Is there anything currently in production that resembles the Wichita Mini?

I have often wondered

where all the older Benchrest rifles go? Occasionally one sees the odd one for sale but not ever on a wholesale basis. When one looks at the Benchrest Sport and the demand for it's products one can see that the majority of the products made must be consumed by folks who never fire a competative shot. This would lead one to believe that manufacturers could give us the products we want and need and production numbers to be profitable would be supported by those who never compete but want the stuff that is what is preceived to be the best.

Wonder how many March scopes are being sold to non- competition folks?
I really appreciate the lead. However, the pistol action isn't the same. Wichita made at least three different bolt pistol actions. The Silhouette Pistol (catchy name, huh?) resembles the Mini action except it's longer, with an ejection port, a bolt stop and a flat bolt handle. They also made a lightweight version, the Mk 40, slightly redesigned and using lots of aluminum. Then there was their Classic pistol, using the action from their Classic model rifle. The Classic was one gorgeous, limited edition pistol with an octagon barrel of about a foot in length, a bit of tasteful ornamentation, and an exhibition-grade wood stock. At $3500 (or was it $2500?) list price over 25 years ago, I don't imagine they sold many but boy, oh boy, I sure wanted one.

I have a Silhouette Pistol. I may wind up using that action for this project but I really don't want to go that direction.

Thanks again; I really appreciate it.

Sorry I couldn`t help. The pistol is the Silhouette model, flat bolt ejection port, nice wood, ect. Real nice looking gun, and IMO priced accordingly:eek:.
Good luck in your search..
I just visited

the Wichita Arms web site. and the say call for availability. 316-265-0661 So they may be available again. I did see Nolan Jackson at a Chisolm Trail show just a year or so ago. He had a couple of tables with some goodies. don"t recall any actions only, but did have a couple of completed fancy sporters and a lot of used stuff. Max
I don't think so for availability...
I've called and talked to them 4 or 5 times over the last 15 years. The web site contains lots of outdated information and hasn't been updated substantially in many, many years. The bottom line is that for nearly 25 years, Wichita has said the same thing about the Mini: "We're thinking about doing another production run. We'll let you know if we do."

I do not believe they will ever do another production run. Heck, they've divorced themselves so far from the Mini and the similar Silhouette action that if you order a scope base from them for the action you already have, they have no idea where to drill the holes, even if you give them multiple tries. (It's a long story and I won't relate it here and now; I don't need the blood pressure spike.)

Thus, for a Mini, my only potentially productive choice is to cast a net widely and hope.
I wonder why

some Clone Maker doesn't make some of them? With today's machining centers it should be quite straight forward to make a clone. I guess the question is how many folks would buy one if they were available, eh? Sign me up for one. ;)
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Wichita mini

I own # 003 . Its a 6ppc rail gun. Haven't fired it in over 25 years.
Thank you

I just wanted to dredge up this old thread long enough to say a big thank you to everyone who helped me with this.

I was contacted by three people who had actions or rifles to sell. I made offers to all three, one wrote me back (my offers to the other two guys still stand, in case they see this), and I now have the action that I've been seeking for such a long time.

You guys rock.

Ben in Spring, Texas

PS - Now that I have one, of course I want more. If anyone has or runs across one with a "P" suffix serial number, I'm buying. Just send me a PM.