Anybody have any thoughts on the new reduced size target ?
Having trouble with that at my home range.
Have to be very careful with new targets to not get a shot into record box
Very easy to put a sighter into record box when windy
Have had numerous shooters get a penalty with two shots in a record box
Any else had this issue?
I assume you're aware that a shot has to be completely in the box to be scored as an official shot. For a shot to be completely in a scoring box would be the equivalent of a minus 4 shot.
If the wind is blowing that hard I'd shoot sighters on the other side of the target or hold off more on the "windy" side until you're more confident of the hold.
That rule must have changed. Back in the day, even before they put the sighters down the sides, I saw a shot plugged that touched the outer box and scored a -10! Damn good shooting George, lotta x's. LOL
So the 10 ring size has not changed? Just the OD of the outer ring? When did this change happen?
Todd, the size of the scoring rings hasn’t changed. The outer back ring was removed as well as a ring on the sighter.
Happened some time last year. I ran out of the old targets 2 matches ago but had bought the new from Jason last fall. 1st shot it at Braxton in late July/ early August.’21
It was done to decrease weight for shipping & printing costs. Didn’t hurt that it frigged Bruce up a match or 2 either. Lol
I hear 'ya. News travels real slow.Thank you. I didn't know there had been a change.