Muzzle brake

Does this mean Alinwa is going to have to teach this to his son?

Vibe in the real world of actually paying people to machine a brake for myself I do have a couple with the rearward facing baffles with a very large angle on them.To my untrained shoulder they don't feel as good as the same brake with the K-P angle on them.
Is this possible? Or is it all in my head? Can I hook a bathroom scale to it or some other cheap way to find out what works best?
Probably not in your head at all. I would wager that where the gas exits the muzzle and hits the brake baffle that it is still almost a 90° angle, instead of something like the Reflex suppressor where there is more of a "tangent", "knife edge" rearward facing entry to "carve" the gas away from it's line of travel. Once you smash all the gas into a flat wall to stop it, the velocity is mostly gone, so redirecting it afterward is not as effective as it would have been had you allowed it to retain most of its speed as it was swept around.
. that said, frame of reference WAS NOT the problem in the Wind Drift Thread! We was all riding the bullet, we just disagree(d) and I STILL contend I'm right on that one........ but we were straying so far from my contention that I felt it best to just drop out, start again another day.

Google "How Bullets Fly" for more than you'll want to know on that.
It's like a boat nosing into the current going across a river..Of course it's a rapidly spinning boat, which makes it harder to ride. :D

And you must admit I pulled out gracefully.... unlike THIS steenking thread where I was just in the WRONG place at the WRONG time! Standing off and looking at it from the outside.

nawww, there's no saving it.

Been there, done that. It's all good. :D
I can see a muzzle brake with a Beggs-type set of tuning discs behind it. And a shroud mounted to the forward tuning disc, a soup can welded to the forward plate which extends out and partially over the brake...... Like a 3/4 suppressor..... covers the first 3 impact surfaces..

Containment of splash....with tunability....

Enough back run to work...(We're only dealing with 3/8" of movement here)

And the soupcan to catch the blast and redirect it forward AFTER the brake has done it's job.

The thing would blow apart in three shots!

Oh Well, back to the old drawing board.....


Hey, I STILL feel good about having learned something new! Nothing like a perspective change to brighten the day..

"It was an attitude A'justment, and it works ev'reee time...."

(Li'l Bocephus thar)
The thing would blow apart in three shots!

Oh Well, back to the old drawing board.....

Possibly, you are dealing with quite a bit of force still at that point. Better to move the "face protector" back a bit more towards mid barrel and let the gasses slow down some more before redirecting it outwards again.
Google "How Bullets Fly" for more than you'll want to know on that.
It's like a boat nosing into the current going across a river..Of course it's a rapidly spinning boat, which makes it harder to ride. :D

I find the nennstiel-Ruprecht stuff to be contradictory. And they contend many things that simply aren't true, things that neither model nor measure (bullets fight tipover to follow trajectory and fly nose-high, nutants add to instability as range increases, as yaw increases drag increases. "over stability" causes a bullet to try to keep its orientation in space... etc)

Problem IS is, It AIN'T like a boat in a river! It's MUCH worse.

Think lightning bolts..... the bullet pulls a steenkin' HOLE in the air......

And then tries to fall into it.

"The River" is only incidental to the thing. (Consider that "the river" only flows at .5% of the flow over the muzzle!)

I'm waiting to reopen the winddrift thing with some new people in hopes of finding ONE person capable of modeling all aspects of wind drift.

Here's the thread.... :D



I find the nennstiel-Ruprecht stuff to be contradictory. And they contend many things that simply aren't true, things that neither model nor measure
Frame of reference...Most everything in that sites info IS true.

(bullets fight tipover to follow trajectory and fly nose-high,
This is true.

nutants (?) add to instability as range increases,
Depending upon what nodding has to do with it (Nutants??)This is also true

as yaw increases drag increases.
This is VERY true

"over stability" causes a bullet to try to keep its orientation in space.
Yeah, it does..but it tends to do a few other things also in reaction to the flight path wanting it to NOT keep that orientation.

Problem IS is, It AIN'T like a boat in a river! It's MUCH worse.

Think lightning bolts..... the bullet pulls a steenkin' HOLE in the air......

And then tries to fall into it.
Yeah I know, it's an oversimplification.
Ever see a bullet bounce off of a collapsing shock wave? LOL.

I'll go read it.




LOL. Not going there. :D
Frame of reference...Most everything in that sites info IS true.

This is true.

