Kathy, from a previous post:



I am saddened to hear that you will no longer be writing for Precision Shooting. Every month for the past several years I have opened the magazine and read your article first... even before I looked at the pictures:).
I have saved them all, right in the same place and was looking forward to adding many more. You cant have said all there is to say. Say it aint so.
Bill, Sorry to hear you won't be writing for PS any longer. The Magazine isn't worth as much now as it has in the past. A special thanks for all the help through the years.
Your Friend
The ONLY reason I have been a PS subscriber is because of the professor's articles; the other rimfire writers just ain't as good, sorry fellas it's true. I too cut out and save all Bill's articles, then I take a few mags at a time to our range shack and leave them out for others. They're gone pretty quick, one guy said to me hey why you cut out Calfee? Like I was cheating him >:D. Thanks, Douglas don't think I'll re-new
I hate to hear you will no longer be writing for PS magazine. What's the deal? I wish I had known it before I renewed my subscription last month. The only reason I subscribed was because of your's and Hoke's articles. I've enjoyed all of your articles since I've been getting PS. Are you planning on writing for another magazine. If so, please let us know.
Please say it ain't so !!

Friend Bill,
I sure hope you change your mind and continue writing about .22 rimfire accuracy "stuff" for Precision Shooting.
I learned more from reading your thoughts and experiences than from all other sources !
This old geezer was about to renew for 2 years but I'll hold off for now.
Say it isn't so


I'm sorry to hear you'll no longer be writing for Precision Shooting. I had discontinued my subscription many years ago, but re-subscribed when you started writing for the magazine. Hopefully you'll continue to participate in the forums, and perhaps post some articles on your website. Good luck.

Larry (--rock)

I always saved your articles for a time when I could give them my full attention. Don't tell anyone, but I'd actually grown to enjoy your writing style. You will be missed.

Mark Snider
Can't be true

Bill, I just cannot believe you are not writing for PS anylonger. I subscribed for about 4 years in advance just to read your wise articles. And by the way, that little hummer you built me is a killer when I do my part. I won the club championship with it in 2007. I hope I can repeat in 2008. Man, you have no idea as to hope much you help people with your articles.

I'm still looking forward to meeting you one of these days and Mom says she wants to met the person that takes up more of my time reading about this sport than she can get me to work around the house.

My Friend, you will be severely missed in the PS magazine.


I'm sure you figured out that I meant to say help instead of hope in the previous response.
My dear friends

My dear friends:

I got up this morning and turned on my machine......I don't know what to say.
How very kind of all of you.

I have been blessed by God Almighty to have been allowed to write for Precision Shooting these last five years. It has been one of the greatest honors I have ever had.

During those five years I received, and answered, over a thousand letters.( if anyone wrote me and I failed to answer I sincerely apologize) I have had folks relate stories of when they was kids with their first little 22 rifle, and folks needing information of one sort or other. I had a gentleman give me a 146B Mossburg, like the one I had when I was a young feller roaming the banks of the Ohio River. Only two letters, best as I can remember, were negative in any way, and one of them was anonymous, although it looked like my mom's writing.

Precision Shooting is the absolute best technical firearms publication in the world. I thank them for allowing me to write for them.

Now my friends, you have made this old man's day with your kind remarks.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Your friend, Bill Calfee
As GordonE said, the magazine will not be worth as much without your rimfire articles in the future. As it was, there was a little something for the rimfire shooters and the rest was CF. That made for a good balance, even though I'd like to have seen all of it rimfire, but as my Dad used to say, "You can't have everything". I thought the last two articles, the one on barrel indexing, and the one on barrel fitting were excellent, and dead on the money as well.
I hope you will continue to write articles and get them published. I just threw my last PS magazine aside when I saw you didn't have an article in there. Best of luck to you, and good health.
Friend Bill,

I just heard about this, and I am saddened. I don't know if it was a personal decision on your part, or Precision Shooting's idea, but your articles will be sorely missed.

You have built a few guns for me, and applied your magic to several others...each is an absolute joy to shoot, and a treasure that will never be sold. What you have done to advance the rimfire shooting sports cannot be measured by any means. You have taken a lot of heat on this site for your contributions and ideas, yet you continue to press on without an unkind word to anyone.

Without your articles, Precision Shooting becomes just another gun rag, and my subscription will not be renewed. Thanks for taking the time to write.

Your Good Friend of 21 years
I sure will miss your articles each month, that has been the main reason I started my subscription. Maybe you should start your on magazine???????

The key question still remains. Why, all of a sudden are you not writing for Precision Shooting any more? Do you not think you might possibly owe your readers a little explanation?
Come on folks...

PS has been around for many years, and although every article in ithe mag. doesn't excite me, I still consider it the best publication related to precision marksmanship. I too read most of Calfee's articles, but there are others who write very informative articles. If you are an IBS member, it is the only source for match results, other than the web. Calfee can still use the website that Wilbur set up for him to post his articles, and all of you that feel Calfee's articles were the only thing in the mag. that was worth reading, can start paying Bill for his writings.

Friends Frank and Jeff:

Friend Frank Svenson:

I would never ask you, my friend, why you quit your last job...that would be your business.

Friend Jeff Ferguson:

You are absolutely correct. There are many, many awesome writers at Precision Shooting, ALL much better than I ever was.

Precision Shooting was doing just fine before Bill Calfee, and they will do just fine now that I no longer write for them.

I will always maintain my subscription to Precision Shooting.

Let me repeat, please, my friends: I thank Precision Shooting, with all my heart, for allowing me to write for them. One of the greatest thrills of my life.

Your friend, Bill Calfee
Bill,the first thing I did when the P.S. magazine came was to look for your article on rimfires.You have taught me a great deal about how to build a great shooting rimfire.Thanks,Mark.

i don't know you, probably never will, yet i feel like i do.
thanks, for the articles and the posts in here, i hope you'll
put out a book i would certainly be in line to buy it as i'm
sure many others would too, anyway once again thanks.
friend tom c.
While you're at it, how about an on-line name change? Somehow "Kathy" makes me feel a bit uneasy.
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