Muzzle flush pump pics

I found a thread that a guy is using this one.
cost is more and says it runs on bearings? I don't mind the money and it does come in other threads to. Can it be better and worth the price?

That could have been me. It is not necessary for most people to use that style of rotary coupling though. I have mine hooked during drilling, pre-boring, bolt nose counerbore and chambering. It may see 4k+ rpm so I needed one designed for that. One thing I did do wrong was getting one that can not be run dry. At first I didn't think that was a big deal but have since changed my mind. I will be upgrading to a different Deublin rotary coupling made for machine coolant but can be run dry.

For a manual machine, I'd just get on ebay and search for Deublin rotary couplings until you find one you like. If people have been getting away using swivel connectors for air hoses for years, any rotary coupling should work just fine at the speeds most manual machines will see during chambering.
Even if the Duff-Norton is not supposed to be run dry, with residual cutting oil, the speeds and amount of time most would run a manual machine dry with coupling hooked up, I am betting it would be just fine.