IR5050 Progress report


I would like to thank everyone who attended the Nationals at Kettlefoot this past September and I hope you had a great time. I had hoped to have made more progress with the Change in ownership of IR5050 than I have, but progress is being made.
To date we have a new World Record Committee in place and have reviewed 2 potential World Records.
We have contracted a printer nearby for targets and they are being printed now.
Kay and Anna have been doing well learning the ins and outs of getting your scores posted and shoots scheduled They have worked hard and Rachael has been tutoring them. They should be doing it by themselves very shortly.
We have been in touch with Wilbur Harris and Doug Weeter and they have both been very supportive and helpful and I would like to Thank them for their support.
The new website is very close to being launched and with Wilbur's help it should happen soon.
Wallace Putnam has been helping me with the rulebook and we are hoping to get rid of a grey area or two and fix a few of the typos that are in there.
I am thankful for the emails,phone calls and other messages offering your support for Kay, Anna and I. Please be patient with us as we strive to make IR50/50 better.
An update on the range work going on at Kettlefoot:
The new restrooms are almost complete and as soon as they are finished we will finish the Range extension. Concrete will be poured in the Spring. We hope to get the New parking area filled before hard weather. For those of you who asked: The ramp is going away and we will have nice steps with a handrail. All of this to be finished before the Triple Crown next year. Tom and I worked on the Indoor Range yesterday, I hope to have the upgrades finished before our indoor matches start Nov.6.

Again We Thank You for your patience and support and remember, You can reach us at and we will respond as quickly as possible.

Wayne and Kay Wills
Anna Wills Dowell
I would like to thank everyone who attended the Nationals at Kettlefoot this past September and I hope you had a great time. I had hoped to have made more progress with the Change in ownership of IR5050 than I have, but progress is being made.
To date we have a new World Record Committee in place and have reviewed 2 potential World Records.
We have contracted a printer nearby for targets and they are being printed now.
Kay and Anna have been doing well learning the ins and outs of getting your scores posted and shoots scheduled They have worked hard and Rachael has been tutoring them. They should be doing it by themselves very shortly.
We have been in touch with Wilbur Harris and Doug Weeter and they have both been very supportive and helpful and I would like to Thank them for their support.
The new website is very close to being launched and with Wilbur's help it should happen soon.
Wallace Putnam has been helping me with the rulebook and we are hoping to get rid of a grey area or two and fix a few of the typos that are in there.
I am thankful for the emails,phone calls and other messages offering your support for Kay, Anna and I. Please be patient with us as we strive to make IR50/50 better.
An update on the range work going on at Kettlefoot:
The new restrooms are almost complete and as soon as they are finished we will finish the Range extension. Concrete will be poured in the Spring. We hope to get the New parking area filled before hard weather. For those of you who asked: The ramp is going away and we will have nice steps with a handrail. All of this to be finished before the Triple Crown next year. Tom and I worked on the Indoor Range yesterday, I hope to have the upgrades finished before our indoor matches start Nov.6.

Again We Thank You for your patience and support and remember, You can reach us at and we will respond as quickly as possible.

Wayne and Kay Wills
Anna Wills Dowell

Mr. Wills,

It's great to hear so much is going on with Kettlefoot and 50/50. As the season winds down, it good to know things will be bigger and better next year. Can't wait!

Thank you for the update and the hard work you and your crew are doing.


