My friends, Kathy



My friends:

Can a flush mounted muzzle device "stop the muzzle"?

In other words, can a muzzle device, (which most folks call a barrel tuner) that is located flush, or behind, the muzzle, stop the muzzle?

Your friend, Bill Calfee
I do not think you can ‘Always’ stop the muzzle with A "Muzzle Device" on one setting.
Now there is a possibility that DJ will disagree? He told me he sets and forgets.
(Maybe I need DJ to tune my rifles?):confused:

Bill come on down to Lower L.A, that's Lower Alabama and I'll show you. I'll even feed you a Liverwurst on Rye while I show you. I use a Fudd Flush Mount on the gun I speak of.:p
Bill I think you know that you could ever stop the barrel. I think the the grain structure of the barrel,the matreial that it is made of has a lot to do with the resonance frequencies it made of,you may distort in one area,but may have resonant else where.I stand to be corrected. When you are up to your axx in Alligators.It is difficult to renember that the Initial Objective was to drain the Swamp
I "Gots" to Know

It sure would be great if we knew the wax answer before we started down the next quest. ;)

Hey Bill, did Tom F. ever shoot you a picture of the gun he shot for the world record UNL agg., the one with the 3 sided bbl and the tuner set about 8 inches back from the muzzle? I guess that would make it a yes.
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The Parallel Node, Calfee
My dear centerfire friends:

If it were not for the fact that a "parallel node" exsists in the vibration pattern of a rifle barrel when fired, a muzzle attached , adjustable weight, would have very little affect in improving accuracy.

The parallel node does exsist, and when a proper weight, for the size of the barrel, is properly positioned "forward" of the muzzle, the exact center of the parallel node will be at the crown. The muzzle will then be stopped.

My dear centerfire friends, these are the facts. I have placed this information on this forum as a service to you. I love accuracy, just as you do.

Either now, or at some time in the future, your muzzle attached barrel tuners will be configured as I have outlined. Not because I know anything, I'm just a dumb old feller, but because it's correct.

Your friend, Bill Calfee
If you consider that the tuner absorbs, reconfigures, deflects, etc. the vibration, I would say no. If you're just relying on plain old weight, then it should stop it at least to the extent of any other type of tuner. But I'm just guessing. I never did understand voodoo, withcraft, and incantations.
Friend Beau,
You forgot to add artificial insemination in your post concerning getting the node adjusted to the flush end of the barrel.Thus when it goes off; the barrel becomes dead at the muzzle.
This post has finally come to an end. :eek:
Can a muzzle device that is located either flush, or behind the muzzle perhaps in mid-barrel area, either tighten or loosen groups?

If the groups in fact do change from flush or mid-barrel weights, what does that say about the muzzle?
Bill, One thing i found out. One of my guns needs 3.2 oz of weight on a Harrels tuner. I made one screw in weight out of aluminum and one out of steel. The aluminum which is longer works better. changing back and forth several times to be sure.

What are the dimensions of that barrel? Diameter and length .... from what I have tried and read about, it seems that heavier stiffer barrels need less weight and thinner more flexible barrels need more weight.

According to the tuner designs of the Lost River Technology group - Which work on the Mini-14 style rifles. Yes. At least to the same extent that any other tuner will "stop" the muzzle.

(It can be either parallel, or a node, never both :D)
I doan node what the heck you guys are talking about. Please abort and come on back down here.
I think Bill is trying to help people Not to have to Spin their Tuners during a match. This pratice could distract fellow shooters.:D
My friends

My friends:

Thank you for your fine responses.......

It is impossible for a flush mounted muzzle device to stop the muzzle, no matter how heavy, or light, it is.

Can a flush mounted muzzle device improve accuracy, oh yes. Any weight attached to the muzzle, in any location, slows down muzzle oscillations which increases the potential for improved accuracy.

My friends, there are some very interesting developments taking place at this moment in time, related to muzzle devices.

Therefore, I'd like to ask another question please:

My friends, why must the muzzle dvice be placed forward of the muzzle to be able to completely "stop" the muzzle?

Thanks again for your great posts so far. Your friend, Bill Calfee
Kathy said:
...why must the muzzle dvice be placed forward of the muzzle to be able to completely "stop" the muzzle?
Based on your node theory, I'll WAG that it allows the sine waves to continue through the length of the barrel into the tuner, and the adjustability lets you place the point of least/no motion at the muzzle, while the tuner itself will still wiggle 'n' jiggle from the continued sine wave disco.
Friend Bill, if you have a fishing rod with all the guides in place hold it out with guides up. Give the butt a sharp wrap with the other hand. you'll see all the guides jumping around, but one.This I think is your Node. After reading this post I taped an Asprin bottle in differant places on the rod to see if the Node moved and also what effect a weight hand in differant locations. What surprized me was when the bottle was taped to the very end the guides all moved the same. There was no longer a dead spot in the vibrations. I'm wondering is this what the barrel device does ?
