Kentucky State ARA, Congratulations!

Except I go to compete against the best shooters and the equipment or smith is never part of the equation.

I should have included the shooter but I'm still pitting my equipment and gunsmith against theirs.
Well, cause you're hard to beat Gene. Haven't you heard that song about what you can be on the internet.

I wasn't too hard to beat last Sat.!
Haven't heard the song, hardly ever listen to radio. I guess I'm getting old.
It seems that you and I have disagreed for years, but I still go to a match with that same thought in mine. Oh, BC also disagrees with me. Does it bother me? NO

We don't disagree on everything. We've had some common ground. Besides you're a worthy adversary.
It always amazes me how we can be adversaries on the net and fellow competitors when shoulder to shoulder. I just wish we could keep the non competitors, both smiths and kibitzers out of the conversations.

Its too late to start crying for forgiveness now.You have come on every Calfee related/mentioned thread with an axe too grind and this one was no exception.If you were interested in who won why are you still here 7 pages later? You viciously attack Calfee now you are attacking a Lady Shooter for how she posts.
I understand your problem with Bill but you chased him away from here already.You absolutely unequivacoly cannot let anything Calfee related go.The manner in which you attack him and anyone wanting to read his posts or posts about his ideas is downright frightening from a mental health point of view.
7 pages later you only wanted to know who won the match.This is one of the most disingenuous posts I have ever read.

Foregiveness, surley you jest. I chased Bill Calfee away? Well, He sure didn't go very far. Why don't you quote for me where I attacked Donna in this thread or shut up?
Mr. Lynn in my view it is you that is 100% wrong, just my view don't be offended. It seems i have stumbled into a long running fued. Mr lynn you add to and exaggerate mr James post. I can read and have a brain and can come to reasonable conclusions and you sir are twistin mr pappas remarks.

I see where James is coming from and it is an honorable position. Nowhere did he abuse/insult Ms Brown, you added that part. This thread is sorta shot up but not by no 1 person. Dick Chaney sees no wrong in torture, some people think it is wrong i doubt either side is about to change their views.

This whole deal started when mr james pointed out he though a win should go to the shooter, an honorable position that i and others agree with. This post could have been construed a bit insightful maybe to start a war, but well within the posting guidelines of this site. Same could be said for Beau's latest post congratulating the same shooter.

You keep poking at a bear and when he growls , mr Lynn you want to jump back in amazement asking what did i do, -look, it's a mean bear.... In my opinion You calfeeites are weird, BC is sick for allowing his attack dogs to continue with this hateful game... just saying again for about the 4th time.. an yes please tell me to shut up and mind my own business... i just wish i could... joe :)
Alan Bates.....congrats on your KY State tournament win! You did good.....Friend Lynn... See Friend Lynn post.
Joe G

Joe, thanks for inquiring about my health, I haven't been too good lately, which has resulted in mental depression, mostly feeling sorry for myself. But thanks to you and a few others, this thread has brightened my prospects for recovery, they say comedy is a wonderful therapy and I sure have a big smile on my face.

I don't like the term Calfeeite, I think it's too religious sounding, like from the old bible days.

This whole deal started when mr james pointed out he though a win should go to the shooter, an honorable position that i and others agree with. This post could have been construed a bit insightful maybe to start a war, but well within the posting guidelines of this site. Same could be said for Beau's latest post congratulating the same shooter.

You keep poking at a bear and when he growls , mr Lynn you want to jump back in amazement asking what did i do, -look, it's a mean bear.... In my opinion You calfeeites are weird, BC is sick for allowing his attack dogs to continue with this hateful game... just saying again for about the 4th time.. an yes please tell me to shut up and mind my own business... i just wish i could... joe :)


This whole deal started when Donna Brown, without thought to feuding mouse gunning world, congratulated a friend. Nothing more, Nothing less. It would have been avoided if I, as match director, had made the post of the results first. That's not Donna's fault. She was not giving a match report. However, the match report used no nicknames, or aka's to my knowledge. Had I made the post first, I would have congratulated each shooter (top five and target winners) by name. It didn't happen that way, so big deal.

I still don't understand what you mean by BC "allowing his attack dogs to continue with this hateful game" unless you are in fact one of the attack dogs and you and BC have some type of plan. Now, I've got to go paint double lightning bolts on my rifle.
Actually this would not have been avoided. It would have manifested somewhere no matter what.

I realized later that Donna was congratulating a friend. I understand that now and I expressed that to Donna. I would never insult or attack Donna Brown. I have known Donna since the BR-50 days. She has always been one of the good shooters in rimfire br. Notice I did not say lady shooters but good shooters. As you say about some threads this one took on a life of its own.
Joe, thanks for inquiring about my health, I haven't been too good lately, which has resulted in mental depression, mostly feeling sorry for myself. But thanks to you and a few others, this thread has brightened my prospects for recovery, they say comedy is a wonderful therapy and I sure have a big smile on my face.

