Model 7


I have a Model 7 (243 Win) that reportedly has less the expected accuracy. The barrel is clean, and the crown looks to be in good shape. The rifle was bought new by the owner and has 50 rounds total through it. I am trying to decide weather to remove the pressure point and bed or just do a bedding job for starters leaving the pressure point intact. Removing the pressure point with such a slender barrel is the concern. Any thoughts?
even skinny barrels shoot well floated. you just cant put a high vloume of rounds thru them in a short time.
You can always

Put the pressure point back with something if it doesn't make any difference. What kind of accruracy are you looking for?

The owner of the rifle would like to have something under 1 moa (3 shot groups) with handloads. I don't think that is too much to expect.
You might keep the........

pressure point in until after you have bedded it, then give it a generous float.
I never understood guys w/the "pressure point" thing in a wood stock.....its organic, so it'll shift, this will change "pressure". The experience I've had with some of those stocks is, when you float them, then they really go crazy. Good Luck.;)
I don't believe that you can do a proper, no stress, bedding job without first removing the pressure point. This is not to say that you can't put it back.
Model 7 Upgrade...

I have two Model 7s one in 243 and the other in 308. Neither shot well for different reasons. The .243 has a 1:12 twist barrel and would not stabilize bullets over 85 grains in weight. The 308 had .137 of free bore. I replaced the barrels with Broughton barrels. The .243 now sports a 20", 1:8, 5C barrel and the 308 now sports a 20", 1:12, 5C barrel. I pillar beaded the stocks, glassed in the lugs and free floated the barrels. Both shoot sub .5 MOA.


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My model 7 in .308 won't shoot 1/2" three-shot groups, but it will do 3/4" three-shot groups in its factory barrel, synthetic stock, 2.5-8 Leupold scope. I never expected this kind of accuracy from a actory gun with such a wispy barrel, but it does it regularly.

I also had a 700 Mountain rifle in .280 that would put the first 3 shots from a cold barrel in 5/8". I had that one re-barreled with a st. stl. super match barrel in the same contour in .280 Ackley 'cause it would never even get close to the velocity that one would hope for.
Rflshooter...I have a Remington Model 7 in .243 that shot like "poop" I glassed the recoil lug and free floated the barrel...little help if any...
I was shooting Combined Technologies 95 grain ballistic tips using Remington cases and variuos powders...NO luck..until I tried some "Lapua" brass...BINGO
Now the little model 7 shoots under an inch and I am a very happy camper..:D

I would remove most of the pressure point, them do a proper glass bedding job on the action, letting the barrel keep the action in alignment. Then, free float the barrel completly. The old dollar bill test will be enough.

I have never seen a Rifle that did not shoot better after free flaoting the barrel, and working up a proper load to accent the barrels vibration pattern.

I would shoot for 3/4 inch 3-shot groups.

One poster mentioned using a bore scope. Having looked at a few Remington Barrels with a bore scope, I can't amagine what you would be looking for. Sort of like looking at a cheap diamond with a 10x loupe. Bad.........jackie
Remington barrels

Speaking of bore scoping a rem barrel. Are all of them hammer forged these days?
Bore Scoping Rem

What you would be looking for is the lack of rifling in areas such as those close to the chamber.

I have seen several Remington barrels with rifling stopping on one side about an inch and a half in front of the chamber neck.

One barrel had rifling missing on one side near the muzzle.

All rilfes were made sometime after 1985.

The new stuff is not any better.

If your Police rifles in .308 won't shoot buy your armorer a borescope.

How do these rifles get buy Remington quality control?