I would like to thank everyone who attended the Nationals at Kettlefoot this past September and I hope you had a great time. I had hoped to have made more progress with the Change in ownership of IR5050 than I have, but progress is being made.
To date we have a new World Record Committee in place and have reviewed 2 potential World Records.
We have contracted a printer nearby for targets and they are being printed now.
Kay and Anna have been doing well learning the ins and outs of getting your scores posted and shoots scheduled They have worked hard and Rachael has been tutoring them. They should be doing it by themselves very shortly.
We have been in touch with Wilbur Harris and Doug Weeter and they have both been very supportive and helpful and I would like to Thank them for their support.
The new website is very close to being launched and with Wilbur's help it should happen soon.
Wallace Putnam has been helping me with the rulebook and we are hoping to get rid of a grey area or two and fix a few of the typos that are in there.
I am thankful for the emails,phone calls and other messages offering your support for Kay, Anna and I. Please be patient with us as we strive to make IR50/50 better.
An update on the range work going on at Kettlefoot:
The new restrooms are almost complete and as soon as they are finished we will finish the Range extension. Concrete will be poured in the Spring. We hope to get the New parking area filled before hard weather. For those of you who asked: The ramp is going away and we will have nice steps with a handrail. All of this to be finished before the Triple Crown next year. Tom and I worked on the Indoor Range yesterday, I hope to have the upgrades finished before our indoor matches start Nov.6.

Again We Thank You for your patience and support and remember, You can reach us at and we will respond as quickly as possible.

Wayne and Kay Wills
Anna Wills Dowell

Wayne, I hope all is going well in the transition.
On the IR50 home page you wrote: " I hope that you will join us so I can share my vision personally as well as hear from you."

Many of us have not heard what that vision is. All I've heard is rumors & was hoping you could shed some light on it. Thanks
We are still working on the new web site. I hope it will be up and running by New Years. My vision for IR50/50 includes but is not limited to:
Scores to be posted within 48 hours of submission
Everyone to get recognition for their wins, awards etc.
Hats and Jackets to be presented in a timely fashion
Promotion of IR50/50 matches within the shooting community and other areas
Greater Co-operation between the Rimfire Organizations
2 New Rifle classes... Factory and Sporter Un-Limited
Computer Scoring

Many of these changes will not be available until we get the Data Base and web site issues resolved. We have been struggling to get everything in order to make things work in a more timely and efficient manner. Rumors are always out there. If anyone wishes to contact me directly my email is and my cell# 423-341-1891

I am always open to suggestions and helpful comments. Some changes that have already occurred include an update of the rule book and Kettlefoot now being the Official Homegrounds for IR50/50. The business of IR50/50 is now a Corp. in the state of VA. and fully legal. All results, scheduling and other matters can now be sent to or my email for target and pin orders etc. Mailing address :
IR50/50 inc.
2241 Weaver Pike
Bristol, TN37620

I know some folks think we should be moving faster but I really do not want to do anything to harm our sport. I personally think IR50/50 has the best program out there and our goal will always be to improve.

Thanks for your support,

Thank you Wayne for the response. I am sure all will get sorted out eventually.
My major concerns were the sporter class & any changes there. When you get caught up a bit & things sorted out could you please fill us all in on how the changes will work.
Also as far as the computer scoring goes. I'm not so sure about it. Nothing against it, it just seems like there could be some additional expense for the MD's. Also I like being scored & challenged by my peers. That's just me though. I'm sure it will be fine wherever it goes.
Anyhow thanks for all you are doing.
Computer Scoring will be an option, not a requirement. No power and / or power failures are alwayas present. The light box and plug will always be around.
Hi Mr. Wills,

I was curious why some of this season's Angle Tree Stone's results are missing from the Result's list. They were up a few months back, but now I see both July's State shoot and the September match is missing..?? Just wanted to get this cleared up so the season's SOTY and match points don't get lost in the mix.
Thanks, Bob Hill
New Classes - -

We are still working on the new web site. I hope it will be up and running by New Years. My vision for IR50/50 includes but is not limited to:
Scores to be posted within 48 hours of submission
Everyone to get recognition for their wins, awards etc.
Hats and Jackets to be presented in a timely fashion
Promotion of IR50/50 matches within the shooting community and other areas
Greater Co-operation between the Rimfire Organizations
2 New Rifle classes... Factory and Sporter Un-Limited
Computer Scoring

Many of these changes will not be available until we get the Data Base and web site issues resolved. We have been struggling to get everything in order to make things work in a more timely and efficient manner. Rumors are always out there. If anyone wishes to contact me directly my email is and my cell# 423-341-1891

I am always open to suggestions and helpful comments. Some changes that have already occurred include an update of the rule book and Kettlefoot now being the Official Homegrounds for IR50/50. The business of IR50/50 is now a Corp. in the state of VA. and fully legal. All results, scheduling and other matters can now be sent to or my email for target and pin orders etc. Mailing address :
IR50/50 inc.
2241 Weaver Pike
Bristol, TN37620

I know some folks think we should be moving faster but I really do not want to do anything to harm our sport. I personally think IR50/50 has the best program out there and our goal will always be to improve.

