Roll Your Own
A post on the "Thoughts on Benchrest Competition" thread includes the following comment: "Today...More and more good shooters make their own bullets." ( That comment prompts me to ask the following questions:
1. Why do folks make their own bullets when good bullets are available from other sources?
2. What is needed to make your own bullets and what's the approximate cost of the equipment?
3. Excluding the cost of the equipment and the value of your time, what's the approximate cost per completed bullet?
4. About how long does it take to make, say, 500 or 1,000 bullets?
Response--not necessary the only answer.
1. Availability in timely fashion ie;
My bullet maker is out of jackets, he has changed jacket suppliers, he only gave 1/2 of my order, other orders ahead of mine, etc, etc
Quality control
You know each bullets history---Jacket supplier, lead supplier, jacket spin thickness variation, Jacket lots, any difficulties with jackets/lead core seating or pointing up
Just because bullets are from the same bullet maker, same weight, same olgive, they can vary from batch to batch--not much thankfully
This is why when you buy bullets you want from the same production lot if possible.
One should always keep a record of the measurement of the bullets your shooting--especially if they shoot good.
I think Randy Robinett (Of BIB'S Bullets) is to have said something like "I want to know each bullet by their First, Middle and Last name".
You are correct, their are a lot of great bullet makers selling bullets.
2. Equipment is covered under the Questions/Answers of the Benchrest Central home page.
An excellent group of articles on bullet making.
Cost of equipment varies with how elaborate you want to start.
Minimum of $2000.00 Up-- If you buy used there are some good deals out there.
3. Jacket cost about 8-10 cents each
Lead Core is about 10-20 cents each
Each of these numbers is assuming you order in some volume of each.
Buy in large volume and cost per item can be less but you have inventory cost now.
When you order small the shipping can greatly effect your cost/bullet
4. Time to produce--speaking here from my experience--
I only make 1 bucket of jackets at a time (2000 of .790 jackets or 1800 of .825 jackets)
My lubing mixture is per 1 bucket of jackets---don't want to change for smaller numbers of bullets
I think this would induce errors for me if I tried to portion it out!!!!!
I buy my cores pre cut from Charlie Hood therefore no core cutting time is included below
1st Day------30-60 minutes
Wash the jackets and cores, and let them dry completely
2nd day-----60-90minutes
Lube the jackets and cores(Some don't lube the cores)
Load the jackets and cores into bullet boards
3rd day----2-4 hours
Run the jacket/core through core seater die--let rest for 24 hours
4th day---3-5 hours
Run the above seated jacket /core through the point up die
Wash the bullets
Box up and label boxes
5th day and thereafter go to the range and test your MAGIC PIlls
If it shoots tell everyone that will listen.
If it doesn't shoot--well you have a lot of fowler's or case former's.