Lt 30

I tryed 34gr and 33-8gr L T 30 useing 112bib's they bouth shot well a 139 and 179 5 shot groups
I spent the better part of today, (in between rain showers), shooting LT-30 in my Rail Gun and my 30BR.

I set my Crony up, (in between rain showers), to get a baseline velocity. 27.9 grns yielded an average 3475 fps in my Rail Gun. This did not shoot very well, just too hot. I started going down a few tenths at a time untill it hit the sweet spot, right at 3415 fps at 26.9 to 27 grns. I shot a couple of nice five shot groups, about .120 ish, then the 10 shot group that I provided a picture of.

Anything below this started showing a bullet hole of verticle, so the sweet spot in this barrel seems to be just above 3400.

I then brought out my 30BR, shot a couple of sweet "ones" with mt pet load of 4198. I then switched to the LT-30. I loaded it until it hit 3050 fps, but the groups were not that good, ragged "twos". I tried several loads, it never equaled my 4198 load.

I plan on shooting the LT-30 at New Braunfels in my LV next month, but I am sticking with my 4198 in my 30 for now.
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What is the load data on a 30br with the LT30?
Working on that right now. So far 35.6 LT-30 w/115 gn Berger looks interesting. 37.1 was more than stout. Going to investigate the 34 to 35 range tomorrow. Still in fire forming stage on some brass though.



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What is the load data on a 30br with the LT30?

It's just a tad slower than my lot of 4198, 35.2 grns gave 3030 fps, 34.5 gives that same velocity with my 4198.

I tried taking it over 3100 fps with the Barts 112, accuracy was not good, just too hot.

One thing I noticed, in either my Hensler measure, or my Bruno, the LT-30 really does't meter any better than 133 or 4198, despite the small grain size. Typical .3 grn variations.
On that, when I got some pre production LT32, the first thing that I did was to correlate settings of my Harrell's measure with weight. Initially, I tried the same measure technique that I had worked out to be able to throw 133 inside of +- .1 gr (which had been more than a bit of a project) and I was surprised to find that the LT32 was not throwing nearly as close as I expected, or required. One thing that I had learned in my "measure wars" was that the same powder needed to have measure technique adjusted for different measures, and that different powders can require different technique in the same I did a bit of experimenting, and found a simpler approach that worked just fine. Now I can easily throw it well inside +- .1gr, but of course I would gladly trade that for having to cart around a Chargemaster if I could shoot one ten shot group like the one that you shared. Later when I got a sample of LT30 I was able to throw it quite well using what I had worked out with its predecessor.
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