Kentucky State ARA, Congratulations!

I Have a question about Calfee rifles. Does he build rifles for anyone, or does he pick who he wants to have one of his rifles?? I know he calls them "spec" rifles, but exactly what does that mean??
It seems that if a person only builds guns for the best shooters, then, is it any wonder his rifles win matches??
I am asking these questions in all earnest. I'm not a RF competitor, just curious how he chooses to build a rifle for. Oh, and how many rifles does he build a year??
melvin Calliham

Melvin, You have figured out more in 11 posts than Lynn has in 1667 posts.
I Have a question about Calfee rifles. Does he build rifles for anyone, or does he pick who he wants to have one of his rifles?? I know he calls them "spec" rifles, but exactly what does that mean??
It seems that if a person only builds guns for the best shooters, then, is it any wonder his rifles win matches??
I am asking these questions in all earnest. I'm not a RF competitor, just curious how he chooses to build a rifle for. Oh, and how many rifles does he build a year??
melvin Calliham

He's built three for me so that should answer the question about building only for the best shooters. "Spec" as I understand it, means he supplies everything and builds the rifle. The word, whether, he uses it this way or not, comes from speculation, such as "Spec" houses. Thing is Bill's "spec" rifles are usually sold far in advance of their build, so there is little speculation. You may have seen Bill use the words "Contract" rifles. That's where the client supplies the parts and Bill builds the rifle. I would think there is no difference in quality but the "Spec" guns have their own decoration and twists. I think Bill actually gives the name to the "Spec" rifle, but the owner may name a contract rifle such as mine which is named "Gingersnap". That's a whole different story but it came from a promise I made before I had an idea that I could actually get Bill to build a rifle for me.

I'm sure he may decline to build for some people or choose to build for certain people; however you look at it. But I think if you're serious, you could get one. They're not cheap by any means, but the demand still exceeds the supply.

As far as how many he builds a year. I think I could guess pretty close, but it would still be a guess. That's for Bill to disclose if he wishes.

I'm sure Bill will read this and I will correct anything I got wrong.

Beau, the rumor mill has it that Shannon was testing the rifle that is being built for Tony Boyer. Want to comment on that?
My understanding is that Shannon was testing the BOSS 1, but without the BOSS barrel because Bill had not obtained permission from the future owner to use that barrel. That's what I think but could be wrong.
I Have a question about Calfee rifles. Does he build rifles for anyone, or does he pick who he wants to have one of his rifles?? I know he calls them "spec" rifles, but exactly what does that mean??
It seems that if a person only builds guns for the best shooters, then, is it any wonder his rifles win matches??
I am asking these questions in all earnest. I'm not a RF competitor, just curious how he chooses to build a rifle for. Oh, and how many rifles does he build a year??
melvin Calliham


I'll give you another perspective and you can take from it what you will. This is pretty much things that I have heard Bill say.

Bill Calfee will be the first to tell you that there's a half dozen rimfire benchrest gunsmiths that build much better rifles than he does.

Bill considers himself extremely lucky, because for some reason, which he can't explain, the absolute most talented rimfire benchrest shooters in the world, have chosen to shoot his rifles. He always says that God has blessed him with those talented shooters, and he tries his best to thank them every chance he gets, because without them, no one would know who Bill Calfee is.

A "SPEC" rifle is a "copyrighted" name for complete rifles that Bill builds, each one designed to be uniquely special and different, and each SPEC rifle is named, such as "Black Death", "Duke Of Earl", "Carolina Gold", "Merlin", "Tennessee Stud", etc. Bill incorporates a lot of his new concepts into these SPEC rifles.

Bill tries to make as few rifles each year as he can, and still eat.
"Shot up" already -alright ??

This is starting to sound like a cheap novel, is there a limit as to how many get a 'turn with your girl friend before you get her home?
So you take your new girlfriend to the super shoot and hear snickers -then you start looking over your shoulder wondering how many done had her, lol joe:D:D:D

This is everything you need to know in a single post.

So Lynn, let me see, where does that leave Kirk Gaston, Darrel Barnes, Joe Besche, Jerry Graves, Bob Barnhart, Dan Killough, Glen Townley, David Kennimer, Fred Gould, Wendel Dean, Fred Sears and Joe Friedrich? I guess these are B grade shooters, huh?
My understanding is that Shannon was testing the BOSS 1, but without the BOSS barrel because Bill had not obtained permission from the future owner to use that barrel. That's what I think but could be wrong.

I heard the stock said "test" not "Boss". You sure tap danced around that question.

Well here we go again or are we already gone?
Hey Beau

Thanks for putting on a fine state shoot. Hope to get back and shoot there again. Good people + Good range + Good lunch = Great Shoot!!!
Thanks again Fred
P.S. Congratulations To all the winners.
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We were glad to have you Fred. It takes some committment to make the trip you did. It was nice finally talking to you.
Very special guest

While we were glad to have all the shooters who showed up to support the tournament, I would like to mention one very special guest who I would have bet about anything would not have shown. Paul Hanlon aka pacecil was shooter number 32. Nobody can now say that he has neve shot a BR match. I think it was a rough start, but he showed that he is a quick study and was improving quickly.
It's a special occasion any time you get a new shooter to show up for his first BR match. Seems like there's a lot more people quitting than starting. Congats to pacecil for showing up and participating. I'm sure he saw a lot of interesting things. Hopefully he will continue in the sport and have fun with it.
Congrats to all the winners! Looks like you had a great turnout.

Paul, congratulation on your first rimfire br match. What did you think?

donna is congratulating a friend. thay both know who thay are.

as for nameing rifles ..i think it's's like drag race'n Snake and the Mongoose ring a bell ?

Yes , it rings a bell. The Snake was Don Prudhome and the Mongoose was Tom McEwen. They were the drivers, not the car. Ring a bell? GET MY POINT?
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All I ever wanted was to find out who won the match. You were there, you knew who won and you know the rifles name. I guess the rest of us that don't know the names of the rifles are just SOL, huh?
we beat this horse to death....:)
and i hope you got my knew the drivers just by the name of the car.

No, I didn't get your point. No offense to Alan Bates but he is not as famous as Don or Tom. It was not the cars names, it was the drivers names.
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Why does the word "Calfee" or references to "Calfee" or even the guns he builds, create so much turmoil among the internet surfing public (at least this bunch)? I remember a movie Bill Murray starred in (I think it was "Where the Buffalo Roam"); he had a dog that he would simply yell "Nixon" and the dog would attack a replica of Nixon. That's about the reaction "Calfee" creates here. It's interesting to say the least. How many of you have your dog trained to attack on the word "Calfee)?