Left the Range


G Vanlier
Long time Score Shooter and close personal friend Larry Bryant passed away this morning from Covid-19. He was an active shooter in several disciplines including Hunter and Varmint for score, Long Range, and for the first time in July he shot the Sniper King group match. He was an active member of the NBRSA, IBS, GBA. He was surrounded by his family & friends. Today was his Birthday and he was 77 at his passing.
This is sad news.
I met him at the Sniper King match and he was a stellar man.

Thoughts and prayers to his family and friends.

Graham Wind Flags
I am diminished

Really sad news.

I met Larry 35 years ago shooting Hunter Rifle and did some 'smithing for him.
Re-connecting with him at our July UNL match was really great, first time I had talked to him I'm quite sometime.
What is really sad is Larry had decided to really jump into short range BR UNL class and purchased a Kensler UNL rig.....now all for not!

Prayers to his family. He will be missed for sure. This is the third NW Region shooter we have lost since July.

Steve Kostanich
Larry was active in the long range benchrest discipline for years. We met at the long range regionals down in Medford. He was a great guy with a passion for the sport. He traveled around the pacific nw a bit to different matches shooting score and group matches as well.
We were looking forward to having him shoot more in Tacoma. Prayers for his family. We are diminished...
My Condolences

I met Larry @ a Nationals somewhere many years ago but don't remember where. Condolences to those who knew and loved him.