Thanks for your support,


Can you tell us a bit more about the two new classes and how they will be integrated with the current classes please?



Can you tell us a bit more about the two new classes and how they will be integrated with the current classes please?



I am still working on and seeking advice on the 2 new classes. Basically I would like to have a Factory/Squirrel Gun/Entry level class to attract new shooters. Younger shooters often have families to support and other financial obligations and do not have the disposable income of us older guys. I would like to see them brought in and tutored by those of us who have been here for awhile. I am hoping a more relaxed inexpensive class would be welcomed at most clubs. At the same time I hear from a lot of us senior guys that they are no longer able to enjoy their Sporter rifles because of the scope and rest restrictions. This new class will allow them to continue to enjoy and compete with what is probably a significant shooting investment. We also need to allow for points in what several ranges have been doing ... having Sporter State Matches.
If anyone has any suggestions please email them to me as this is a work in progress. Many ranges are having Factory matches already. I would encourage everyone to poll their shooters and see if there is any interest in this type of competition. I know that here at Kettlefoot we have an indoor match every Thursday night that has very good participation and is a lot of fun. WE shoot 7 different classes from open sights to Unlimited.
Thanks Wayne

Do you shoot all those classes together? Other Orgs handle multi-classes that way. That would work ok inside I guess but as someone pointed out recently, the early matches seem to yield the best scores, most of the time. Thinking about the 6.5X Sporter class in particular here.

Having thought about this briefly, if the UL Sporter could be agged with the UL rifles, that might be the place to add that class.

Do you shoot all those classes together? Other Orgs handle multi-classes that way. That would work ok inside I guess but as someone pointed out recently, the early matches seem to yield the best scores, most of the time. Thinking about the 6.5X Sporter class in particular here.

Having thought about this briefly, if the UL Sporter could be agged with the UL rifles, that might be the place to add that class.


We shoot all the classes at the same match in different relays. UL Sporter and Rifle together..That's my thought too. A good discussion can create excitement or maybe an argument. I hope we can create some excitement out there for IR50/50.

Sporter Class

Wayne, I shoot IR50/50 at Fred's Rimfire Ridge in Ar. I am like a lot of people that can no longer make out the rings on the Target with a 6.5 power scope. Maybe a change in the Power and Restrict the tube diameter to 1" and increase weight to 8.0# for the increase in scope weight might help create one class of sporter instead of two. It take so much time to add another class to a days shoot. Just for thought. I like others was thinking about giving up on sporter class because I cant see the target any more for it hurts my overall Ag.
I hope you the best with the new IR50/50.
Wayne, as with most things, the devil is in the details. These new classes seem like a good idea but the success of these new classes will be determined by the details. Problems can/will pop up in the definition of the factory class. Will it be restricted by weight and/ or cost of the factory rifles? You know some will show up with their Annies, Coopers, Kimbers, 40Xs, 52s etc. while others will show up with their Marlins, Savages, Rugers, etc. Some will want to shoot modified Ruger 10/22s which aren't competitive with custom rifles but aren't exactly factory either. Will the factory class have a magnification restriction or will the beginner with a Marlin with a 4X scope be expected to compete against a Cooper with a 24 or 36X scope? You know people will push the limits of the class. It's what we do. Also, if you place a 7.5 lb limit on the factory guns, a lot will not make that weight with a scope. And when you do make the rules, no matter what they are, you know 1/2 of us won't like them and will start to complain. Besides shooting, it's what we do best!!

