All this talk about stiffness and barrels got me going, as it probably did for lots of others. Hit Dan's site and looked at weights and contours and all that stuff. Man do I feel EXTRA FAT
All of these barrels came off one Rem700 action and all shot or is shooting very well
* new 6mm F Class barrel, 7.5 lbs, 30.25" long, 1.250" for 5" then straight tapers to .960 @ 24" and .890" @ 30.25"
* retired FClass 6mm barrel (3799 rounds), 7.0 lbs, 27.75" long, 1.250" for 5", then straight tapers to .915" @ 27"
* Didn't unscrew the new 30 cal (308) barrel my FClass rig is wearing now, but it is 24" long, 1.250" for 5", then tapers to .750 @ 24"
* 30 Cal VHunter 308 barrel, 4.25 lbs, 22.5" long, 1.200 for 4.5", then straight tapers to .790 at 22.5"
That is the nice thing about F Class game, with a 22lb limit, what can't you hang of the rifle and still make weight
It only stands to reason the lighter thinner barrels should be more stiffer as well, with less barrel droop hanging there off the action threads.
At the end of the season I totally free floated my Fclass BlueSmurf FPig after breaking in and tuning the new 6mm and the new 308 with about 1" of barrel support/bedding, and they shoot even better now. They both have a really low round count at this point and they could be just coming on now too but free floating sure didn't hurt them any. It was the only way to go since it is a switch barrel rig and there is a thou or so difference in the barrel shank diameters of these two barrels.
Jackie, your statement (I guess the big question is, "when do we reach the point of diminishing returns with barrel weight"........JACKIE ) could go both ways. Too heavy maybe a bad thing too unless you are barrel blocked. Too light and you are heating up faster, but is that a bad thing? Maybe the barrel's bore gets a hair bigger and you engrave the bullet less, giving it a higher BC than one that is all deformed from a tight fit. Heck, who knows here the answer is. The good answer is like barrels, each is different and makes someone happy eh