IR 50/50 – 3 Gun & Unlimited SOTY Matches - Easthampton Fish & Game - Sat. Sep 17th

Counterfeit Relish , Al A Large Fisher came by last month ,Had a taste and he said not as good as penny's But close .So a jar is coming with us.
"If Mel brought enough maybe Penny could send some to Zeus er a BC !!" ...

Pete, it will be a cold day in hell! ;)
I will not only bring a jar of my mustard, I'll bring the relish that I like best...heavily onion and celery...crisp, and great on good dogs! Penny
At this rate it might take longer to eat lunch than shoot the matches, might even have to work in a little "nap", Michael do you have the lights up yet?!
Penny,Do you like Sabretts? How about some home made sauerkraut?
This is no fish story Gordon has or will have 2 boxes of cookies.Will any make it to Easthampton?
Hi Mel...don't know Sabretts...if you like them (and you obviously know good food when you taste it), bring ' Al says, you're paying for them...bring what you like! I'm sure there will be no complaints from anyone...we'll all be stuffing our faces so busily that no one will find time to complain about anything! Penny
This is no fish story Gordon has or will have 2 boxes of cookies.Will any make it to Easthampton?

Gordon has a bone to pick with you......He is wondering how to cut a cookie into 12 pieces. I told him to use a 6 O'Clock knife

Well, we're now definitely into 2 relays, and if all this chatter keeps up we may need 3 as I'm sure anyone within a reasonable drive will want to be there after readin this months preview.

Having had the opportunity to sample Penny's fix'ns on more than one occasion, I know I for one can't wait for lunch if in deed we are doing dogs. And let's not forget about Maryellen's contribution!!! The hardest part's gonna be keepin' our heads into the 3-Gun in the A.M. with all that anticipation, then turning right around and trying to focus on the Unlimited while trying not to fall asleep waiting for a condition.

Tuna, if those cookies are Gordon and Mel's favorite they must be good. They know good food when they taste it. Your on! How would you like me to pose him???? :eek:


Beware of this person if he shows up with his pink hat or cape............


Is that Zeus ? Looks like a German god to me ? Maybe it's index man ? Or is it the Cookie Monster
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Pete, Tim and Todd, glad you can make it. So it looks like we'll go into two relays, but I promise to keep 'em moving. Those taking naps will be DQ'd for the UL matches!!!

Maryellen's brownies have been my secret weapon ... hoping to lull you folks into that deep chocolate daze, but Penny always seems to be able to shake it off and nail those 250s.

So sounds like lunch is hot dogs, multiple relish recipes, sauerkraut, cookies and whatever Maryellen cooks up. I'll bring the soft drinks and bottled water, some other sandwich goodies; and a big bottle of Pepto!

Pete W. -- if you need directions let me know.

Best to all,
Pete, Tim and Todd, glad you can make it. So it looks like we'll go into two relays, but I promise to keep 'em moving. Those taking naps will be DQ'd for the UL matches!!!

Maryellen's brownies have been my secret weapon ... hoping to lull you folks into that deep chocolate daze, but Penny always seems to be able to shake it off and nail those 250s.

So sounds like lunch is hot dogs, multiple relish recipes, sauerkraut, cookies and whatever Maryellen cooks up. I'll bring the soft drinks and bottled water, some other sandwich goodies; and a big bottle of Pepto!

Pete W. -- if you need directions let me know.

Best to all,

Ok Michael, Thanks.

Is there plenty of horizontal space for equipment storage or should I bring my Dock Cart?

Personally, I would be far more concerned about this guy, I mean, pink Calfee gun, pink cell phone holder and a pink logo on his shirt? Damn near FLAME red........


Just tonight my wife suggested I bring along plenty of fresh from the tree apples for nibbling. Is that okay with you?

Dave,How about your wife baking something you know give Maryellen a break.
A little secret...

Boys, here is a little secret...Penny, as we speak, is making some homemade mustard. She is going to put it in a squeeze Ketchup jar. So beware. Don't tell anyone OK? :eek:

Al :)