Kathy, from a previous post:

and all of you that feel Calfee's articles were the only thing in the mag. that was worth reading, can start paying Bill for his writings. Jeff

Perhaps I should have explained it a little better. Most everyone on this site is obviously interested in rimfire benchrest. Other than Bill's articles, there is virtually nothing along those lines in PS, especially since I am not into centerfire benchrest or High Power rifle shooting.

Yes, I have learned a few things from those articles, but I am mostly a silhouette shooter, and in PS's quest for extreme rifle accuracy, my game doesn't fit in there...although I question whether old bolt-action military rifles or lever-actions qualifies. Thus, it becomes similar to the other gun magazines that have very little of interest for me.
Leaving Precision Shooting

Mr. Calfree:
I am one of the of regular people who read your articles every chance that I could get. Your style of writing was unorthodox to say the least. It was more like telling a story then a technical manual but you were sure to get your point across.I really enjoyed the way to talked with us as opposed to talking down to us which showed that you cared enough and were willing to teach. I wish you well in your future endeavors and keep making those killer 22's.

Take Care: John
Friends Tom C and all

Friend Tom C:

(friend Vibe, I still ain't got it right about quotes...I'm going to re-read your posts again carefully, thanks again)

I quote from you Tom:


"i don't know you, probably never will, yet i feel like i do.
thanks, for the articles and the posts in here, i hope you'll
put out a book i would certainly be in line to buy it as i'm
sure many others would too, anyway once again thanks.
friend tom c."

Tom, you may never know how important this post of yours is to me.

Now, you say something so very reflective.....you feel like you know me....I feel the same way about you, and, all the folks that have corresponced with me because of my Precision Shooting writings, these last five years or so.

I've never met many of those folks, but the letters they write are so very personal, like they knew me and me them, all our lives. It's the same way with the folks I build my guns for, most of them I've never met, a lot of them I've never talked to, corresponding by letter or fax only.

One of the greatest satisfactions I got from my writing was when something I wrote actually helped someone with a problem they were having. A feller wrote me from New York some years ago. I had just written my first bore slugging article. He had had a 25-06 built and the thing wouldn't shoot in a bucket. He tried every thing he knew, bullets, powder etc., to try to make it shoot, with no luck.

He then read my slugging article, decided to try to slug his bore to see if he could see, or feel, anything wrong. He said he started a slug in the bore, pushed it to within about two inches of the muzzle, then by gosh, it got real loose and almost fell out of the crown. He said he slugged it several times, then determined exactly where the loose place begain, then marked the barrel, then had it cut off and re-crowned. He said he took that rifle to the range and he couldn't keep it from shooting through the same hole. He was tickled to death.

Tom, he wasn't any more tickled than me.....

I've got so many stories just like his from folks who improved their accuracy with a little help from my writings.....Man, that was the very special part about writing for Precision Shooting.

Friend Don: I follow your great shooting.....thank you for your comments.

Friend Crosshair: When I wrote, I always tried to act like there was two other folks in the room with me. The person I was talking to, face to face, about whatever subject I was writing about, and, a feller who kept an eye on me as I wrote and called me on stuff if I looked too silly, or rambled around too much, which I did all the time of course. I always attempted to explain stuff like I would be able to understand it myself, cause I ain't got no education and I don't know no big fancy words. Every once in a while I'd slip in a big fancy word of some sort, after I looked it up in the dictionary, but they usually looked out of place in my writings.

I gotta tell you a story, a ture story. I wrote about me gar fishing on the Ohio River. When I wrote the word "gar" the first time, I just knew that was too simple to be the way it was spelled. So I opened the dictionary and sure enough, the word was actually spelled "guar". In the article I used the word "guar" about 25 times or so. Dave Brennan, Precision Shooting editor sent me the manuscript back telling me to correct the incorrect spelling of the word "gar"..........I knew I looked it up in my dictionary so I got it out and looked again and as it turned out, the word "guar" is the abbreviation for the word "guarantee"....man, I didn't take time to see what the word "guar" meant when I had looked it up the first time......this is a true story....a man that stupid don't need to be writing anyway....

MY friends, thank you all.......

Finally friend Tom C.......what I'm going to say will have no meaning to you, but your post, that I quoted at the start, has a meaning to me related in the Bible, Matthew, 17 Verse 20

Your friend, Bill Calfee
Poor substitute !!!

Most everyone on this site is obviously interested in rimfire benchrest. Other than Bill's articles, there is virtually nothing along those lines in PS, .......
Thus, it becomes similar to the other gun magazines that have very little of interest for me.

Yes,PS had a .22 rimfire article in the latest issue written by Don Lewis.:(
Don authored a shooting column in game news for many years,but his articles are general in nature and not what I want to read in Precision Shooting.
If PS can't come up with a better replacement for friend Calfee,they are going to lose a good many subscribers.:mad:
I agree with Tom, if you put out a book of your articles, and add some other info as well, I'd surely by the book, and maybe a few more of 'em for my friends. As you know, I've incorporated most of your ideas and logic into my rifles, and over the years you've answered several questions for me. Probably the best thing I was lucky enough to run across, and experiment, with was your ignition article. That helped my sporter rifles perform much better than I could shoot 'em, and my 10.5 class rifles as well. I never had a problem following your writing, and always got something out of it. Your articles will be missed by those of us who are always looking to improve the rimfire BR rifles. After all, that's the fun of the game for a lot of us.
Killer Book

If you decide to write a book, consider wrapping the accuracy knowledge within your life story. Understanding how you gained your insights would be of great interest.

Bill, I know there is a great book just waiting to be put on paper. To take your same Passion you have for accuracy it would be a great read. Things change, but never let go of your ultimate calling in life, a change in direction is a good thing, it keeps us focused on our true path. I will miss your articles in PS.

Take Care,
Bill, We've never met, and I don't even shoot bolt rifles much less modern bench rest matche, but I would buy a book-collection of your articles in a heartbeat. Just about everything you do, translates to my world of singleshots.

Someday if you ever get really bored, I would love to see you work your magic on Schuetzen .22 rifles. The rifles of Pope, Schoyen, Laudensak, and so on would really give you a great challenge, and us a great resource.

In the meantime, let us know what that book is ready,