Depending upon what nodding has to do with it (Nutants??)This is also true

This is VERY true

Yeah, it does..but it tends to do a few other things also in reaction to the flight path wanting it to NOT keep that orientation.

Yeah I know, it's an oversimplification.
Ever see a bullet bounce off of a collapsing shock wave? LOL.

I'll go read it.

LOL. Not going there. :D

Well, now that your interest is piqued ;)

Please show why bullets fired from a RH twist rifle:

which are blown to the LEFT will impact HIGH....

While those which are blown RIGHT will impact LOW.......

using nennstiel-Ruprecht information.

Well, now that your interest is piqued ;)

Please show why bullets fired from a RH twist rifle:

which are blown to the LEFT will impact HIGH....

While those which are blown RIGHT will impact LOW.......

using nennstiel-Ruprecht information.

Same reason that single engine aircraft lose more altitude turning one way than the other - lift and precession.

When the external wind causes the field flow to be along a direction other than the longitudinal axis, the bullet is in a yaw condition, a well stabilized bullet will be caused to try and go nose into the field flow to reduce the overturning moment - this angular shift causes the nose to go up or down to try and maintain the angular momentum - this is precession. When the nose lifts, the bullet rises, and when it goes down the bullet drops - due to lift. The correctly stabilized bullet damps this out pretty quickly, an understabilized bullet does not and continues the yaw, and an over stabilized bullet will "over steer" and go into a coning motion.
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- this angular shift causes the nose to go up or down to try and maintain the angular momentum - this is precession. When the nose lifts, the bullet rises, and when it goes down the bullet drops - due to lift.

So what you're saying is that a lift force is generated in the direction that the nose is pointed......


So what you're saying is that a lift force is generated in the direction that the nose is pointed......


Yep. But if the nose is pointed in any direction other than directly into the field flow, drag increases - mostly due to the increased cross section displacing air - head on bullets cut nice round holes in the air (and target), bullets with yaw (or pitch - same thing, different direction) cut more or less oblong holes - more area = more drag. More drag = quicker velocity loss = bigger difference between time of flight in air vs vacuum / lag time = more drift.
Lynn. This sketch is not for a full 180 redirect, but it might give you some ideas.
I sketched this in MS Paint, so there were some severe limitations on getting the details just right.


  • mb.bmp
    333.6 KB · Views: 110
Yep. But if the nose is pointed in any direction other than directly into the field flow, drag increases - mostly due to the increased cross section displacing air - head on bullets cut nice round holes in the air (and target), bullets with yaw (or pitch - same thing, different direction) cut more or less oblong holes - more area = more drag. More drag = quicker velocity loss = bigger difference between time of flight in air vs vacuum / lag time = more drift.

Yeahhh, duhh....... blahh blahh blahhhhh....cut to the chase me' man. Even us retards can see that oblong holes are bigger... :D


What exactly makes you think that the nose is riding high, (EXCEPT nennstiel-Ruprecht's questionable numbers/illustrations). What DRIVES the "nose high"....?

"Gyroscopic stability" right? It "wants" to keep going straight, right?


IF THIS IS TRUE.....then the bullet does NOT always point directly into the DOES NOT search to center it's nose on the neutral wind vector. It in fact flies with it's nose well outside the neutral zone, SO FAR outside that it's presenting an "oblong profile" to the wind......thereby showing a decrease in BC because of it's larger presented frontal area.

Somehow, what you're saying is that the concept of the bullet "balancing" on the apparent wind direction doesn't apply to a falling bullet?

IF THIS IS TRUE..... then why does the precessing nose find center on the horizontal plane BUT NOT ON THE VERTICAL??

AND..... why does this proposed "lift force" work exactly OPPOSITE the force which drags a bullet off line horizontally?

You're saying that a falling bullet shows a "lift force" (drag force acting "up"... hence "lift force?") .......... fuh'GEDDAboutit, you're saying that there's a drag component acting on the side the nose is pointing. Or is this "lift" force something other than a drag component? (your description belies this...)

YOU'RE SAYING that the bullet forges through the airstream slightly COCKED, it doesn't fly straight.... and that it's dragged into (it's trying to fall into) the low pressure area behind it's own nose.

It's flying crossways......a little.... at least on the VERTICAL plane.... in your model (and the ruprecht stuff) your bullet is popping a wheelie and falling through the air like Evel Kneivel, air on the bellypan.... nose UP, lift force UP.


