required, then shooters will have no place to participate, regardless of their enthusiasm.

A key part in this is the individule Match Directors.

The NBRSA has taken taken the first step, and a Major one. It is now up to us, the Shooters, to see if Varmint for Score will indeed work as part of the NBRSA Format.

We have one year to make it work. The ball is now in the Clubs, Match Directors, and Shooters Court.........jackie

Jackie,as President of a 930 member club,the ball is in the shooters court,we will not lose money to put on a match ,score or group,if the shooters do not take to it,we will not hold matches and lose money,we simply cannot do it and spend our members money.
so,it's up to the shooters to shoot and keep it going ,if they don't,we all lose.
At the Austin(TX) Rifle Club we have been very fortunate to have a very progressive and forward thinking Hunter Benchrest Director by the name of Virg Howarth. Virg developed the Factory, Modified, VFS, and Hunter Benchrest classes to appeal to as many shooters as possible. If you're looking for some competition, and fun at the same time, and you would like to shoot at the Hunter target, chances are you'll fit into one of those classes. When some of the members began acquiring true benchrest quality rifles, and were ready to move out of the Modified class, he created VFS locally. I guess you could say he was cool :cool: before VFS became cool :cool: within the NBRSA. Thanks Virg !!! Art :)
Jackie,as President of a 930 member club,the ball is in the shooters court,we will not lose money to put on a match ,score or group,if the shooters do not take to it,we will not hold matches and lose money,we simply cannot do it and spend our members money.
so,it's up to the shooters to shoot and keep it going ,if they don't,we all lose.

Be sure to post your schedule so shooters will know where and when.

I've run the IBS VFS match at the Gallatin Gun Club for two seasons. We charge $10 per yardage & $10 range fee for a total of $30 per match. I pay my stepson to help setup, tear down and run targets. We also provide lunch and of course, the trophies & targets. We ended up last year with enough surplus to fund the targets and the first match this year. We will break even or make a little this season. I don't see how a match with any decent attendance at all will lose money.

If you do as Adrian says and publicise the matches, people will participate. If they don't you are right, it won't work, but it won't be your fault.


Jackie,as President of a 930 member club,the ball is in the shooters court,we will not lose money to put on a match ,score or group,if the shooters do not take to it,we will not hold matches and lose money,we simply cannot do it and spend our members money.
so,it's up to the shooters to shoot and keep it going ,if they don't,we all lose.
You might consider

what has gone on in Connecticut with the two matches Mike has put on this summer. He has had people turn out, both experienced and new folks. Some folks have traveled quite a distance to attend. He did it right, published his dates and affiliated with a nationally known orginization. I visited his match last Saturday to help him a bit if I could as I had a wedding to attend that afternoon so couldn't shoot.

People there liked it and some even stepped up to help run the match; impressive for a beginning I thought. I even heard some talking about chambering up a 30 barrel for next year. ;) :D
I've run the IBS VFS match at the Gallatin Gun Club for two seasons. We charge $10 per yardage & $10 range fee for a total of $30 per match. I pay my stepson to help setup, tear down and run targets. We also provide lunch and of course, the trophies & targets. We ended up last year with enough surplus to fund the targets and the first match this year. We will break even or make a little this season. I don't see how a match with any decent attendance at all will lose money.

If you do as Adrian says and publicise the matches, people will participate. If they don't you are right, it won't work, but it won't be your fault.


Rick,the score matches did ok,the last group match did bad,we had 17 shooters to shoot sporter and unlimited reginoal,we simply do not have enough ul shooters to justify running it.
The attendence has been down the last 2 years,but that last match cost us about $400 in the hole.
The score matches only cost us the targets,but group matches cost us paying a target crew of 4,a scorer and range master,we pay all of them plus plaques and targets.
something has to change and UL class is a loser.
Rick,the score matches did ok,the last group match did bad,we had 17 shooters to shoot sporter and unlimited reginoal,we simply do not have enough ul shooters to justify running it.
The attendence has been down the last 2 years,but that last match cost us about $400 in the hole.
The score matches only cost us the targets,but group matches cost us paying a target crew of 4,a scorer and range master,we pay all of them plus plaques and targets.
something has to change and UL class is a loser.

This is what concerns me; what impact score matches will have on group matches. I wonder what the data would show for ranges that were historically group shooting ranges and added score matches later on - did the group shooting suffer?

I got into benchrest for the addiction of trying to shoot small groups - extreme accuracy. I am sure score shooting is both fun and challenging; however, I'd hate to see group shooting suffer as a result of trying to run both at the same range. Only time will tell.

Rick,the score matches did ok,the last group match did bad,we had 17 shooters to shoot sporter and unlimited reginoal,we simply do not have enough ul shooters to justify running it.
The attendence has been down the last 2 years,but that last match cost us about $400 in the hole.
The score matches only cost us the targets,but group matches cost us paying a target crew of 4,a scorer and range master,we pay all of them plus plaques and targets.
something has to change and UL class is a loser.

consider what we have done in Maine this year running IBS score matches...a plaques for 1st place in each of 3 classes, printed certificates for 2nd and 3rd. No grumblings about that. It saves each club some money, puts that money into a little bit of match profit for the range which is important in enticing the ranges to continue with matches. That profit helps in range up keep, taxes, insurance, etc. Worth a look. --Greg
If folks are having fun

This is what concerns me; what impact score matches will have on group matches. I wonder what the data would show for ranges that were historically group shooting ranges and added score matches later on - did the group shooting suffer?

I got into benchrest for the addiction of trying to shoot small groups - extreme accuracy. I am sure score shooting is both fun and challenging; however, I'd hate to see group shooting suffer as a result of trying to run both at the same range. Only time will tell.

How is there any suffering? I think sometimes we forget these Orginizations exist for the memberships to have fun. no one I am aware of, as a shooter, is making a living from Benchrest shooting in any form. To be one sided about what form the competition should be is not in the best interest of the membership, IMHO. Peopel will gravitate to what they like best. One can decide rather on not they believe the competition of the game being offered is worthy of their participation.

I must say, I have been opposed to the 2 day format for Score shooting and was opposed to the 4 day format of the Score 100-200 Nationals. After participating in it, I have changed my mind. The 4 day Nationals gave me the OPPORTUNITY to participat in all 3 sanctioned Score classes; something I would not have been able to do otherwise.

Change, even though unpalatable on the surface sometimes, is bound to happen and sometimes one finds that it tastes pretty good. :)
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