Larry Scharnhorst sets new potential world


record for unlimited 5-shot at 100 yds at Kansas City this last weekend.
His groups were .130 .119 .082 .129 .071 for a super .1062 agg.

Larry was shooting a Jay Young Rail, Krieger bbl, and conaway bullets.

Great shooting Larry !!!!

Richard Brensing
Way to go Larry

That is some fancy trigger squeezing.

I don't think I could sit down with a pencil and paper and draw an agg that small:D

Great Shooting

record for unlimited 5-shot at 100 yds at Kansas City this last weekend.
His groups were .130 .119 .082 .129 .071 for a super .1062 agg.

Larry was shooting a Jay Young Rail, Krieger bbl, and conaway bullets.

Great shooting Larry !!!!

Richard Brensing

Larry you sly dog, you just had to do it didn't you?? I don't know how you kept your cool for that final .071". That is just likely to stand for a LONG time!
Congratulations and see you at the Nationals. -------Bill
rail gun

Larry fantastic shooting, i shot my best after 10 hail marys, how many did you have to say on that last group? Or was Bagget coaching you again?

Lester Bruno
Larry actually went to the line with 10 loaded rounds for the last target!!! Anyone that knows Larry knows he normally only has 5 loaded for his last target! (I think he could "taste it")
Poor Don Creach came in 2nd with a .1310" aggregate! When was the last time you shot a .1300" agg. and had to settle for SECOND PLACE???
Good shooting "Tall Pony".
Simply amazing Larry. Most would be happy with a .100 group. Couldnt happen to a nicer guy.
I was there Larry was useing moly his rail sure looks nice and shoots as good as it looks great job Larry Stafford
Holey Cow, to beat this will take basically a zero agg! 50shots under a tenth of an inch.. That's better than twice the resolution of my 3000.00 laser transit.

Next, a ZERO agg..! < .0999 is coming!

.1062 WOOOOW!

Poor Don Creach came in 2nd with a .1310" aggregate! When was the last time you shot a .1300" agg. and had to settle for SECOND PLACE???
Good shooting "Tall Pony".

Good greef yes!!!!!!!!!!;)


That would be tough to pull off in a Tunnel!...Now, Outside...!!!


That is just an outstanding aggregate, Larry. Great job!!

Tony - OZ

Larry is either a "Short Horse", or a "Tall Pony"! I don't think he is tall enough to be a "Short Horse", so he HAS to be a "Tall Pony". Ask Dave Coots...
As Larry is shooting fast, do you mean "Pony Express" ??? ;););)
How short is he?

Larry is either a "Short Horse", or a "Tall Pony"! I don't think he is tall enough to be a "Short Horse", so he HAS to be a "Tall Pony". Ask Dave Coots...

He is sooo short that the other day when he went to his mail box to put a letter in it, the school bus stopped to pick him up. And yes, it was the short bus.:p

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