Kentucky State ARA, Congratulations!


Donna Brown

Kentucky State ARA, Congratulations Black Death!:):):)

george in KY and Fred J

Alan Bates/Black Death/Calfee! I just talked to Alan on the phone...Congrats again, Alan! Awesome Shooting! We look forward to seeing you and Judy in St. Louis!:):):)

George, From your friend, The Wind!

Allen Bates

man it was TUFF !....WIND NEVER LET UP
Went down there thinking i knew how to shoot...I WAS WRONG :(
but had a good time with fine people !

George, I think I remember you using the statement on here before "The wind in your friend" Did you and your friend have a falling out?;)
Black Death won? How about putting a human name to the winner.

Fred, anywhere in the country if you ask who won you get a persons name. In Calfee Country if you ask who won you get the name of the rifle. Congratulations Bill Calfee on another great victory for one of your rifles. You deserve a pat on the back.

My mistake. At my age, I should have known better.

Fred, it must be the CRS. The last couple of years the trend has been, if you ask who a good shooter was in Texas you would get an answer like say Dan Killough. In Ark. someone would say Darrel Barnes. In Ok., Richard Gorham. In MO., Joe Besche, Brian Brant, Glen Townley , Donna Brown or Kirk Gaston. Ask in the north east and you would get more names than I can write down here. But ask down in the southeast and you would get names of rifles like "The Duke", "Carolina ?????", "Black Death', and ect. Kind of baffles me because the rifle needs a good shooter behind the trigger. But They don't seem to get the credit that Bill Calfee does. Almost seems like they pay Bill Calfee $6000.00 to $8000.00 to advertise for him and Bill don't have nothing to sell. GO FIGURE!!!!!!
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We forgot to take pictures, but I guess it got picked up by the AP or something. Here is Alan Bates with his trophies. This is actually from a Lake Cumberland fishing site.

Thanks for having us all down. It was a great shoot with a lot of challenging conditions. Foster how did you get all that wind down there in that seven mile deep holler?
Great Tournament!!!!

First, congratulations to Alan for a big win. You were so close to getting that 2500, it hurt me to watch the one skate out high with only 2 bulls left to shoot...You'll get it next time.

Beau & Foster, thanks for an excellent tournament. Everything went very smoothly and both of you kept up with all of the scoring which allowed us to get home a little earlier than anticipated. The Buckcreek range is a super facility. The shooting benches, equipment benches, roof structure, and lay of the land is second to none. Thanks for a great time.

"Big Dog"
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Foster & Beau I really did think those Kentucky shaped plaques were cool. It would be neat if all the state matches had them then you could try to put together a big puzzle on the wall. I'm sure the wife would like that. Thanks again

Times are a changing.You can make the transition a smooth one or fight it all the way.Either way Team Calfee still continues to win.

What happened at the last 2 PSL shoots? Same thing is probably going to happen at the last 2 PSL shoots, too.
Well , NO $hit Sherlock

i was took talent to win !

What do you think i'm trying to say in my post? The shooter won not the rifle. George, read post 13, it says it all. And NO, I wasn't hacked, I put that heading there.
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i was not take'n a shot at you....:rolleyes:

George, you need to reread your post, I am saying the same thing you are. Lynn, who doesn't shoot rimfire and know less about rimfire than my daughter is the one you need to be talking to. He thinks that having a Calfee is the only way to win a rimfire match.
Here's a picture of Black Death. Nice rifle he's holding there. I mean that's Alan Bates with Black Death. I understand he was very happy with the Kentucky shaped trophy. Reminds him of home I guess.

I Have a question about Calfee rifles. Does he build rifles for anyone, or does he pick who he wants to have one of his rifles?? I know he calls them "spec" rifles, but exactly what does that mean??
It seems that if a person only builds guns for the best shooters, then, is it any wonder his rifles win matches??
I am asking these questions in all earnest. I'm not a RF competitor, just curious how he chooses to build a rifle for. Oh, and how many rifles does he build a year??
melvin Calliham
are you kidd'n me.........

You are right George, you were there and knew who won. Since I wasn't there I read Ky. State champ, Black Death. You don't really think most of us knew who that was, do you? I'm pretty sure you were right about it took talent to win. I figure the shooter deserved the win and I'm pretty sure Allan is a very good shooter.