Latest and greatest Carbon Killer

And the Winner is:

I fouled a barrel with 20 shots (30 BR) and dry patched followed by s wet patch then let it sit for overnight. Not too bad but still had some carbon in the edges of the groves. Soaked a bronze brush and brushed it 10 strokes then left it for about one hour. Patched it out and Volar, shiny clean. I'm gonna deem it pretty dern good. Likely if I had brushed it in the first place it would have come clean readily. Great BANG for the buck, I'm sayin.:)


The day that somebody invents a solvent for carbon then the world shall have a new billionaire.

Many products claim to 'soften' carbon deposits but then after that it's all down to grease.

A short stroked brush and 'Elbow Grease'

* doggie *

the Wipeout Sharpshooters supply sells is pretty dern good. So is their Tactical and their Accelerator does work as well. So does old Rem Bore cleaner. All of them need some help with a brush of some sort I have found. I use a bronze brush having had no real results with nylon.

Ed's Red

One more vote for Ed's Red. Been using it for three years and checked with Bore Scope. As good as any, better than most.
Been using the CLR

I shot my 6 BR last weekend two matches, cleaning lightly after Saturdays match and cleaned the rifle yesterday. Two wet patches, let it set for two hours, patch dry. Some fouling came out but the borescope showed the bore to be black. Dunked the bronze brush tip, 10 strokes, left it for 30 minutes. Shiny clean, the entire length of it. a little carbon residue at the mouth of the chamber, dunked the tip of an old 30 brush and turned it by hand a few turns, voila!

Still liking it. No adverse reactions that I can see.

There Aughta Be a Law.. There will be if this news gets out.

CARBON KILLER!! Don't tell Joe Biden about this. We'll be having to pour this stuff into our gas tanks, down the chimneys of all our power plants and up the rectums of our cattle. Tim