Bill's method of finding this setting needs a bit of tweaking, I think. Getting the same POI at 44m (I think that's what he said he was shooting at, no?) from two bullets travelling at speeds differing by 40 ft/s seems counter-productive. If they were both fired perfectly they would have different POIs *because* they differed in speed by 40 ft/s. If they're both getting the same POI from the current setting, this says to me that you're still getting too much muzzle movement, and you're not done tweaking yet. Perhaps this method might give a useful starting point. But in theory it wouldn't give you an end point. Once tuned you should get two distinct groups from both speeds, not one group. But both groups should be as good as they'll get, without changing tuning settings for different speeds.
One of the things that stood out to me about this article is they used two masses in their description, two tuners. Confirming the benefit of the mid-barrel mass/tuner, if not the necessity. Haven't poured over the math portions yet, looking forward to reading it all later. Thanks for posting this one! Bookmarked.