My reason for shooting Rimfire Benchrest

I enjoy shooting, but I enjoy winning even better. To win, you must have a gun that is set up to get the most from it and that is where the "technican stuff" becomes very important. To prove that what you say is correct, you need to shoot and win to get the respect. I have almost quit posting because someone that doesen't shoot competively wants to tell every one what they are doing wrong and subject that shooter to a "cross examition". I have little respect for a "keyboard shooter".

BINGO!!!! we have a winner
for mr. pollard

if a person shoots for 4 hours a day 5-7 days a week are they a keyboard shooter?
do they have to shoot in competition? are experiences learned at the range in practice
not worth anything?
If you enough money for all that ammo, you should compete. it'll probubly be cheaper.
if a person shoots for 4 hours a day 5-7 days a week are they a keyboard shooter?
do they have to shoot in competition? are experiences learned at the range in practice
not worth anything?

Why certainly they are, they can be more valuable. I believe where we get into trouble is when info gets posted that's just plain contrary to established practice or misunderstood because occaisionaly something happens at a cute little home range/tunnel that's never replicated anywhere else ever. Hell shooting just for shooting's sake is great, it's probably, however, going to be tough to accept someone as a self proffessed expert until you get out of your comfort zone and see how this stuff works, matches are the ultimate crucible. How many times have you gone somewhere and heard "man this gun just hammers at home, I don't know what happened".
Our own expert on matters of tuning has great results not many have seen. He has, I believe, tuned one gun shot at a big match that ran, middle of the pack. What exactly does this prove other that he's a pain in the ass? Hell I like to shoot matches if for no other reason I can't think of anywhere I can learn more by simple observation.
I like to shoot, both practice, fun and competition. I use the information I gather in practice and fun, to shoot my best in competition. I shoot competition, at organized events, at various ranges, public or private to support the people that have invested their hard earned money and sometimes family saving to provide a safe place to shoot, BS and get my belly filled with great food. Thanks and hats off to all the range owners and operators.
just wondered partly because i'm sure alot of people on here don't shoot alot
of competition all the time, so i guess they shouldn't ever post.
most people who shoot in competition don't win, there's only one winner and a
lot of losers, so i guess they shouldn't ever post.
it says rimfire benchrest guys on the forum heading not rimfire benchrest competition or rimfire benchrest competition winners.
and if you shouldn't be posting if you don't shoot in competition then why should everyone listen to some people (you know who) who never shoot in competition?
i guess we need a special forum for the guys who know everything. i bet there'll
be a lot of posts. not.
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tom C
I think of a keyboard shooter as someone that makes posts that are incorrect. they make statement that go something like " I have a bone stock 10/22 and can shoot 1/2 inch groups all day long using $2.00 a box ammo at 50 yards". I saw another one that said he didn't understand why someone would buy a $700 borescope when a $ 100 bore sighter would do the same job for $ 600 less. Experienced shooters know they are wrong, but do the people new to the sport of shooting also know they are wrong? I can list many examples, but that should get the idea across, I think.
Or our favorite PA based expert that, to the best of anybody's knowledge, does'nt actually own a BR .22. Now it should be noted that in this particular example it was the late great Bill Myers that coined the term for our friend.
so do you guys think they should have a rimfire benchrest competition forum
like the centerfire guys have for the truly serious competition shooter?
then maybe the regular rimfire benchrest forum could be for the guys that
just enjoy shooting. i think that's what beau was hoping to create, but sometimes
things just don't work out as planned. thanks for your thoughts, hope you have a
nice thanksgiving.
just wondered partly because i'm sure alot of people on here don't shoot alot
of competition all the time, so i guess they shouldn't ever post.
Most people who shoot in competition don't win, there's only one winner and a
lot of losers, so i guess they shouldn't ever post.
It says rimfire benchrest guys on the forum heading not rimfire benchrest competition or rimfire benchrest competition winners.
and if you shouldn't post if you don't shoot in competition then why should everyone listen to some people (you know who) who never shoot in competition?
i guess we need a special forum for the guys who know everything. I bet there'll
be a lot of posts. Not.

what !!!!!!!!!!!!!
not you. it was a little confusing i edited it i hope it helped.
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so do you guys think they should have a rimfire benchrest competition forum
like the centerfire guys have for the truly serious competition shooter?
then maybe the regular rimfire benchrest forum could be for the guys that
just enjoy shooting. i think that's what beau was hoping to create, but sometimes
things just don't work out as planned. thanks for your thoughts, hope you have a
nice thanksgiving.

I have participated on the Centerfire Forums for a long time. The same is true there as here. Before there were three forums some people who had serious questions based on the level they were shooting at were often ridiculed by some. I know from participating in a number of disciplines there is a huge difference in the levels of competition and equipment. It makes a big difference if one is trying to hit a dot the size of a Fly Speck or a 2" ring. This is where a lot of the conflict comes in.

I don't have any suggestions as to what title another RF Forum might have that would cover the Position shooters, the Shilouet shooters, the 100 and 200 yd shooters , etc but perhaps if there was a forum for them some of this heartburn could be avoided. One thing is clear, folk should be warned, somehow, that there is one forum that deals with Benchrest only, be it 50 yds, 50 Meters or whatever as long as the goal is to make each bullet go into the same bullet hole, so to speak.

I believe the Competition Only forum helped with the Centerfire folks; didn't totally cure things but topics do get separated, for the most part. Of course there is always the General Forum non Benchrest competitors could use now.

This Forum DOES say Rimfire Benchrest, doesn't it? Eh?
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Well I'll tell you one thing. I came to this many years ago from a center fire BR background, still shoot CF all year in IBS and club winter league matches. In the .22 world there seems to be a far higher BS theory. There's a lot of cloak and dagger BS on all manner of ammo, equipment, technique, and we also entertain opinions both plus and minus on the all time pied piper of shooting sports which may be a good thing or a bad thing. You can't make this stuff up and apparantly it does'nt develop as much in other bench sports.
Well I'll tell you one thing. I came to this many years ago from a center fire BR background, still shoot CF all year in IBS and club winter league matches. In the .22 world there seems to be a far higher BS theory. There's a lot of cloak and dagger BS on all manner of ammo, equipment, technique, and we also entertain opinions both plus and minus on the all time pied piper of shooting sports which may be a good thing or a bad thing. You can't make this stuff up and apparantly it does'nt develop as much in other bench sports.

Perhaps if we were able to load our own ammo, the Pied Pipers and cloak & dagger stuff would go away, to some degree. Rifles certainly would be less expensive.

I like the lo noise and recoil of Rimfire I guess. I also think it is tougher to figure out conditions but that makes it interesting.
Well I'll tell you one thing. I came to this many years ago from a center fire BR background, still shoot CF all year in IBS and club winter league matches. In the .22 world there seems to be a far higher BS theory. There's a lot of cloak and dagger BS on all manner of ammo, equipment, technique, and we also entertain opinions both plus and minus on the all time pied piper of shooting sports which may be a good thing or a bad thing. You can't make this stuff up and apparantly it does'nt develop as much in other bench sports.

If i read this correct i do have to somewhat to agree with Tim.... as a rimfire "learner" it does seem a bit of "hoke-us-spokes" to rimfire that i can see no need for......... joe
I think that breathing in the combustion gases of RF lube causes early dementia.

It certainly causes loss of control and to buying very expensive doo-dads and ammo and some confusion as to what is fact and what is fiction.
