It's perty hard to measure.
GAUGE, yes---MEASURE, iffy at best. But the mandrel tension and cutter clearance offer a very consistent gauging capacity. In a perfect world my cutter cuts very smooth on the IN stroke, then I HOLD for a second or so while my cutter feathers into the shoulder forming a long and wide radius at the n/s junction. (I grind my cutters to stop on the shoulder, to quit cutting when they've run a certain distance up the shoulder. In other words, the shoulder IS the stop.) Then I get just the slightest cleanup cut on the way back out....BECAUSE the mandrel has gained a little heat and swolled up some.
Now, if I set everything aside, drop the turner back into the water bath and wait about as long as it takes to turn a case...... I take the SAME case and reinsert it onto the mandrel and 2 things are apparent. #1, it's a looser fit on the mandrel and #2 the cutter bit does not touch at all.
I call this gauging the fittage.
Absolutimally YES!!! That's a resounding YES to resizing every time. My bolt drops EXACTLY the same every shot. My system is preloaded EXACTLY the same every shot. And I try to set the shoulder back LESS than a thou. To me the idea of every 3-4 rounds going from tight to loose is just abhorrent. IMO NONE of the shots are truly consistent. loose-slightly tight-tighter-TIGHT! ("ooops, better bump")-LOOSE!-loose-etc
I had a lesson in this recently. I was shooting my 6X47. Now back when I set it up, I took several hours setting up and dialing in the combinations .......I changed out the die-shim stacks several times, wrote it all down and for several mo I've just been USING it. I have taken the die in and out several times. The other day was cold in the shooting room, I didn't have the heat on, I was worried that something had shrunk or change because the bolt handle was just falling closed. AND, this "jumping bullets" thing has me disconcerted, I'm used to feeling SOME tension on the bolt handle. On this rifle the bolt handle just drops.......clik.
So I dropped a thread from a cleaning patch into the chamber....LOCK!!
I went back in and added ONE THOU to my shim stack and continued loading and shooting. TWO FIRINGS and the bolt was hanging up.
I took my thou back out.......and all is right with the world.

Some of these 6X47 cases now have 20 firings on them and you can't measure a difference from one with 3 firings. SIZED EVERY TIME