Living in Alaska

The money from the fund varies each year. 2008 was a very good year.

To be eligible for a PFD, you must have been an Alaska resident for the entire calendar year preceding the date you apply for a dividend and intend to remain an Alaska resident indefinitely at the time you apply for a dividend. There are other criteria for eligiblity under Alaska Statute 43.23.005 and AS 43.23.008.
Is a child who is born or adopted during the qualifying year eligible for a dividend? Yes, as long as he or she has an eligible Alaska resident sponsor and is otherwise eligible.
Don't pack your bags yet. The $$ is different ever year.
So what you're saying is, if you have 8 kids your income is automaticaqlly at least $32,690.00?
Yes i think so, at least for 2008 year, if i am wrong, please correct me.
So what you're saying is, if you have 8 kids your income is automaticaqlly at least $32,690.00?

Yep, for 2008, but maybe not in the coming years because the Alaska Permanent Fund is invested in the security markets which really tanked starting last summer. Today the DOW was below 8,000! Not too long ago it was close to 14,000. Ouch!
It beats paying state income/sales tax.
#1 Diesel is currently $3.85 gal in Fbks,AK.

They need to raise the residency to a minimum of 5yrs instead of the current 1 yr status.

Too many never intend on staying in the state=once they've experienced -60.
I get a lot of flack for this. You have to personally apply each year for this STATE sponsored welfare. Not all that live here choose to apply for the "STATE" handout.

How anyone that is opposed to "welfare" that is government sponsored can fill out a form to get this money, can do so and be against welfare, is beyond my understanding?:confused:
Not all that live here choose to apply for the "STATE" handout.

Not all, just 99.9999% apply. I think some don't apply because they forget and miss the deadline, or are too whacked out to bother. I don't think there are very many that stand on principle.

Of course, there's always some who are "out to lunch" and just don't care.
Wait a minute, how can anyone say this is welfare? When the pipeline was built the state was over run with carpetbaggers, up there for the easy pickings and big money. I know a lot of guys who worked on the line, some made so much money it set them up for life, paid off their houses, etc. I could have gone, but at the time I had a young family and couldn't leave, the deal was you had to stay at least six months. And it wasn't too hard a job either, I got first hand stories about conditions and it was pretty good for the workers. In my book this ain't welfare, it's pay-back for the oil.

Thanks, Douglas
retired pipe fitter UA 597
Wait a minute, how can anyone say this is welfare? When the pipeline was built the state was over run with carpetbaggers, up there for the easy pickings and big money. I know a lot of guys who worked on the line, some made so much money it set them up for life, paid off their houses, etc. I could have gone, but at the time I had a young family and couldn't leave, the deal was you had to stay at least six months. And it wasn't too hard a job either, I got first hand stories about conditions and it was pretty good for the workers. In my book this ain't welfare, it's pay-back for the oil.

Thanks, Douglas
retired pipe fitter UA 597

The Rest of The Story. When the pipe line was completed and with-in months the economy went to 17% unemployment, record home foreclosures, business closers at levels the State has not seen before or since.

The stories about the people that got well from the pipeline and then lost everything were far more widespread than any of the so called smart ones that made out. The smart ones that sent all their money home and the "Old Lady ran off with the Nest Egg, were wide spread. The people that started businesses and having never ran a business before and failed were wide spread. The alcoholism and drug addiction were so common that no one paid much attention.

The late Governor JAY HAMMOND said publicly before his death, That he wished he would have never started the PFD programme as the public now looked at the PFD to be and entitlement program.

There are now the terms PFD moms and PFD dads, that only purpose is to have more children to gather more PFD money. The endless cycle has been in place now for the addition of more welfare support for medical services, food programs, transportation fees, the list is a long one for the problems this PFD programme has reaped.

The one common denominator has been the fact that after nearly three decades, so called conservatives do not understand the why of welfare and look at the PFD as a good thing also. Basically it's "Money For Nothing and Chicks are Free" mentality that rules the day.

Yes Sir, the PFD fund has done a lot of good things for the people of Alaska, the social ills since the programme has been in place are just wonderful if you as a conservative, like the idea of big government and the welfare State, then you should be overjoyed about the endless cycle of misery welfare brings on the shoulders of "We The People"!

Now we will see this spread even further by this new administration on the entire country. Does any wonder why conservative ideas have failed?