What about on the horizontal plane? Is the nose also pointed in the direction of drag? Lets say nose LEFT, drag LEFT?


What exactly makes you think that the nose is riding high, (EXCEPT nennstiel-Ruprecht's questionable numbers/illustrations). What DRIVES the "nose high"....?

"Gyroscopic stability" right? It "wants" to keep going straight, right?
You're going to have to do a little experiment to understand some of this, because it's not all real "obvious". You'll need a bicycle front wheel and axle. It can still be attached to the bicycle, but holding it in your hands will work better.
Let the axle be the the initial axis of bullet rotation and the direction that the barrel is pointed. Have someone spin the wheel up to a good speed (fast enough so that you can feel the gyro action, but slow enough to be safe - an electric drill chuck held against the tread should do it). OK So you're standing there holding the spinning wheel (For grins and giggles make sure that it is spinning in the same direction as a bullet would be if traveling from your left to your right. Now try and pull your right hand toward you, as if your "bullet" had run into a right to left wind. Which way did your Bullet try to point? Up or down? Because it will only be one or the other depending upon which direction it was rotating. It is NOT just going to let you turn it without a fight.

IF THIS IS TRUE.....then the bullet does NOT always point directly into the DOES NOT search to center it's nose on the neutral wind vector. It in fact flies with it's nose well outside the neutral zone, SO FAR outside that it's presenting an "oblong profile" to the wind......thereby showing a decrease in BC because of it's larger presented frontal area.
A PROPERLY stabilized bullet will damp out these "wobbles" and keep the nose in the center of the shock wave like a top spinning on a sheet of saran wrap, and the nose WILL stay inside the "Zone" as you called it, and will not present an oblong profile. And so long as the arc of the trajectory is not too drastic, it will "nose over" and maintain a minimalist profile to the air field flow.
You will notice that in the specific example used - the rifle was launched at a 40° angle - now that is pretty drastic, and a lot to ask of a projectile that is steadily gaining in "stability" (Rotational velocity slows down MUCH slower than downrange velocity)

Somehow, what you're saying is that the concept of the bullet "balancing" on the apparent wind direction doesn't apply to a falling bullet?
I guess it would IF the "falling bullet" were spinning in excess of 160,000 to 220,000 RPM. I think Hatchers vertical firing tests had the bullet (the very few that were recovered) still spinning and still pointing upwards (no arcing trajectory to nose over into) when they landed.

IF THIS IS TRUE..... then why does the precessing nose find center on the horizontal plane BUT NOT ON THE VERTICAL??
Who said it "found center" on the horizontal? As it tries to nose over and follow the trajectory, the precession forces are side ways, not vertical. So a RH twist will "drift" one way, and a LH twist will "drift" the other way...even in a dead calm.

AND..... why does this proposed "lift force" work exactly OPPOSITE the force which drags a bullet off line horizontally?
I'm not at all sure of what you are trying to say here. Haven't seen a lot of bullets "drift" into the wind much...which looks to be what you are saying. But a well stabilized bullet WILL try and fly "into the wind" and will drift less than none which is not so well stabilized. But you also have to remember that "Ballistic Coefficient" is not a number calculated from the shape of the bullet - it's a measured and statistically averaged number obtained from actual test firings, and measuring the amount and rate of velocity loss. Everybody would like to treat it as a "Form Factor", but it's not. The reason folks can use it as a predictor, is because that's the way that particular bullet had behaved previously. And it does change, depending upon the velocity - The same bullet, launched at 3000fps will not exhibit the same BC as it would if launched at 1000 fps. But that's a common misconception that the BC is somehow a constant.

You're saying that a falling bullet shows a "lift force" (drag force acting "up"... hence "lift force?")
Nope. I said nothing of that sort.

you're saying that there's a drag component acting on the side the nose is pointing. Or is this "lift" force something other than a drag component? (your description belies this...)
There is the pressure on the point of the bullet which is off to one side of the flight path, which is what causes what they call the "Overturning Moment", and which the rotational momentum is resiting. If THAT's what you are talking about. And there is more pressure applied to the surface that is "more" broadside to the air flow field, which would tend to push the bullet toward the direction that the bullet is pointing.

