Indoor Postal 100 Meter Match Unlimited Air Rifles - South Africa vs The Netherlands

A bit more front porch museing,

as for your vast air rifle experience do we dare review the world cup matches where your designed gun lost it's ass. Then might we review you a couple of years ago just hating benchrest shooters and now you are one. Your graduation from Caldwell rests and card table benches to concrete does not make you a benchrest authority, just a shooter. Your 15,000 mile trips to Mecca to shoulder to shoulder shoot with the boys should have made you a much better shooter but your scores do not reveal that. If you feel you are more qualified to comment on whatever because you shoot shoulder to shoulder put a few more miles on the Buick and go shoot against Chris and get whooped. Your problem here is that you are openly challenged by seasoned shooters where on the yellow you were Yoda. The arrival of knowledgeable rimfire shooter on the yellow as I predicted to you a couple of years ago began to erode your creditability and you don't like that. Then too your ability to not shoot well prompts you to make excuses and bigger targets. You have never shot against any serious shooters in this game. You constantly agitate this forum where you know you would be kicked off the Yellow just as your boss Tim for the same post. You promote nothing on this forum to advance the sport of true benchrest. Chris has only one vision here and it's not bench time as you openly suggest , it is to promote air rifle benchrest and it is apparent he has done one hell of a job with our present world cup victory, advanced technology and methods plus the degree of growth of clubs and shooters. His finger is constantly on the pulse of this game and his interaction with winning shooters and technical people make him uniquely qualified to comment. You might follow his lead, even thank him if your true intentions are to promote the game and not yourself.
As his boss I am very proud of his efforts. Might I suggest you take your anger and attitude and direct it in the same manner he has chosen........ We would all be most thankful.
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