Look out for spiders!

For what it is worth I would like to pass along a bit of information I have learned.
Don't leave your ear muffs on the bench when going down range unless you leave them in a zip lock bag.
I left mine on the bench and a unseen visitor (spider) got in my muffs and decided to indulge my tasty ear. That night it seemed to be a mosquito bite.
Two weeks later it is still hurting and not healed.
Been doing this a long time and you learn something new every day.
Have you been to a doctor about it?

If not, and if you get blotchy skin or what looks like bruising anywhere on your body GO, please!

Spider bite

Have you been to a doctor about it?

If not, and if you get blotchy skin or what looks like bruising anywhere on your body GO, please!


We had an employee bitten by a harmless looking spider last year. He ended up at Johns Hopkins and is lucky to be alive. Like Al just said; heed the advice.
Spiders uuk!

Thanks Al & Chino,
I just have two small spots on the edge of my ear and they are about the size of a q-tip each. soreness mild but swelling of node in neck now going down but still have a head ache.
Looked up Web MD and they say the symptoms should go away in a month or so. And there are a lot more symptoms that I do not have.
The area has some necrosis (tissue damage) and looks like a small ulcer. I empathize small.
If it doesn't get a little better I guess I'd better see the DR.
Hey....let me be clear here, I don't advocate dr's for much! I'm self employed with no insurance, I've paid my own way for 25yrs of marriage and 9 kids without a drop of state aid. We don't run to the doc at the drop of a hat. But this spider thing will creep up on ya, just keep an eye on yourself and keep somebody on call to drive you in if need be.

I personally know 4 folks who've had possibly life threatening experiences with spider bites. One of them, a local building inspector, showed no real symptoms for almost a month. He got to feeling run down and went in for a checkup (He DOES have insurance :D State Job) and then another. He ended up really sick and the doctors had him in bed "for observation" when his daughter came to visit him in hospital. She was an RN from another state, one with more spiders, and immediately recognized the symptoms. Long story short, he's fine but it was kinda' close.

soooo, all's I'm sayin' is....... keep an eye on it ;)

Way, way off topic, I was loading one night when my balance went haywire - just after a baby spider launched its way into eternity under one of the knife edges. You wouldn't believe how much resistance a beastie smaller than a pinhead gives when squished. If I hadn't seen it land, I might still be scratching my head. :confused:
For what it is worth I would like to pass along a bit of information I have learned.
Don't leave your ear muffs on the bench when going down range unless you leave them in a zip lock bag.
I left mine on the bench and a unseen visitor (spider) got in my muffs and decided to indulge my tasty ear. That night it seemed to be a mosquito bite.
Two weeks later it is still hurting and not healed.
Been doing this a long time and you learn something new every day.

Where do you think most of those spiders are hiding out............under the benchtops, just about level high where your knee caps are when sitting on a shooting stool, assuming the position, at least that is the way it is with my long legs.

Ive swept out more "blackwidow" spiders under benchtops than Ive shot screamer groups, and that is alot. I am surprised we dont see more "blackwidow" bites in the leg areas......................Don
Thanks Al & Chino,
I just have two small spots on the edge of my ear and they are about the size of a q-tip each. soreness mild but swelling of node in neck now going down but still have a head ache.
Looked up Web MD and they say the symptoms should go away in a month or so. And there are a lot more symptoms that I do not have.
The area has some necrosis (tissue damage) and looks like a small ulcer. I empathize small.
If it doesn't get a little better I guess I'd better see the DR.
The last thing you ever want to hear your doctor say is, "If you'd only come in sooner."
So the doctor says "Well, I've got God News and I've got Bad News...... which do you want first?"

"Well, howsa'bout dat GOOD news first....."

"They're naming a disease after you".


Most spiders bites contain an enzyeme that breaks tissue down to a liqufied state. Acts a lot like that flesh eating bacteria that pops up every so often in the news reports and such. Some like the Black widow have additional properties. If left unchecked it will travel & really cause havoc. I have been clipped twice in the last 4 months. (rehabing a house) Get to the Doc now.
Thank you

Just returned from the doctors office, a little poorer but received two perscriptions. I appreciate the wisdom of you all and your experiences.
Thank for the information. :)
Good On Ya Man!!!

Now let's see that headache go away. It'll be a nice indication that the lowgrade icky-stuff is being knocked out by the prescription....


When your Mother told you not to put anything smaller than your elbow in your ear, she also meant spiders:rolleyes:

Taking care of Bites..

You have received a lot of good advice about spider bites.

My nephew awoke from a sound sleep finding a bat had gotten in the house and was biting him on the nose. He got up and turned on the light. His nose was bleading pretty good. The bat escaped and was not to be found again. My nephew went to the emergency room and was started on rabies shots. Eleven shots to be exact. and they cost him over $10,000.00.

All bites should be considered serious. I have a friend who is diabetic. He got chiggers on his foot and they would not heal developing into ulcers, then they got infected and he had to have his foot amputated.

Get your bites tended to.

Wellness pervails

Thanks to all. The antibiodic has worked and the ear is about back to normal.
I now keep the ear muffs in a clear zip lock bag.:)
I bomb....

...the trailer and all the deer blinds at the ranch every month or so.

Never thought about the hunting bags!! Yikes!!

I have to carry around an epi pen kit cuz I'm allergic to insect bites like bees and wasps. Dr. told me to watch out for spiders but never been hit yet.

Scary stuff!!

Black widow bite= pain now!

Brown recluse= pain, days later! Damage goes on progressively. Can cause problems for more than a year.