IBS Score


James in Ashevi

Why Is it that people need to cheat in IBS score....that sucks and that's the reason I'm not shooting this year...PISS on people that need to cheat to win :mad:
What's a matter with people......dumb asses :mad:
Why Is it that people need to cheat in IBS score....that sucks and that's the reason I'm not shooting this year...PISS on people that need to cheat to win :mad:
What's a matter with people......dumb asses :mad:

Regardless what the scores may say, cheaters really never win, James. They know who they are, what they've done, and for what? They're the ones that have to live with what this makes them. There is no room for cheating in our sport and even less room for the cheaters. Somehow, they don't seem to last long in this sport. At least not in my part of the country. It can not be tolerated...and won't be, by those of integrity.
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Exactly how are Shooters "cheating"?

In the "OLD" days when we brought back our own score targets, we had a person who would fire a 6mm and if the hole was close he would push a .30 bullet into the hole to make it bigger. The next match the relays was told that they did not have to retrieve the targets, that we had a target person. Never saw him again.
Why Is it that people need to cheat in IBS score....that sucks and that's the reason I'm not shooting this year...PISS on people that need to cheat to win :mad:
What's a matter with people......dumb asses :mad:

James. You probably heard by now that somebody intentionally crossfired on Michael Clayton's target last night in KY on the last match at 300, because he was winning.
James. You probably heard by now that somebody intentionally crossfired on Michael Clayton's target last night in KY on the last match at 300, because he was winning.

If that's the case, I'd say he has a pretty good idea who did it. That said, there was a bunch of stuff going on yesterday, to make it a very usual day, to say the least. No one had any idea where bullets were hitting on the last target. Some might say, for the last two targets. We had rain, wind, fog and golf ball sized hail. There were extenuating circumstances but nothing justifies blatantly cheating.....period.

I'll add, I think I saw the target in question. IIRC, there were 2 nines plus the crossfire on the target. If so, it didn't change who won but certainly did much of the rest of the standings.

I sincerely hope everyone made it home safe....The road out was horrible after the match and I left before it was completely dark out.
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In the "OLD" days when we brought back our own score targets, we had a person who would fire a 6mm and if the hole was close he would push a .30 bullet into the hole to make it bigger. The next match the relays was told that they did not have to retrieve the targets, that we had a target person. Never saw him again.

Way back when we had Group Club Matches, we had several shooters who would shoot "zeros, "Teen Aggs", and always be in the hunt.

But they would never shoot a Registered Group Match.

Probably had something to do with that pesky Moving Backer.
Way back when we had Group Club Matches, we had several shooters who would shoot "zeros, "Teen Aggs", and always be in the hunt.

But they would never shoot a Registered Group Match.

Probably had something to do with that pesky Moving Backer.

At GROUP matches? it was a laugh. This is a "TRUE" story, I was there, years back, two good friends were at a match, before moving backers, one was shooting, and one was a range officer. The range officer had called two minutes and the one shooting shot two into the target and the hole got a little bigger, but not much, waited then shot the next three into the bank underneath. The range officer told him that he had better hurry up and shoot the next 3 shots because he quietly saw what had happened. He was told that the shooter already had put the three into the target! I was there, they were still in a argument when I left, laughing. I could relate stories but will not. Now you know why we have moving backers. Still laughing about that incident.
I saw cheating at the national level time and time again...... that is life I guess. You wonder why the numbers are dropping at matches...... Jim
I saw cheating at the national level time and time again...... that is life I guess. You wonder why the numbers are dropping at matches...... Jim

I'm sorry if I sound disagreeable, but I simply can't see that happening.
National Matches have rules and requirements in place that make "cheating", while not impossible, darn near.

You have to have stationary backers in place to confirm crossfires. No shooter is allowed to handle a target. Targets are hung for the whole world to see, you can protest your measurements or score, or anyone else's.

Equipment is checked. Rifles are weighed. Benches are assigned, not chosen. All National Events require rotation. These are not options at National Events, they are requirements.

I think it is disrespectful of someone to come on a World Wide Website and make accusations without saying exactly who and what the accusations are aimed at. Both major Sanctioning Bodies have procedures that allow shooters to log protests in an official manner.

Even at the Region Level, Registered Matches adhere to procedures that make actual cheating, especially in scoring, downright impossible. Granted, the occasional miss measurement or miss scoring will occur, but there are procedures in place to correct these happenings.

I have said that shooting group in a Club Match Format without moving backers is not a good idea. That is why the vast majority of Club Matches shoot Score.

But we are not discussing a Club Matches. What you are saying is that there is provable missconduct and outright cheating taking place in Registered Competition, even at the National Level.

Either give some viable proof, with names and occasions, or go through the proper channels as set forth by the Sanctioning Bodies.

If there is proof that Officials at Registered Matches,or National Events are allowing misconduct in either scoring, equipment, or at the firing line, then these should be addressed through your Region Director and be put forth to the Board of Directors.
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I think it is disrespectful of someone to come on a World Wide Website and make accusations without saying exactly who and what the accusations are aimed at. Both major Sanctioning Bodies have procedures that allow shooters to log protests in an official manner.

