Long Range Shooting Book Recommendations



I'm looking for a book that deals with shooting fundamentals, including reading wind/mirage, for long range shooting from both prone and bench. Any suggestions?
Yeah, I've heard about Nancy Tompkins book...

..but I was hoping for a range of opinions; maybe even some concurrance.

To add some detail about my request, I'd like some information about determining a shooter's optimum length of pull and head position as it changes for various shooting positions. Basic stock control when shooting from a rest, front bipod or handholding. How to use a sling. What pistol grip shapes work best for different shooting styles. Trigger pull force, again for different shooting types. Breath control during trigger pull. Cheek weld, or just a light brazing (a little shooting humor). The whole issue of reading the wind. And lots of topics I'm not even thinking about due to lack of experience.

So, come on guys. Any other book suggestions?
Books are nice to read beside a fire on cold nights, but....

Find a mentor who knows the ropes & have him/her coach you. Writing almost never can replace somebody throwing an educated eye over you & you asking questions about how you feel & explaining what doesn't feel right.
..but I was hoping for a range of opinions; maybe even some concurrance.
Let's see - a book written by TWO National Champions (several times each), and you want additional feedback? Hmmmmm..... :confused:

(Mid and Nancy are acquaintences, and reportedly, excellent coaches.)
Some Responses

Your suggestion was high on my list. I'll likely be getting it. What I was hoping for was to hear from a number of experienced shooters saying "yeah, that's a great book" or "that author may be experienced but the book wasn't worth it".

I'm looking to gather a range of opinions, particularly from experts in the field. When one of those experts takes the time to document their knowledge in a book, it can frequently result in a valuable summary. I'm not suggesting that reading a book is the best way, or even a good way, to learn how to shoot but good books combined with practice should be better than practice alone. As for a mentor, most of my shooting right now is done on my own property by myself.

I have not read the classic book on ballistics but I am getting Brian Litz's new book. A list from you would be very valuable if you can spare the time to assemble one. Many of us would benefit. Thanks.
Nancy, Mid and daughters..

I had the pleasure of attending the Longrange shooting school put on at Butner a couple of years ago. Nancy, Mid and Kent Reeve were the head instructors. You could not have had better and more personable instructors and coaches. Since, I have had the honor to meet Sherry and Michelle there are no to finer young ladies. I bought one of Nancy's books. It is a great reference to go back to. This is one family who takes shooting to the next level. They are great about sharing their knowledge.

Nat Lambeth
L-R Books


In addition to those mentioned above you might consider “Modern HighPower Competition - From Beginner to Master” by Randolph Constantine to cover sling shooting and Precision Shooting – At 1,000 Yards, edited by Dave Brennan to cover all forms of 1,00 yard shooting. Both are published by Precision Shooting.
I might add "The Wind Book". I assume it is still available from OK Weber, though it has been several years since I purchased. Maybe it put German to sleep, but I though it was good. Most of the material is covered in Nancy's book, but The Wind Book hashes through it in more detail.

Nancy's book is a must have!
LRBR Greats

Hi all ,Well it looks like most every publication available is about prone shooting ,it seems to me that there is scope for a book to be written about needs of the LR Benchrest competitor . Who's got their hand up ,Mr Tooley or mabye a fellow by the name of Mr L Anderson.. I see with interest that Mr Anderson got a 6 match of 5.0 ins this year at Missoula ,i sure would like to know how he did it..JR..Jeff Rogers
Down Load free...

There is nothing worth while that is free in this world.

You down load a few bucks and the man in the brown truck will bring you a few books.

Most can be ordered from Precision Shooing, Sinclair, Creedmore Sports, Brownells, MidwayUSA, Amazon, etc.

Nat Lambeth
Copy Rights

Be careful regarding what are called Copyrights that have "Expired" Copy right laws, though classed as Intellectual Property have a much longer duration than the normal 17-18-21 years for patents. Written material, copyrighted and published from 1968 forward expire in 28 years and can be renewed. After 1998 that became 48 years. Watch too if it is from another country as many countries have copy rights that are for the life of the author plus 50 or 70 years.

That said, I am a newbie at this and also looking for cold winter night reading material. I just finished Tony Boyer's book on the Short Bench Rest Game out to 300 yards and am looking for one on the long 600 - 1000 yard discipline. Also, I have a library full of reloading manuals, but all for the normal hunter, casual shooter. What is the best book on Reloading for Competition?

Thanks, Bob
If i were you i would get down to Williamsport for their long range school. You need to learn to load and how to get a the right rifle built for that discipline.Short range loading practice does not work at long range…….. Sling shooters don't require the accuracy of F class and F class doesn't require the accuracy level of bench rest. Pick one and go after it, don't try them all with the same gun if you do F class and bench rest you can use the same basic equipment except F class you and your equipment will get wet…….. LOL ….. jim
I am going to look into the school at Williamsport. It is an easy drive for me from Manhattan. Do they supply the rifles or do you have to already have one? I am having fun learning though.

Bob, I'm not sure on that, get on to their web site and get a contact number. Joe and Matt are on here often. Joe maybe under a bunch of snow right now. I shot there for the first time this year and had a great time, great bunch of guys. …….. jim
I went to that school a few years back.All was needed was hearing and eye protection. Best experience you can find for 1000yd intro. Very knowledgeable and nice people. GO!
Bob I'll even let you shoot one of mine, I have a ball with new guys looking to shoot 1000 Yards. First thing I like to do is sit them down at the bench Friday night and show them how easy it is to break a clay bird at a 1000 yards. That kind of breaks the ice, when you get there and see the targets for the first time, most guys think I can't shoot that far. Believe me once we get you Hooked and start talking to the guys, you will understand why I've been doing it so long. This will be year 43 for me. God willing. And I'm still learning! Belive me its a challenge. Keep an eye open after the Board meeting in January, I'm sure Ryan will have it up on our web page.

Joe Salt
Jim 6-8" it missed use. If it snows I get a little longer in the loading room! Have a nice Thanksgiving!

Joe Salt