YOU'RE SAYING that the bullet forges through the airstream slightly COCKED, it doesn't fly straight....
The better the stability, the more slight the offset, but OK, Yeah.

and that it's dragged into (it's trying to fall into) the low pressure area behind it's own nose.
When crossing straight across a river in a motorboat - is this what keeps the nose pointed into the current?

It's flying crossways......a little.... at least on the VERTICAL plane.... in your model (and the ruprecht stuff) your bullet is popping a wheelie and falling through the air like Evel Kneivel, air on the bellypan.... nose UP, lift force UP.


What about on the horizontal plane? Is the nose also pointed in the direction of drag? Lets say nose LEFT, drag LEFT?


Nose points up, bullet wants to continue in that direction, if it points left then yeah, it will fly left a bit, and then down for a bit, right for a bit, etc. In fact if you catch them on a clear day at a long enough range , you can see the bullets flying in little corkscrew flightpaths. Particularly if the humidity is just right enough to leave vapor trails. It's just how it works. Do the bicycle wheel experiment and you'll understand better. It ain't really about generating a vacuum anywhere.
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There, you've said it :D

"if it points left then yeah, it will fly left a bit, ......"

In your model, a bullet "follows its nose".

Ohh yeahhh, HOW? What pushes it?

The bullet is GIVEN a velocity, where it's nose points after the launch is secondary to this initial directive. But where the nose is pointing DOES show where the bullet will be dragged to..... in McCoys model (and all others I know of concerning drift) a bullet follows its TAIL.... (It HAS TO BTW...... a bullet DOES follow its tail, it's always dragged to the low pressure side and it's always pointed INTO the wind, balancing on the center of the wind it sees.....) Its NOSE pretty much HAS TO BE opposite the lowest pressure, if it's centering on what it sees.......which again it HAS to do, or tip over!

Keep modeling please :)

Show how a bullet heads towards where its nose is pointing.


Please allow me another, very simple, question.

WHAT FORCE causes a bullet to nose over and maintain alignment with its trajectory?

I submit that it's wind.


There, you've said it :D

"if it points left then yeah, it will fly left a bit, ......"

In your model, a bullet "follows its nose".

Ohh yeahhh, HOW? What pushes it?
And any external forces.
Newtons First Law of motion.
I. Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.
In dead air, these "external forces" would be "just" gravity and the air resistance of dead calm air. In a wind there is some transferred momentum and energy imparted to the bullet by the external air motion - all the bullet "sees" from it's frame of reference though is air rushing past along what it want's to maintain as it's longitudinal axis. It's trying to avoid any "side load" - well, a well stabilized bullet will try and maintain this. Of course an improperly stabilized one will fail.

The bullet is GIVEN a velocity, where it's nose points after the launch is secondary to this initial directive. But where the nose is pointing DOES show where the bullet will be dragged to..... in McCoys model (and all others I know of concerning drift) a bullet follows its TAIL.... (It HAS TO BTW...... a bullet DOES follow its tail, it's always dragged to the low pressure side and it's always pointed INTO the wind, balancing on the center of the wind it sees.....) Its NOSE pretty much HAS TO BE opposite the lowest pressure, if it's centering on what it sees.......which again it HAS to do, or tip over!
Sort of, it's nose has to be between the center of gravity and the source of highest resistance. Just like that spinning gyro or the child's top.

Keep modeling please :)

Show how a bullet heads towards where its nose is pointing.

How does a child's top, or gyroscope, "know" to point up and down and not at, say. a 20° angle? If you force a gyro to adopt a 20° angle (with respect to gravity) - do you notice that it starts a slow rotation around the vertical axis? This "coning motion" is similar to what a bullet does when force into too much yaw. How does it "know" where vertical is.

The bullet "knows" where the source of the air is coming from in the same manner - directly opposite the air resistance force vector. For all intents and purposes to the bullet - it is a top, and the direction directly against the air flow is "down". Wind and the natural trajectory are two factors that have the effect of changing the direction of this resistance. Just like that top spinning on that sheet of saran wrap (picture this as having the same shape as the bullets shock wave). Imagine that same top on that plastic sheet as if it were inside a truck going around a turn, the direction of "down" is not where it was pointing, it now has to "lean" into the turn...and it's not going to want to change, so it will react in some of the same ways as our bullet does....and there are no vacuums involved. (Though it makes a neat analogy - it's overly simplistic).

Please allow me another, very simple, question.

