Kalifornia Gunsmith

Contact number for Don Nielson ? and any other California BR gunsmiths.

Why not go back to Don's post and click on his name and send him your question? Via a PM.:D
Maybe if you shoot competitive you will have a better idea of what I want. Or maybe you are one.

First there are gunsmiths and then there a BR quality gunsmiths, which I am looking for.

I no longer want to ship rifles by UPS, USPS or FEDX period.

So I am looking for a gunsmith in the state of California.

Driving 200 to 400 miles is no big deal to pick up or deliver.

Any recommendations?

Thank you

where do you live?
And it irks me when someone misspells or incorectly pronounce the name of this state.
The correct spelling should be Kalifornicacha. As we are already being pollinated by our elected officials. You can probably figure out the enunciation.

Land of the over educated IDIOTS.

Happy Holidays !!

Steve Moore

California ranks 49th in the nation with regard to academic achievement, just ahead of Mississippi. to call people here (lived here since '73) over educated idiots is missing the mark by a long shot.

in fact, you are paying them a complement.
If you want to find a BR smith come to Visalia when a BR Shoot is going on, several of the best in California shoot there. Next Visalia shoot is Feb the 3rd weekend.

Stephen Perry

John, have you found a gunsmith as of yet? If not, let us know, you do not have to travel to Visalia to get information here. poison spews from some people's keyboards, (typing with out thinking) and sometimes it is worse than others. Some of the attidude and ranting gets old and sometimes deserves some right back at them. Good luck finding someone your comfortable working with. Ron Tilley
I don't post that often, been a member of this forum for longer than it says on my profile, I think Wilbur had a problem in the past & lost some of our information, regardless, I only post when I feel I have something to contribute.....

I don't think your post count makes you better than someone else, it's the quality of your posts, that makes you a better contributor.....

I come here to learn, to keep in touch with guys I shoot with, & for entertainment.....

We need new blood to keep our sport alive.....

I look at our sport as a brotherhood of shooters that are in it to gain a better understanding of our rifles & to learn how to push the accuracy envelope toward the elusive perfect zero group.....

The negative nature of some of the comments here are getting to me. Why is this necessary? New members are coming here for help & to further their interests, & this petty squabbling & insulting commentary is discouraging them from participating. People should be allowed to express their opinions, without having to worry about someone else cutting them down for it.....

I realize that not everybody is acting the way I describe above, but if you are one of the ones who is, maybe you should stop being a dick, & let the contributors & newcomers have a chance.....

I didn't name names, I think it is fairly obvious which members are at fault here.....

I am not hiding behind my member name, I chose it long ago. I don't think it is a good policy to use your real identity on the web, but in this case, I will, so that you know my displeasure with the childish behaviour is real.....

Rod Graham.....

Pity about the Grizzly's.

Let us know if you find a good Gunsmith.

I agree with Till.

What yardages do you hanker to shoot?

uh, hold on here...

In Fremont you have Anthony Petitti.

He's in San Lorenzo, and caveat emptor. He's had a friend's rifle components in-house for nearly three years, and near as we can tell has done nothing to assemble the rifle except for temporarily installing a barrel block on the barrel blank.

To the original poster, if you want an amazingly good experience that will result in you getting a rifle for which you can later order other barrels without having to send the rifle back, try Jim Borden back east.

As to Kalifornia, picture the four most strident, liberal harridans in all of politics. Three of them are based here. The fourth is a witch who flew her broom from AR to NY... ;)
Amma & Moore
You keep talking lower level schools. The UC and Ca State system are some of the least expensive Colleges along with Stanford and Cal Tech and award more Higher Education degrees that any state in the USA. UC Berkley is at the top close to it every year Colleges are rated in this Country. And we have the USC football team and UCLA with the most NCAA championships in history.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR

should have been more specific. i was referring to the public high school system. however, cheap does not mean good. we sent our daughter back east to be educated (college) -- same place my wife and i graduated from. there isn't a school in this state i would send her to.

Cal colleges teach all the wrong things. i was a teacher for a while. we earned our 49th in the nation ranking through lots of hard work and stupidity.

we have nothing to show for it. kids graduate the public school system without the ability to read or write, and with very limited math skills. they can't carry on a decent conversation with adults. find me one business who brags about the quality of (public) H.S. graduates and i will show you a liar.
Since you live in So-Cal maybe you can tell us what % of students in the Los Angeles Unified School District are illegal aliens?

i live in the So. Cal desert. the number is around 35-45% depending on the area. the Coachella Valley district is over 60%.
easy now, you're out of your league

John and Bill
Your not looking around enough for BR smiths out West. You don't know about Mike Sosenko In So Cal. Don Spencer in So Cal. Don Nielson in So Cal. Gene DeLoney in Arizona. Bob Dodd in Arizona. Gary Ocock in Arizona. Bob Brackeney also Arizona. Steve Kostanich in Washington. New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Colorado has BR smiths. No way could I know them all.
No reason to go back East for a smith unless you choose to. I have the feeling this will go on and on and you had a smith from the begining, you have been comparing notes here.
Bill if things are so terrible for you why don't you leave California, doubt if anybody would send out a search party, all you woo is me guys crack me up.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR

SP, if you want to start slinging personal mud, this isn't the forum, but you'll quickly find yourself over your head and in hot water as you have before in shooting forums in the past. Misspellings and your assumptions notwithstanding, there are many thousands upon thousands of Californians -- not to be confused with Kalifornians -- who are fleeing the not-so-Golden State, and relocating in areas that are far friendlier in lots of ways. Taxes, traffic, political climate, gun rights infringement, etc.