I don't like the term Calfeeite, I think it's too religious sounding, like from the old bible days.


Mr Calfeeteer reading your post, you sound serious about your health issues. I don't think in the past we have agreed on everything, i won't hold that against you, lol. I do hope your health improves. Maybe i have missed them but i did notice i haven't seen any post from you. You gotta stick around for the next 10 years or so anyway, i'm gonna whup this rimfire thingie, i know you wouldn't want to miss it.

Try not to be depressed, when you get to feeling better let me know, maybe we can fight about calfee or something, lol.
take care, joe :)
Thanks everyone...

I just found this thread and I wanted to thank everyone who had anything to do with the this match. As a new rimfire competitor this was my first match to ever shoot and I feel I sure picked a good one to start with because not only was the match an awesome experience and has me hooked for life, I also feel I probably met some of the best people in the sport at this match including everyone who put it on and all of the other competitors who shot in the match. I would like to give special thanks to the host and his wife for all of their incredible hospitality and I can assure you that you will not find any better people anywhere in the world than them. I was having some medical difficulties during the shoot and they both took care of me as if I was their own family and I will always be grateful to both of them for this and for making me feel so welcomed. I would also like to thank all of the wonderful folks who put it on because I now have two matches under my belt but I don't see how any could ever be any more fun or organized than this match. Finally, I would like to thank all of the other competitors who shot at the match and also took me under their wing and taught me more in one day than I could learn in a month on my own. There was not one shooter I talked to who was not willing to offer some help or advice or both and they were all so down to earth and nice, just as though they had known me for years. Also, thank you to everyone who constantly helped me unload, load and set up my gear during each rotation and for all of the other kindness and generousity you showed me throughout the match and even at the match the next day at Caldwell County. I feel I made some lifelong friends during this first match and because of this, I feel I will be addictied to rimfire shooting for many years to come. I have no doubt I could call anyone I met during this match and they would be willing to help me in any way possible. This is something you just don't find very often anymore. Thanks again to everyone for making my first match a very special event and one I will remember forever. I cannot wait to see all of my new friends who will be at the upcoming matches I will be shooting this weekend in IN and KY and I also look forward to making many new friends. This is a wonderful sport to be a part of because of all of the wonderful people involved.
Thanks again to everyone and see you all again soon...
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I just found this thread and I wanted to thank everyone who had anything to do with the this match. As a new rimfire competitor this was my first match to ever shoot and I feel I sure picked a good one to start with because not only was the match an awesome experience and has me hooked for life, I also feel I probably met some of the best people in the sport at this match including everyone who put it on and all of the other competitors who shot in the match. I would like to give special thanks to the host and his wife for all of their incredible hospitality and I can assure you that you will not find any better people anywhere in the world than them. I was having some medical difficulties during the shoot and they both took care of me as if I was their own family and I will always be grateful to both of them for this and for making me feel so welcomed. I would also like to thank all of the wonderful folks who put it on because I now have two matches under my belt but I don't see how any could ever be any more fun or organized than this match. Finally, I would like to thank all of the other competitors who shot at the match and also took me under their wing and taught me more in one day than I could learn in a month on my own. There was not one shooter I talked to who was not willing to offer some help or advice or both and they were all so down to earth and nice, just as though they had known me for years. Also, thank you to everyone who constantly helped me unload, load and set up my gear during each rotation and for all of the other kindness and generousity you showed me throughout the match and even at the match the next day at Caldwell County. I feel I made some lifelong friends during this first match and because of this, I feel I will be addictied to rimfire shooting for many years to come. I have no doubt I could call anyone I met during this match and they would be willing to help me in any way possible. This is something you just don't find very often anymore. Thanks again to everyone for making my first match a very special event and one I will remember forever. I cannot wait to see all of my new friends who will be at the upcoming matches I will be shooting this weekend in IN and KY and I also look forward to making many new friends. This is a wonderful sport to be a part of because of all of the wonderful people involved.
Thanks again to everyone and see you all again soon...

Bryant, did you get my PM? james Pappas?
I am glad you had a good time and hope you can make it back soon. I may put the .30br down and pick up a rimfire this weekend. That should be interesting. Jackie
I am glad you had a good time and hope you can make it back soon. I may put the .30br down and pick up a rimfire this weekend. That should be interesting. Jackie

Hey Jackie...thanks again and I will definitely be back again and have Sept. already marked on my 2009 travel schedule!

Don't put the .30BR up totally because I just talked to my builder tonight and he is supposed to have my 6.5-284 finished next week and maybe we can shoot some centerfire together too!

Thanks again!!!