WHAT FORCE causes a bullet to nose over and maintain alignment with its trajectory?

I submit that it's wind.


You posted this as I was composing this post. I think I answered it anyway without knowing that you'd posted. :D
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you're saying that when the flying bullet encounters a crosswind it points into this crosswind just a wee bit, and "like a spinning top" finds the center of the wind vector......

And this is quite simply TRUE. :)

But THEN you say, the bullet "goes that way!" The way it's pointed....

This is most certainly NOT true. It's POINTED upwind, it's DRAGGED downwind.

All that you're saying so far doesn't explain drift A'tall....

You say a bullet points INTO the wind. But you must admit that it drifts DOWNwind.

You say a bullet keeps it's point centered between it's CG and the point of maximum resistance. It finds the "center of the wind"...

BTST, a bullet falling through even "dead calm air" is experiencing WIND on its bottom side, an acceleration of 32ft/sec/sec. That's WIND my friend, ask a skydiver, and it's what MAKES the bullet nose over. You can't "overstabilize" it in this regard. It simply cannot fly as the nennstiel-Ruprecht folks diagram it.

NOR can a lift force possibly be generated by it's supposed nose-high attitude. YOU are contending (like them) that there's a drag force generated "behind the nose" while ALSO stating that the nose is in a constant circling (nodding, nutating, coning) motion searching for the center of the wind.

This is simply wrong. The drag is directly behind the bullet.

Any "lift force" is the result of a NOSE DOWN attitude, not nose up!


you're saying that when the flying bullet encounters a crosswind it points into this crosswind just a wee bit, and "like a spinning top" finds the center of the wind vector......

And this is quite simply TRUE. :)

But THEN you say, the bullet "goes that way!" The way it's pointed....

This is most certainly NOT true. It's POINTED upwind, it's DRAGGED downwind.
We're back to the motorboat on the river example. It can be pointed up river and "going that way", and still be losing ground. Our bullet only has what it can coast with. I do notthink I ecer insinuated that the bullet would make any actual HEADWAY against the wind now did I.

All that you're saying so far doesn't explain drift A'tall....

It would if you'd listen. :D

You say a bullet points INTO the wind. But you must admit that it drifts DOWNwind.
This is true, but it drifts LESS when kept in proper orientation.

You say a bullet keeps it's point centered between it's CG and the point of maximum resistance. It finds the "center of the wind"...

BTST, a bullet falling through even "dead calm air" is experiencing WIND on its bottom side, an acceleration of 32ft/sec/sec. That's WIND my friend, ask a skydiver, and it's what MAKES the bullet nose over. You can't "overstabilize" it in this regard. It simply cannot fly as the nennstiel-Ruprecht folks diagram it.
And yet it does. :D
But a bullet "Falling" straight down has no need to "nose over"..It's trajectory is not changing, so the wind resistance vector is not changing, so even is massivly overstabilized it's behaviour will not indicate it. And going 3000fps the deceleration on the bullet is a LOT more than the 32ft/sec/sec of a bullet falling at terminal velocity.

NOR can a lift force possibly be generated by it's supposed nose-high attitude. YOU are contending (like them) that there's a drag force generated "behind the nose" while ALSO stating that the nose is in a constant circling (nodding, nutating, coning) motion searching for the center of the wind.

This is simply wrong. The drag is directly behind the bullet.

Any "lift force" is the result of a NOSE DOWN attitude, not nose up!

Hold your hand out the window next time you frive down the hwy. Point your thumb into the "wind", Tilt it up and down..Which way is you thumb pointed when your hand wants to go up? That direction will not be down like you are atating. And while you are holding your hand out into the the air blowing your hand back? Or is the vacuum behind it trying to suck it back?

Pressure is what we call the millions of tiny collisions between an object and the gas next to it. Remove these collisions from one side of it and the forces become unballanced and the object will move away from the side that is still experiencing those collisions. The nothing on the other side has no mechanism to exert any force what so ever upon anything. Only pressure can cause anything to move. A vacuum can not exert a force, It possesses no way to do so.
We're back to the motorboat on the river example. It can be pointed up river and "going that way", and still be losing ground. Our bullet only has what it can coast with. I do notthink I ecer insinuated that the bullet would make any actual HEADWAY against the wind now did I.

It would if you'd listen. :D

This is true, but it drifts LESS when kept in proper orientation.

