Larry Bagget Crosses Over To "The Dark Side"

jackie schmidt

New member
This week end at Midland, Larry was having a pretty tough time at the 100 yard legs Saturday. His tune was just not working the way he needed it too.
He then made an observation. (these are Larry's words). The top six shooters Saturday were all shooting in what we call "the upper load window".
So, he gathered as much info from all of us that he could, and decided "what the heck". So, I loaned him a pound of my 133, he turned that measure up into "no man's land', and won one 200 on Sunday, darned near won the other, and worked is way from "way down the page" at the end of the first day to a top five in the 2-Gun.
Here is a tip. Do not put a well tuned Rifle into Larry's hands.:rolleyes: That is, if you expect to win anything.

So, if you hear some heavy "darth vader" breathing behind you, beware. Larry has crossed over, and he will probably use "the force" to now whip up on everybody.:D

Of course, I say all of this in good fun. Larry is a good friend, and a great Competitor........jackie
You know if Larry goes out and shoots one bad group he will change everything. Anybody that would shoot 4895 in his PPC would do anything. If we could lock Larry's powder measure, give him unmarked powder, and bullets and set his dies for him, he would probably beat all of us. I swear I saw him bump his load a click after he shot a .125 because it appeared to have a little vertical. You know that Larry has never missed a condition or made a bag handling mistake, his only problems are equipment.
He makes my ass want to dip snuff sometimes, but I love him anyway.

yeaaa....he came east here to shoot in the Nats or S-S (I cant remember) and went to Cabala's and bought a cupla cans of 4895!!!! and won the HV...he is a shoooters doubt about it...Roger
Larry is not the only 4895 shooter.

Lowell Hottenstein used H4895 at the 2007 Super Shoot to win the LV Grand. This old powder will still work. James Mock
If I remember right, Jimmy Meyers shot a .155 group with it at 200 some years ago. I don't think it has the hole thru it anymore, more dense than
it used to be.
Jackie, Thanks for the powder and your and Randy's info. I was ready tto pack up and go home Sat evening. I even tried to sell or trade my sporter. Maybe I just scared the damn thing into shooting. It's hard to believe I walked away with 6 placks after the start I had Sat. This sporter looked as good as any I have ever had. Jay Lynn, you should have traded when you had the chance.

It's hard to believe I shot 10 groups under and inch in 20 to 25 mph winds.

Butch, the only thing I changed was going down a little after the 9th group and shot a .350 on the last group.

Lets see: two 15th place finishes at 100yd. a 1st and 2nd at 200yd. 3rd and 5th in grand. 3rd in 2 gun.

Jackie you are the MAN!!!!!! No wonder you make it look soo easy.

Thanks again, it was a good shoot. The Midland crew did a very good job and homemade vanilla ice cream was very very good.

Ronnie Cheek said he hoped everyone shooting his bullets would shoot a lot more sighters.

By the way, I was shooting my BT and not his. And no, as good as he shoots he can never have any of mine.
I had a great time at Midland y'all. Last year at the buffalo. I came in 3rd at 200 with a "case full" of 133. This year I was trying to shoot a lighter load window, so that my brass would last more than 6-8 firings. After I came in 18th and 20th on Saturday, I said to heck with the brass and filled her up. Then I filled her up a little more and the vertical finally went away.

I managed to keep them all under an inch at 200 and even managed a .244 but of course Larry bested me for small group with a .238. I pulled off a 3rd and a 4th place finish at 200 so I think trying to conserve brass life is a waste of good bullets. It's not that the lower load won't shoot small groups. I shot a .201, a .175, and a .165 at 100 yards but it just wouldn't agg. Dropped shots and weird fliers would happen too frequently and turn tiny little bug holes into planets with an orbiting moon.

The Midland guys did a great job under trying conditions. Mike Conry would have done better behind the rifle if he hadn't been faced with printer failures and having to handle IT problems. I can't say enough good things about that guy.

Larry, I dropped down .2 grains for the last two groups because it was starting to warm up and I didn't want my groups to blow up. It worked ok on the fourth match with a .541 but in the fifth match I had .8 of vertical that knocked me out of a higher finishing place. Oh well. I learned a lot out there this weekend.

I owe a lot to guys like Larry and Jackie and Ronnie and Arnold but I owe a super thank you to Darryl Whitman for his help and support. He stayed out there with me till dark on Saturday helping me with my front rest and even cleaning my rifle while I reloaded so I could get another round loaded before it got too dark to shoot. Y'all are all winners in my book.

See ya'll at the Buffalo.

Oh and Jackie, I remember what you said about running and gunning vs. hunting and picking. Truth is, I ran my groups as fast as I could. I checked the sky for clouds before the match started and when the cloud got over the range, I chose a condition and ran it as fast as I could. Even when a let up started to catch me I figured it would hurt me less than if I misjudged it's return. I picked my twenty seconds and let them fly. Sometimes I would put two sighters and five on the record and be walking away from the bench with 6 minutes left, I've never really shot like that before but with conditions as bad as they were and my wind reading skills as weak as they are, I figured it was the only way I would survive. Every fifth shot on the record came with a feeling of relief. All but the .244 that is. That won came with euphoria and belly laugh right there at the bench.

I love this game.
Larry's powder change

Jackie, when Larry and I finished shooting on Saturday we were even on quarters, and Larry was quick enough to realize that he was not shooting well. Thanks to you for giving Larry the 133, I lost all my quarters in the HV200 and three in the LV200. However, Larry has always been an excellent 200 yard shooter so nothing really changed much in the 200 yard quarter competion on Sunday. As always, it was a pleasure visiting with you and the two granddaughters. I will see you in Seymour. - Ronnie
Larry seems to always move up when conditions get ugly.He is pretty amazing in the wind.Larry has taught me more about this game than anybody else,but after the way I shot this weekend he probably doesn't want me telling everybody. I did learn you don't want to share a bench with Jackie because his groups made mine look really big!!! Thanks to Mike & the rest of the crew, it was a good weekend.