I'm continually appalled that explanations to people that think they have moral and political objections to government sponsored welfare, have no clue that the PFD has not caused any problems as long as this "NEW RIGHT" lines their pockets.

The days of intellectual honesty are dead, Justus now sleeps in the streets. Welcome to the "New World Order", where you no longer look to GOD as your saviour, and replaced GOD with your new god, government to save you.

Everything is OK, because mighty government is here to save you, because they owe you?

Let us see, how long this works out for you?
Hoo Ray! Big Al. I think my check ought to be here next week from the govmint!

Butch, I feel and overwhelming sadness that we as a people have slipped this far towards our own destruction.

Why have we gone from a people unbeaten on any battle field, to a people bent on suicide?
Dividend Amounts Paid from 1982 to 2008

No one can live on these amounts. Yearly Dividend Amounts
Year Amount Increase (Decrease)
2008 $3,269.00 97.64%
2007 $1,654.00 49.42%

























TOTAL $30,805.41
Let me tell you something! When I lived there, you could get money for taking care of your kids, food money, rent money, unemployment money, and so on. If you add the yearly money, why work? Somebody has to pay! You can't just print the money! We may have a real problem in the next few years!

Where the average household has between six to eight, it does make for more snow machines, outboard motor sells. Ever noticed the influx into Anchorage, Fairbanks when the checks come out and the bars are packed?

Ask flight attendants what PFD time is like coming and go to town. It is their least favorite time of year hauling drunks back home. The airplanes have that just right smell.

Get in line at the banks on PFD day, man it is a sight. You will see people that you didn't know existed, north of the worst parts of the country. a real treat if you make the mistake of going to the bank on that day the checks hit the mail. It reminds me of the stories about the bank runs of the 1920's and 1930's.

The neat part for me, when I get into this discussion with the true believers, is how they only put it into the "KIDS" education fund. Yet new toys are the true order of the day.
When the oil dollars started rolling in in the late 1970s Alaska had a choice: do it the same as all the other states and put all the money in the state treasury for the politicians to spend;


Take a portion of it and put it into a fund the politicians can't tap and then pay out the EARNINGS to each resident man, woman and child. As Wally Hickel says, Alaska is an owner state--the people own the resources. Why not pay some of the dividends directly back to the people?

Yes, some drink up their checks while others buy big screen TVs rather than pay off bills. But most Alaskans salute Jay Hammond and the others who created the Permanent Fund. It's a cold day in Hades when politicians vote to take money out of their hands and put it in the hands of the people!
Wait a minute, how can anyone say this is welfare? When the pipeline was built the state was over run with carpetbaggers, up there for the easy pickings and big money. I know a lot of guys who worked on the line, some made so much money it set them up for life, paid off their houses, etc. I could have gone, but at the time I had a young family and couldn't leave, the deal was you had to stay at least six months. And it wasn't too hard a job either, I got first hand stories about conditions and it was pretty good for the workers. In my book this ain't welfare, it's pay-back for the oil.

Thanks, Douglas
retired pipe fitter UA 597

Carpetbaggers? The state of Alaska could not make a dent in supplying labor for this project. If one stayed long enough, one could save enough money to pay off a couple of vehicles. You certainly weren't going to retire from that project. Living conditions were pretty poor and cold. We lived in man camps, ate so so food which was usually getting cold by the time you sat down, and there was nothing easy about rigging and erecting in the cold and snow. Someone has really fed you a line of doo doo. The bill was paid for by the oil companies, not the tax payers of Alaska.
When we lived in Alaska, we experience horrible mosquitoes at home. Mosquito problems can vary a lot by time and place. They are worst near wetlands, and forests, during the evening, and when the wind is still, and in the shade. We used to have one of the mosquito traps recommended by the website . It was our life saver
You can compare cost of living between Alaska and other US cities/states at this page - just put 2 places and you will receive info about cost of living, prices and estimated budgets for 1 person for 1 day and 1 month.
When we lived in Alaska, we experience horrible mosquitoes at home. Mosquito problems can vary a lot by time and place. They are worst near wetlands, and forests, during the evening, and when the wind is still, and in the shade. We used to have one of the mosquito traps recommended by the website . It was our life saver

Watch the hunting shows filmed in August/September and the air is filled with what looks like moths constantly flying around.