Lake Charles NBRSA VFS Results.......

jackie schmidt

New member
Eleven of us Texans ventured over east of the Sabine River and did battle with the "ragin Cajuns" at the South West Louisianna Rifle and Pistol Club for their Registered NBRSA VFS 100-200 Yard Match.i

Conditions were brutal. By the first Match at 9:00 am, the winds were already coming in at 15+ mph, and only got worse as the day progressed. This was one of those days that had you fearing to look through the scope after each shot.

Here are the results. Thanks to Mike and Francis as Match Director and Range Officer for getting it all done.

At least it didn't rain:D

100 yard
Jackie Schmidt.........250 18x (tie breaker)
Dwayne Pullum.........250 18x
Clayton Grey............250 14x
Lou Rathoe..............250 12x
Bobby Ayo...............250 12x
High X Count......Jackie Schmidt 18x

200 yard
Jackie Schmidt........250 7x
Larry Tilley.............244 5x
Gardner Rose.........243 5x
Richard Pullum.......242 1x
Renard Alexander....241 5x
High X Count.....Bobby Ayo....8X

Grand Agg High X Count.....Jackie Schmidt.....25X


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Congratulations, Jackie! For you, shootin' is good even, "on the dark side"! ;)
Hope you, and all, survived the flooding. RG
Here is a video looking over my flags of the wind at 200 yards last Sunday in Lake Charles.

In this type of wind, I don't even bother putting the propellars on.

For shooters who are members of this Forum but do not shoot in Matchs, this gives you an Idea what it's like trying to keep em in the 10 ring in this mess.
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