IBS ssoy and rookie of the year final results

Oh ?

Pete, i'm just kidding you but at 1000,no field of flags, can't see the holes and you you can't go back to the sighter..... you got to believe it what you click on it for the condition...... jim

But youse guys bullets go to sleep, eh? ?
Pete, They do at short range too.... if you got a good barrel, it is the same at any range barrel and bullets...... LOL... jim
Thanks to all

Been away from the computer for a bit, but thanks. Wayne put together a complete year from start to finish, which is exactly what one needs to do to finish a head of Dean. Congrats to Josh as well. You obviously have good skills and with a mentor like Dave, the possibilities are yet to behold.

For 6x, it is as Pete says, trusting your rifle and reading conditions. No different than VFS. If things are going well (predictable) you need the spotter scope for your sighters, and then again after you shoot your 5 shots. I am not quite there yet, but I guarantee that Dean and KL are. 6x is a hoot. Quite often you are still in the game after dropping a point, and come-backs do happen. It is sad that the number of 6x shooters is lacking as competition is what we relish in this sport. Cost is an obvious deterrent. Shooting two guns is costly (glad I don't shoot group!).

You don't have to shoot 2 guns to shoot 6X. These classes have been on the decline, at least out on the East coast, for several years.
Ed, you are absolutely correct but...

new shooters to benchrest usually start out in VFS. It isn't necessarily that way in ME as Orland brings in new shooters using his hunter guns, but just about everywhere else its VFS. Soooo, the migration to 6x seems to dictate shooting two guns unless they are unsuccessful in VFS and want to give 6x a try. The ones that have indicated trying 6x and may be having guns built to do so want to compete in the 2-gun, hence my statement in the previous post. I haven't seen a new dedicated 6x only shooter for some time.
new shooters to benchrest usually start out in VFS. It isn't necessarily that way in ME as Orland brings in new shooters using his hunter guns, but just about everywhere else its VFS. Soooo, the migration to 6x seems to dictate shooting two guns unless they are unsuccessful in VFS and want to give 6x a try. The ones that have indicated trying 6x and may be having guns built to do so want to compete in the 2-gun, hence my statement in the previous post. I haven't seen a new dedicated 6x only shooter for some time.

This pretty much sums me up, I am having a Hunter gun built so that I can compete in the 2-gun.

Would having more events with 2-gun being contested help to revive the amount of 6x shooters?

This pretty much sums me up, I am having a Hunter gun built so that I can compete in the 2-gun.

Would having more events with 2-gun being contested help to revive the amount of 6x shooters?


I don't think a lot of shooter's want to shoot 2 rifles. Hell Its hard enough just shooting just one. Cost is a big factor also. Double the components. A lot of retired guy's have a hard time keeping one gun running let alone 2.
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This pretty much sums me up, I am having a Hunter gun built so that I can compete in the 2-gun.

Would having more events with 2-gun being contested help to revive the amount of 6x shooters?


Josh's question brings up a good point and I hope it inspires some discussion. Having more 2-Gun opportunities on the schedule sure could make taking on the expense and extra effort of adding a Hunter/Varmint Hunter gun to ones stable more attractive. I sure don't see a way it could hurt no matter how it plays out.

I'm willing to start the discussion with this: While I'm pretty much a dedicated LV/HV shooter, It is inevitable that I will be building myself a Hunter class gun....and probably sooner than later. How hard it bites me when I start shooting it will determine whether the VFS rifles start collecting dust or not, lol. I'm sure though that at the very least I'll shoot the 6X when 2-Gun is contested and probably on those occasions when the VFS turn-out is low. My guess is I'm not the only VFS shooter that can picture a scenario like this.

The idea of the 2-gun is what brought me to the 6x class. The competitive juices came out one day when talking with a fellow competitor about who were top shooters in the score game. He made a statement that stuck with me, "but he (meaning another shooter) is a top shooter in both classes." That conversation set the stage with the goal of winning a 2-gun as further motivation. Promoting the 2-gun was the rationale behind my petition to recognize the 2-gun at 200/300 events of which we just voted upon. Hopefully it passed. Wouldn't it be great if the numbers climb over the 20 gun threshold??