Probably wont make the shamrock shoot. I need to do some things here at home and after this coming weekend that will make three weekends away from home. We have a varmint for score shoot in st Louis and i really am looking forward to that. That is still my favorite game. I think you are correct about the higher interest in the 600 yard shooting compared to point blank. We had three relays there in st louis this past saturday for the light guns. Thats a lot of shooters!! there is a lot less pressure at a 600 yard match i think. No reloading, or frustration trying to figure out what load to try next because your rifle isnt shooting a teen agg. " and thats what it takes to win these days most weekends" Also more variety of calibers to try your luck with. The 600 yard stuff is a ton of fun, thats all i really know. Lee
I wasn't complaining about the benches, or making excuses so please dont take all that wrong. If you lean hard against them yes they can move a little, so i just simply, dont lean hard against them. Situation solved!!!! St Louis is a fantastic place to shoot, without question!!!! Lee