IBS ssoy and rookie of the year final results

Dave Short

New member
Hey all,

The IBS Score Shooter of the Year and Rookie of the Year final standings are up on the IBS site. Just click on the "NEWS" tab.

Congratulations to Wayne France for his hard fought Score Shooter of the Year win!

Congratulations to Josh Shrum for his Rookie of the Year win!
You're a fast learner and a tough competitor Josh...

Congratulations to Wayne and everyone else, it was a real treat to meet and shoot with everyone this year.

Looking forward to 2017!
Congrats to Wayne on winning the SSOY! He shot well throughout the year to be close to the top and he finished strong at the end of the season to hold off Dean, It is a well deserved honor! Congrats to Josh on the rookie win, you have had an impressive season. Congrats to Randy Jarvis on the 6X SSOY win also
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Congratulations Wayne from France, (LOL) you won a hard fought battle. Josh, your a great kid, (When your 59 and your twenty something your a kid) LOL. You reek with enthusiasm, something that I don't see much. For a newbie you shot really well. It doesn't hurt to have an Uncle Dave that knows how to smith a rifle. When Dean Breeden said to me in NC last month, if Sid wasn't gunsmithing anymore, I'd use Dave Short to build my rifles, that is saying something about your uncle's gunsmithing abilities. I also want to congratulate somebody who was left out of this thread, Randy Jarvais. I mean this is his 3rd season shooting 6 power and this is the 2nd year in a row that he's won 6X SSOY! I mean that take talent to shoot as well as he's done in the 3 years that he's been shooting in that class. I mean sometimes his 6X score is better than some of the VFS scores. I know we bust each others balls from time to time, him being a Mainiac from Maine and me being a Massachusetts transplant now living in Maine, (Massholes is what Mainers call us) but I do consider him a good friend and have the utmost respect for him. He has helped me countless times when I have asked him questions about this or that, and he's always helped me out. I know he's a little strange, (AS ALL MAINERS ARE) but it's all good. All the guy's up here are really super people. Christ, Joe Entrekin called me up 2 weeks ago and told me that he really enjoyed coming up here with Humble Henry to shoot and that he is fond of all u guy's up here, ( ESPECIALLY BUTCH!) After he told me that I knew Smokin Joe was ready for the rubber gun squad.
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Apologies to Randy!

Jim Paganelli just pointed out that I REALLY missed the mark when I started this thread. Thanks Jim for pointing it out.

Congratulations to Randy Jarvais for his 6X Score Shooter of the Year win!

Sorry for the oversight Randy. After hearing a steady drone of who is leading VFS, who has to do what to get around this or that one and all of that for the last half of the season I guess I was just stuck in VFS mode.
It has always fascinated me how the 6X shooters can shoot so well without seeing, well, much of anything. Having the opportunity to shoot the 2-Gun has often tempted me to build a 6X rifle. I'm sure reaching a competitive level would take a lot of patience and practice (not everyone can just pick one up and thump everyone like Dean did).
Have a picture of Wayne, unfortunately but do not have a picture of Josh, I love this sh-t.

Bill. Just go to the IBS website and click on results, then click score, then click on the September 10-11 results from the 200-300 meter match in Orangeburg, SC. There is a picture of Josh standing on the far right side of the picture.
A common misconseption

Th issue of not being able to see while shooting a 6power scope is a very common misconseption. Nobody can see the same through them as one can through a higher power scope. Being able to see is not the point. Making good educated guesses of how much to hold off, when necessary, is the whole object and being able to sight in to not hold off is a close second.

Some may note that some of the great VFS shooters have also done exceptionally well shooting 6 power rifles. I think they might be able to explain the difference much better than I can but I am quite sure they don't see the target the same way with both scopes. Me, I have struggled with th Big Scope so it must be easier with a 6, eh?

Since my cataract surgery, some days, I can see all the rings but it is of little value, to me anyway as I never came to depend on seeing them.

6 power shooting is a lot less difficult then most who haven't tried it imagine. just look at the resurgence of Sporter shooting in IR 50/50 this past year and one can see that it is very doable sport and fun er than hi magnification scope shooting.

Headin to Frorida Tuesday.

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My Congrats too:

I know it's a long season and not easy to pull off SSOY? IT's just a faint memory to me now but I do remember it was a lot of work. Congrats all.

Th issue of not being able to see while shooting a 6power scope is a very common misconseption. Nobody can see the same through them as one can through a higher power scope. Being able to see is not the point. Making good educated guesses of how much to hold off, when necessary, is the whole object and being able to sight in to not hold off is a close second.

Some may note that some of the great VFS shooters have also done exceptionally well shooting 6 power rifles. I think they might be able to explain the difference much better than I can but I am quite sure they don't see the target the same way with both scopes. Me, I have struggled with th Big Scope so it must be easier with a 6, eh?

Since my cataract surgery, some days, I can see all the rings but it is of little value, to me anyway as I never came to depend on seeing them.

6 power shooting is a lot less difficult then most who haven't tried it imagine. just look at the resurgence of Sporter shooting in IR 50/50 this past year and one can see that it is very doable sport and fun er than hi magnification scope shooting.

Headin to Frorida Tuesday.


Not being able to see has nothing to do with it? I see so many on here complaining about a 36 power scope is not enough? But they are all right if you have good vision? Now you say it easy with a 6 power? Am i missing something........ jim
I think-

Not being able to see has nothing to do with it? I see so many on here complaining about a 36 power scope is not enough? But they are all right if you have good vision? Now you say it easy with a 6 power? Am i missing something........ jim

People think they must see the dot they are shooting at to hit it but that is the purpose of a spotting scope, to see where the bullet went. One simply centers the reticule of the scope on the target and shoots, that's all there is to it. Hold off according to what the sighted says, learn a condition on each side of the field and shoot 5 good ones.

One must trust their rifle to be a successful 6 X shooter and their read of the wind flags. Like VFS shooting, it's all about reading the wind flags. 6 power rifles must shoot as well as VFS rifles, and good ones do.

There is less competition, in terms of the numbers of shooters BUT, of those shooting 6 x now, some of the best there have ever been.

I still prefer 6 power over the high power scope rifles.

People think they must see the dot they are shooting at to hit it but that is the purpose of a spotting scope, to see where the bullet went. One simply centers the reticule of the scope on the target and shoots, that's all there is to it. Hold off according to what the sighted says, learn a condition on each side of the field and shoot 5 good ones.

One must trust their rifle to be a successful 6 X shooter and their read of the wind flags. Like VFS shooting, it's all about reading the wind flags. 6 power rifles must shoot as well as VFS rifles, and good ones do.

There is less competition, in terms of the numbers of shooters BUT, of those shooting 6 x now, some of the best there have ever been.

I still prefer 6 power over the high power scope rifles.


How do you handle it when you can't see the bullet holes....... and no sighter target...... jim
6 power shooters use a sopotting scope to see their bullet holes after they have shot.


Pete, i'm just kidding you but at 1000,no field of flags, can't see the holes and you you can't go back to the sighter..... you got to believe it what you click on it for the condition...... jim