I'm not being disrespectful but calling a cheat a cheat....simple language is best understood...crossfiring to get a win when there were no backers so you don't get caught is sorry sportsmanship. Ive seen it happen time after time. If there are rules let's follow rules...
I'm sorry if I sound disagreeable, but I simply can't see that happening.
National Matches have rules and requirements in place that make "cheating", while not impossible, darn near.

You have to have stationary backers in place to confirm crossfires. No shooter is allowed to handle a target. Targets are hung for the whole world to see, you can protest your measurements or score, or anyone else's.

Equipment is checked. Rifles are weighed. Benches are assigned, not chosen. All National Events require rotation. These are not options at National Events, they are requirements.

I think it is disrespectful of someone to come on a World Wide Website and make accusations without saying exactly who and what the accusations are aimed at. Both major Sanctioning Bodies have procedures that allow shooters to log protests in an official manner.

Even at the Region Level, Registered Matches adhere to procedures that make actual cheating, especially in scoring, downright impossible. Granted, the occasional miss measurement or miss scoring will occur, but there are procedures in place to correct these happenings.

I have said that shooting group in a Club Match Format without moving backers is not a good idea. That is why the vast majority of Club Matches shoot Score.

But we are not discussing a Club Matches. What you are saying is that there is provable missconduct and outright cheating taking place in Registered Competition, even at the National Level.

Either give some viable proof, with names and occasions, or go through the proper channels as set forth by the Sanctioning Bodies.

If there is proof that Officials at Registered Matches,or National Events are allowing misconduct in either scoring, equipment, or at the firing line, then these should be addressed through your Region Director and be put forth to the Board of Directors.

Too bad it doesn't work that way, every point you made I saw broken. ..... Jim

Mike Ezell you are without a doubt correct about the conditions they were bad real bad for everyone. I feel I need to say something since my name has been mentioned about what happened. First I shot the target and could not see any bullet hits very few could no doubt, I also know how many bullets I sent down range and what targets I shot, I missed what I missed, I pulled the trigger I did not need someone else's help to lose I did it all on my own. I could not call a cross fire on a target that I could not see or I would have. The rules are the rules as they are for everyone. I was made aware of the shot when it was too late, there was nothing I could do about it and I accept that with no ill will.
We all shot in bad conditions some did well some did not. But please understand this in a sport that we all spend a lot of time and money on I truly cannot and will not ever understand why any one would purposely cheat.
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Mike Ezell you are without a doubt correct about the conditions they were bad real bad for everyone. I feel I need to say something since my name has been mentioned about what happened. First I shot the target and could not see any bullet hits very few could no doubt, I also know how many bullets I sent down range and what targets I shot, I missed what I missed, I pulled the trigger I did not need someone else's help to lose I did it all on my own. I could not call a cross fire on a target that I could not see or I would have. The rules are the rules as they are for everyone. I was made aware of the shot when it was too late, there was nothing I could do about it and I accept that with no ill will.
We all shot in bad conditions some did well some did not. But please understand this in a sport that we all spend a lot of time and money on I truly cannot and will not ever understand why any one would purposely cheat.

Easy..if they did it intentionally and didn't own up to it...they are a POS LOSER! If intentional, it's the worst example of sportsmanship I've ever witnessed in my shooting career. You and I talked about my feelings on the subject of crossfires earlier in the day. I was wrong on one point, and it shows in this rare case. In order for someone to get by with a crossfire, that they don't own up to...two things must happen. First, the person who intentionally did the deed, must fail to own it...AND the person who is crossfired upon has to fail to see and report it. Both scenarios are very unlikely amongst men of integrity. In this case, you could not have known that your target was crossfired upon.

Classy response on your part, Mike.

Did everyone make it out ok? That road looked like a war zone.
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Mike we stayed the night and got home safely Sunday. Thank you for your kind words and I would also say it was a pleasure to finally meet you in person. I will be contacting you soon as I found the the hail took its toll on one of my spinners and It will need to be replaced. Again thank you for your advise and the making of a great friendship.
You know I have been shot on as high as 4 times in one day,and been shot on at two different Nationals ......... it gets old, funny the guy that gets shot on,is the one that looses...... Jim
That is why you" guard" your target.

You know I have been shot on as high as 4 times in one day,and been shot on at two different Nationals ......... it gets old, funny the guy that gets shot on,is the one that looses...... Jim

And you SCREAM Bloody Murder when the crossfire shows up. There used to be a 6 power shooter in the east that delighted in intentional crossfires in the black at 6 oclock. He got caught, did not get penalized, but I never saw him or his wife at match again. You have to SCREAM when it happens.
And you SCREAM Bloody Murder when the crossfire shows up. There used to be a 6 power shooter in the east that delighted in intentional crossfires in the black at 6 oclock. He got caught, did not get penalized, but I never saw him or his wife at match again. You have to SCREAM when it happens.

That is real tuff to see at 1000........ or have someone bring you a bolt to weigh your gun with to make weight. Or a scale sitting so crooked you can't hardly keep your bolt and rifle on the scale. Of course I never saw a set of certified weights at the national either. There is worse believe me....... Jim