Jim Carstensen

C.L. Peterson

Active member
He was seen in line at the Social Security Office.
What's that about???
Over heard saying "I want some of my money back".
Had cake crumbs and ice cream smear on his smiling face wearing a small pointed cardboard hat???

Acts like he's celebrating something????

Hate to loose one of the local shooters to a "Government Program".

Any ideas??

Maybe call him and ask 'What's Up"!

Hey, when I turned 70, (that was my max out year), I gladly went down and said.......”show me the money”.

Since I have payed up my SS in about 4 months every year for a long time, I paid in a lot through the years. I get a nice fat check, which of course, they immediately take out around $700 in income tax.

It’s a circle. I work, and pay my income taxes and pay into the SS system. They then turn around and send me a SS check, and then turn around and take the income tax out on that.

stop working jackie...enjoy life.
you get to keep the whole check
its that work crap( 2 four letter words!) that screws with your ss check.

Hey, when I turned 70, (that was my max out year), I gladly went down and said.......”show me the money”.

Since I have payed up my SS in about 4 months every year for a long time, I paid in a lot through the years. I get a nice fat check, which of course, they immediately take out around $700 in income tax.

It’s a circle. I work, and pay my income taxes and pay into the SS system. They then turn around and send me a SS check, and then turn around and take the income tax out on that.

I'd bet he was in there shopping for a used hip. Does social security pay for farmers hips or is that FSA???


payments to us are paid from pre-tax contributions by the worker and his employer. So, the income tax has to be paid sometime. SSI never used to be taxed but all things change when the government needs more for obama phones, welfare, illegal alien aid, etc.

The sad part is that once you start collecting, your payment is fixed for life except for any annual COLA increase, but if you continue to work you still have to pay into the SS system. THAT is not fair imo
Lets see,

Hey, when I turned 70, (that was my max out year), I gladly went down and said.......”show me the money”.

Since I have payed up my SS in about 4 months every year for a long time, I paid in a lot through the years. I get a nice fat check, which of course, they immediately take out around $700 in income tax.

It’s a circle. I work, and pay my income taxes and pay into the SS system. They then turn around and send me a SS check, and then turn around and take the income tax out on that.


Taxes are around 20 percent of income but only for those who are actually making an income, many of us don't and aren't able to. Me, I'd gladly pay the 20 some percent. :)

Back to Jim!

Perhaps Jim still has enough mind remaining to fix my rail-gun, but not enough to bill me for the work?!?:p;)
Regarding the new knee, do your rehab, Jim and it should be GREAT . . .Merry Christmas!!:DRG
I agree Pete but I was also lucky I had a SS case worker who helped me get on SS Disability back in 2011. And I didn't have to go through a real big hassle and was accepted the first time trying. That was back in 2011 in 2010 I got hurt at work ended up having to have the lower row of bones in my right wrist removed and then a stroke in 2011 did me in and my working days were over.
payments to us are paid from pre-tax contributions by the worker and his employer. So, the income tax has to be paid sometime. SSI never used to be taxed but all things change when the government needs more for obama phones, welfare, illegal alien aid, etc.

The sad part is that once you start collecting, your payment is fixed for life except for any annual COLA increase, but if you continue to work you still have to pay into the SS system. THAT is not fair imo

SS was taxed starting in 1984. I didn't care for or vote for the guy, but it was hardly obama's doing since he was just 23 YO at the time.


IIRC the taxes collected are funneled back into the SS fund.

Also the tax was imposed because SSA was running out of money.
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