The unlimited sporter seems straight forward enough but will an unlimited sporter have the same weight limit of 7.5 lbs or will it be increased to 8 lbs as many of our current sporters won't make weight with a bigger/heavier scope? If the unlimited sporter class catches on, it will dilute and split the sporter shooters. This will reduce the points for the winners as some will shoot one class or the other. This will de-emphasize the importance of the sporter in The List. It will need to be decided which class will be included in the points for The List, or, will both be used? Same goes for the sporter nationals, will there be one for both the 6.5X and unlimited or just one and, if so, which one? Which sporter class will be used to determine the 3 gun agg? Damn these pesky details.

In order to keep the sporter class valid in determining The List winner, I think it best to have just one sporter class. If the majority of the shooters want to go to an unlimited scope, just archive the old sporter and agg records and do it. If not, just keep it the way it is. I don't see how anyone wins by splitting the sporter shooters into 2 sub-classes. If you can figure out a way to split the sporter into 2 classes without de-emphasizing the importance of the sporter in The List, come up with a successful and fair factory class, and keep most of the shooters happy, I will personally nominate you for a Nobel Peace prize. Good luck.
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Adding more Classes just undermines the current IR50/50.

Unlimited Sporter:
Not sure what the point is in having an Unlimited Sporter Class?? (ARA Motivated?)
If it is because the Majority want a more powerful scope than just change the current Sporter Class to allow any power scope!

Factory Class:
If there is enough interest then go for it but my guess is that there will not be a way to regulate what is "Factory" and what isn't!
If a Club wants to hold & regulate a factory class then by all means they should but in my mind it should not be part of IR50/50.

Just My Two Cents
Bill & Doug, very well thought out replies! IR50-50 doesn't need to try to blend ARA into the rules. look what happened to RBA. Part of their downfall was the diluted rules. The current rules hasn't hampered IR50-50. What started the problems was when the NATIONALS sold out with 160 shooters in Charlotte in 2000 (I may be wrong on the year) & management thought the Org. was so important they could toss out Clubs they didn't like & still grow. That forced the startup of RBA & a death forced new owners of IR50-50. From that point forward poor performance by several owners (slow match posting, slow response to club needs, not posting rumored rule clarifications on the Org. Website) have hurt growth. I know past owners have had their hand full with other business interests, but that's a poor excuse. No owner is going to make much money running IR50-50 (surely no owner has paid much for the Org.) so it has to be a labor of love! Good solid service will build up the number of shooters. It a hell of a thing when the Org. changes owners & rumors of the change arrive months before any announcement. Looks like things have a good chance to be much better this time. I surely hope so! :)
Sporter factory and UL classes

I agree that we do not want to dilute the sporter class and the whole point of the new classes are to encourage new shooters (factory class) to shoot before making a large investment and to keep older shooters that have. Either way it gets more interest in IR 50/50.

Golf clubs have figured this issue out for decades. At any given course, each hole has at least 3 tee boxes to hit from. The better players hit from the back, the less experienced the front. We can look at the three classes of Sporter the same way. Lets assume 9 shooters show up for a match. 3 with traditional Sporter, 3 factory, 3 ul Sporter whatever that may be defined as. Each shooter shoots the 30min match. The 3 that shoot traditional sporter (back tees) are scored as 1,2,3; then the factory sporter is 4,5,6; and the UL Sporter 7,8,9. Regardless of the overall scores the UL sporter gets handicapped and the traditional Sporter benefits from the more challenging match.

This way all 9 shooters are credited for list points, but the 6.5 scoped shooter is the only one that can win a sporter match or the 3 gun agg. The others are still part of the match, and may shoot very well but are not overly rewarded for the different equipment used.

If clubs want to hold UL Sporter matches that could be an option, also we could make a Factory and UL Sporter Scoreline. All of this would hopefully encourage newer shooters to get better and possibly make the investment in a custom sporter, while keeping as many existing shooters still actively shooting a 6.5 power Sporter without being penalized by shooting against higher power UL scoped Sporter.

The class requirements still need to be created but this is one scoring option that could help level the playing field for all Sporter shooters.


Ted Derivan