Finding a good gunsmith is tantamount to finding a trustworthy and competent and reasonably-priced mechanic. Not that easy, but a relationship worth fostering once both parties are satisfied with the mutual benefit. So, a good gunsmith may not need to try to woo customers -- as he's probably as busy as he wants to be. Prospective customers of gunsmiths might think "Woe is me, what do I do?" and some of the rest of us can try to steer them in the right direction. (That would NOT be to the aforementioned fellow in San Lorenzo, CA...)

The dearth of benchrest quality gunsmiths in Kalifornia -- when one considers that Kalifornia is the most populous state, and has one in eight LEGAL Americans living here -- is directly attributable to the onerous conditions the Kalifornia political climate creates. Why would anybody with any sense for the shooting sports and the fundamental values on which America was built want to stay in Kalifornia -- except for the weather? Can Kalifornia be redeemed from the socialist course on which it's bound? Maybe. But lots of us are betting against it.

Stephen, if you're inclined to read books other than reloading manuals, have a go at 'Atlas Shrugged' by Ayn Rand. Or 'Unintended Consequences' by John Ross. Very different, but equally brilliant in their stories and the quality of the writing.

Happy New Year.

To the original poster, Mac Tilton is in Santa Barbara. Call him and be done with it! :)


California just could be the most beautiful state in the Union. The beaches, if that's your bag, especially in and around Monterey, are breath taking. The rolling, oak covered hills of the foothills are quite loverly. And the Sierra's? There might not be a prettier mountain range on the planet.

Unfortunately, this beautiful state of ours is largely populated by people with the average intelligence of a box of hair. We have something like the 7th largest economy in the world, yet we are continually in a state of financial crisis. Last I heard, they dem's in Sacramento are trying to raise our taxes again. With a Republican promise to block such a tax increase, the dem's are trying to use some archaic law as a loophole to call them "fees", instead of taxes. By doing so, they only need a simple majority to pass it. Illegal aliens are costing us a ton of money every year, and they'll probably be setting a bunch of convicted felons free from prison in the not so distant future...can't afford to house them. This place is a mess, and if you live here and think it's a great place to live, your disillusioned, or smoking crack. Maybe both.

If one had a giant jig saw, and could cut San Fran and LA (run Stephen!) out of the state and set them adrift in the Pacific, California would once again be the place to live. I wouldn't live any place else. Alas, Makita, Porter Cable, Bosch, etc., don't make such a saw, and I am stuck here until 12/23/18...the day I retire. Then my wife and I will take our retirements, investments, tax dollars, etc., and move the hell out of here. We'll celebrate Christmas 2018 some place else. Tis' a shame...

Ranting aside, before I started building my own guns, Jim Ketchum of Petaluma built me 3 live varmint guns and my "tactical" rifle. All shoot very well indeed. Very nice man to boot.

I've got a headacke

Z13 I will give you a call this weekend.

Thank you and thanks to all who have tried to help.

I really don't know what information I have gained, except some of you are REALLY STRANGE!
I am stuck here until 12/23/18...the day I retire. Then my wife and I will take our retirements, investments, tax dollars, etc., and move the hell out of here. We'll celebrate Christmas 2018 some place else. Tis' a shame...

I hear you. I lived and worked in So. Cal. (Thousand Oaks, Newbury Park, and Acton) for 35 years in Aerospace. But when we retired my wife and I packed everything we owned and moved to PA.

California was good to us, I had a dream engineering career, my wife taught school in Thousand Oaks for 35 years, but PA is a much better place to retire. We had cleared the state within 30 days of retiring.

I live within a 2 hours drive to Williamsport, 20 minutes from the 800 yard range at Ship - life is good. I have a CCL, can buy guns by walking in and paying for them, several at a time if I want to, can pick one up, walk 75 yards and be out varmint hunting.

The California now is not the California we moved to in 1969. Some (maybe two) things, like the air in Pasadena, are so much better it is hard to make a comparison. Other things related to the government rules for living there are far worse now than they were then.

Butch I don't care about you, you are an Ogre with a hemroid problem. Why don't we get a list of your BR accomplishments. Plenty of room left on this page. Inquiring eyes would like to know.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR

Pariah Perry has that name for a reason Butch so don’t let the old “Ewok Curmudgeon” ruin your day. He will want to move here after those Fruits and Nuts finish bankrupting that beautiful state that needs an enema. When and if he does move here he will understand what getting a “swirly” means lol!!!
I just put him on the ignore button. He has absolutely nothing to add to BR, so I just don't put up with his drivel anymore.

It is kinda sad, isn't it? Just a beautiful state, but very un-hospitable to the outdoorsman type working class and retiree. If the state was half as loony as it currently is, I would probably stay. It has everything I could ever want or need. Most of my family is here, most of my friends are here (one did move to Texas. Did you Texan's notice a significant drop in your property value's a couple of years ago?) The county I live in (SLO) is like living in a postcard. And it has been good for me...lot's of fond memories. But I refuse to hang around, if I don't have to, and have my tax dollars finance the lunacy that goes on in this state. All of the things I like...hunting, fishing, guns, tobacco and good Irish Whiskey are loathed by the state, and regarded as things to be taxed and regulated excessively. So...when my time is up, I'm out of here. Again...a shame.


I'm not quite sure just what it is you were trying to say...
