IBS and Precision Shooting Magazine

Since 1970, the IBS has used Precision Shooting magazine as it official publication; the magazine ceased printing effective November 2012. Obviously, this situation is not of our making yet we have to deal with it nevertheless. As a result of PS's apparent demise, the IBS must seek another way to keep its membership informed. The Executive Board met via teleconference on November 15, 2012 and voted to put the issue to the membership.

Agenda item ballots will be mailed on or about November 28th and will also include a simple survey form. Members will be asked to register their preference for one of two options. Those options are: integrate IBS information and match reports into Precision Rifleman (the new NBRSA magazine), which will require a dues increase to $60; OR use the current IBS website-with enhancements-as the way to communicate with members. The latter option will result in a reduction in dues by 20% to 40%.

All ballots and surveys must be postmarked by January 1, 2013-I encourage ALL members to respond. The Executive Board will make a final decision on January 12th.

Jeff Stover
IBS President
Thanks Jeff and those involved for the update.

My opinion is to go with "Online Results/Publication" since it appears to me that is way of the future, and the way the world has been turning.
While having hard copies in a magazine like it was with PS, does offer the bonus' of having the rest of the magazine articles and advertisements to go with. But at the same time there was always the element of not enough coverage in PS of the IBS match results and promotional aspects, which also detour my thoughts of going with another magazine and have the same determined aspects there as well.

With that all said, I would like the IBS to broaden there website with design upgrades to handle Online results, pictures, videos, and promotional aspects. And feel putting expenses toward the IBS Website is better served since it is owned by the IBS, which is better then putting funds into the pockets of another publisher.
Also on a positive aspect of my suggestion, I can foresee the possibility of reductions to our dues, after the initial expenses are taken care of advancing the website capabilities and designs.
I also feel having this type Online Publication that is owned and operated by the IBS, would have the potential to be seen by more viewers, both in the USA and the entire world, then it would by another magazine coverage. And would expose more coverage and promotional gains to the IBS and the BenchRest Shooting Sport.

IBS Member
Donovan Moran
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At issue is how many members do not use a computer, smartphone or tablet? How will they be kept up to speed? In my opinion, they shouldn't be summarily dismissed. It would be great to have an expanded website but we shouldn't forget those who brung us to the dance either, IMHO.
Jeff, getting NBRSA to send you a recent copy of their magazine which Dick can then put up on the web page would be helpful in assessing options. Tks.
Sounds a lot like copyright infringement to me , at least without express written consent.

If we request it, they send it knowing what is going to be done with it, I.e. permission, no issue. If their mag is an option it would be nice to see it!
A new IBS webpage went online today at http://ibsmagazine.com.
With the loss of Precision Shooting Magazine as a source to disseminate news we have decided to try an online newsletter format out as a possible substitute. I will be doing a monthly pdf type document that can be downloaded and printed. There is nothing in this document that isn't covered in more depth on the regular IBS webpage http://internationalbenchrest.com/news/Newsindex.php but it is a document I am hoping people will print out and pass on to fellow shooters they know who do not do the internet. I had hoped to hold it to 10 pages or less but this initial offering ran 12 pages as it has a lot of information in it even though it only has a sampling of match results.

Dick Grosbier
IBS webmaster.