JSB labelling # on bottem of Tin explained


FYI: JSB, as well as all the rest, have seemed to solved this problem altogether by simply doing away with applying that little Label.

I contacted the U.S. Importer of JSB asking that they contact JSB to ask them to reinstate labeling. I explained how without having some sort of identifying label on each tin, we, the customers, have no way of knowing when ordering in smaller broken sleeve quantities if individual tins are from the same Lot other than for taking the word of the supplier. Funny thing there is, from the impression I've gotten most suppliers don't seem to fully understand our need for knowing, plus who themselves now have no way of knowing what the Lot is other than for how a case is labeled before being opened. Once a case has been broken into and sleeves removed, they too will not know for sure, especially when selling in broken sleeve quantities. I know in the past even when requesting an order all come from the same Lot there have been several times, even when ordering 10 or more tins, that I received the order packed in the suppliers shipping box, but being totally mixed-Lots sometimes containing as many as three different Lots. Luckily in the past I could always tell right away because of the no longer available labels. Now we're screwed when (and I say when instead of if due to the frequence of that occurring) this happens!

I also tried to explain that before ordering in large quantities of unbroken sleeves and/or full cases we would first want to Lot Test in order to make sure a particular Lot IS exactly what we are looking for, the "Holy Grail" so to speak, which now becomes out of the question. Of course, maybe we will get lucky when wanting to Lot test and will be able to find a supplier who would be willing to open a case, take a few tins out for us to test, then set that case aside until we are done with our testing? Yea, like that's going to happen.

Beyond that there's the matter of our own inventorying. What I do - now - is to label each tin as I unpack it by the date it arrived and the supposed headsize just to make sure I don't get my own inventory of hundreds of tins of pellets mixed.

The reason the Importer gave for the doing away with the Labeling was: the Labe itself interfers with the Warehouses ability to access the Barcode on the bottom of each tin for inventory purposes, and then for any Stores they supply being able to not only inventory, but to also be able to simply swipe the tins upon checkout. Sounds like we're screwed all the way around as far as our ability to Lot Test, verify what we have, or are getting, and knowing what we may want to order in the future.

Thanks for the info. I just wish it still applied.


FYI: JSB, as well as all the rest, have seemed to solved this problem altogether by simply doing away with applying that little Label.

I contacted the U.S. Importer of JSB asking that they contact JSB to ask them to reinstate labeling. I explained how without having some sort of identifying label on each tin, we, the customers, have no way of knowing when ordering in smaller broken sleeve quantities if individual tins are from the same Lot other than for taking the word of the supplier. Funny thing there is, from the impression I've gotten most suppliers don't seem to fully understand our need for knowing, plus who themselves now have no way of knowing what the Lot is other than for how a case is labeled before being opened. Once a case has been broken into and sleeves removed, they too will not know for sure, especially when selling in broken sleeve quantities. I know in the past even when requesting an order all come from the same Lot there have been several times, even when ordering 10 or more tins, that I received the order packed in the suppliers shipping box, but being totally mixed-Lots sometimes containing as many as three different Lots. Luckily in the past I could always tell right away because of the no longer available labels. Now we're screwed when (and I say when instead of if due to the frequence of that occurring) this happens!

I also tried to explain that before ordering in large quantities of unbroken sleeves and/or full cases we would first want to Lot Test in order to make sure a particular Lot IS exactly what we are looking for, the "Holy Grail" so to speak, which now becomes out of the question. Of course, maybe we will get lucky when wanting to Lot test and will be able to find a supplier who would be willing to open a case, take a few tins out for us to test, then set that case aside until we are done with our testing? Yea, like that's going to happen.

Beyond that there's the matter of our own inventorying. What I do - now - is to label each tin as I unpack it by the date it arrived and the supposed headsize just to make sure I don't get my own inventory of hundreds of tins of pellets mixed.

The reason the Importer gave for the doing away with the Labeling was: the Labe itself interfers with the Warehouses ability to access the Barcode on the bottom of each tin for inventory purposes, and then for any Stores they supply being able to not only inventory, but to also be able to simply swipe the tins upon checkout. Sounds like we're screwed all the way around as far as our ability to Lot Test, verify what we have, or are getting, and knowing what we may want to order in the future.

Thanks for the info. I just wish it still applied.


Could it be they don't want to be stuck with the crappy lots??? Every tin must be sold :)
Could it be they don't want to be stuck with the crappy lots??? Every tin must be sold

Pete I think You have the answer.....Franky