And what is "proper orientation?" IF you could somehow force the nose of the bullet to point down the TRAJECTORY as opposed to centered on the wind vector then it would exhibit very little drift, like an inch over 1000yds. In the real world, this does not happen.

And yet it does. :D
But a bullet "Falling" straight down has no need to "nose over"..It's trajectory is not changing, so the wind resistance vector is not changing, so even is massivly overstabilized it's behaviour will not indicate it. And going 3000fps the deceleration on the bullet is a LOT more than the 32ft/sec/sec of a bullet falling at terminal velocity.

I didn't say the bullet is "falling straight down," I said it's falling as soon as it leaves the muzzle. Near 1000yds it's "feeling" an 11MPH wind on its belly and by 2000yds this "upward wind" has increased to over 30mph! THIS produces some serious wind drift. The bullet is being dragged "upwards."

Hold your hand out the window next time you frive down the hwy. Point your thumb into the "wind", Tilt it up and down..Which way is you thumb pointed when your hand wants to go up? That direction will not be down like you are atating. And while you are holding your hand out into the the air blowing your hand back? Or is the vacuum behind it trying to suck it back?

OK, now here's where this whole thing gets cool! The bullet IS NOT sliding on a planing surface like your hand! It's NOT an airplane. The bullet simply DOES NOT act this way. First of all, if a bullet is tipped like the hand and begins to plane it'll turn over. THE WAY IT REMAINS STABLE is by gyroscopically turning or "balancing" on the center of the shock wave. The bullet always flies point on the the center of the air mass it's feeling. If it does not, it becomes unstable and tips over.

Pressure is what we call the millions of tiny collisions between an object and the gas next to it. Remove these collisions from one side of it and the forces become unballanced and the object will move away from the side that is still experiencing those collisions. The nothing on the other side has no mechanism to exert any force what so ever upon anything. Only pressure can cause anything to move. A vacuum can not exert a force, It possesses no way to do so.

Ok, so this is all true. but read on :)

Here's where the ballisticians first recognized an anomaly. The bullets of the day took almost two seconds to fly 1000yds and in the process were "blown over" maybe 10ft by the wind. In two seconds the wind moved the bullet 10ft. So now, if one were to climb up onto a 50ft building and drop bullets it would follow that a 10mph wind would blow the bullet over 10ft right?

It doesn't.

not even close.

Nor do bullets "plane on the wind" like an aeroplane or your hand out the car window........ So the question at hand was, WHY does the bullet travel so far?

Nennstiel-Ruprecht models bullets like your hand out the car window, "the bullet flies where your thumb is pointed" but in fact bullets never follow their nose, they CAN'T, a bullet can't sideslip without overturning. In reality, a bullet flying in a crosswind will always compensate to fly with its nose pointed "upwind" and yet will be dragged downwind. There is no wind on the side of a bullet.

In reality a bullet HAS to curve over to follow its trajectory because that's where the center of the shockwave is.

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And what is "proper orientation?" IF you could somehow force the nose of the bullet to point down the TRAJECTORY as opposed to centered on the wind vector then it would exhibit very little drift, like an inch over 1000yds. In the real world, this does not happen.
Good thing too. Because you'd get a whole lot more drift by not countering the side wind.

I didn't say the bullet is "falling straight down," I said it's falling as soon as it leaves the muzzle. Near 1000yds it's "feeling" an 11MPH wind on its belly and by 2000yds this "upward wind" has increased to over 30mph! THIS produces some serious wind drift. The bullet is being dragged "upwards."
Have you and Bill Wynne been sharing that hookah?

OK, now here's where this whole thing gets cool! The bullet IS NOT sliding on a planing surface like your hand! It's NOT an airplane. The bullet simply DOES NOT act this way.
Sure it does. Who gave it a special exception?

First of all, if a bullet is tipped like the hand and begins to plane it'll turn over.
Well it does, and it doesn't so this must be an erroneous statement.

THE WAY IT REMAINS STABLE is by gyroscopically turning or "balancing" on the center of the shock wave.
Which is what we've been telling you and you've been arguing against...Make up your mind. :)

The bullet always flies point on the the center of the air mass it's feeling.
Are you going to argue with me or against me, cause this is what I've been saying and what the "Bullets Fly" site says as well.

If it does not, it becomes unstable and tips over.
Well it won't "tip over" completely, but it will slide out of control.