I waited untill now to mention this, But at 3:AM Sunday Morning, I Had A Heart Attack


I want the Nana pudding recipe.:) Jokes aside, My previous place of employment's retirement policy required mandatory retirement at age 57 for all employees in my job series, This was mainly Due to stress and fitness related issues. At 75,I understand why.

A change of lifestyle may be in order.

One thing about second opinions

If you seek one U will get one!
If you have faith in your institution, good relationship with your specialist, stick with that best advice.
Best wishes on you health. I have a long family history of cardio disease. 2 stents at 44.
Ask your Dr about Lisinopril for blood pressure. It's a common bp med they frequently give very small doses to diabetics without bp problems to help preserve Renal function.
My Interventional Cardiologist is a really top notch guy.

My neurologist referred me to him (and uses him).

He ran a nuclear stress test and I went though with NO symptoms of any type.

Except the for scan that showed lower oxygen levels in the lower 20% or so of my heart.
The problem is it is only a 'cartoon' image of the heart.

He explained that since I had no other symptoms many doctors would let it go.

Dr. Khurana said "I want a better image."

Cardiac cath the next week on a Tuesday.
Major blockage in Left Anterior Descending. LAD. AKA the "widow maker."
And two others.
Dr. Garrett (head of surgery at the hospital) glanced briefly at the angiogram and his eyes got big as I lay there.

I did not get off the stretcher and went down to Cardiac Intense Care Unit (CICU)
I spent that night in the CICU with Heparin going in both arms and the nurse at the foot of the bed watching the ECG all night.
She was even spelled by another nurse for her breaks.

They really did not know if I would make it through the night.

At 6:30 AM on Wednesday I had a triple bypass by Dr. Garret.
People wait weeks to get on his schedule.
They come from NYC to Arlington, VA for this guy. 'Magic fingers.'
He is so busy he does not open, close, or strip veins from legs.
Residents open and close, and his partner strips veins.

Left Mammary Artery to heart (this one lasts forever) and two veins from left leg (these have a more limited life).
I was home on Saturday morning.

The nursing staff in in CICU (I spent another 24 hours post surgery there) was stunned I had gotten in to Dr. Garrett's schedule so quickly.
Then they looked at the chart and said "You are one of Dr. Khurana's patients. That is how you got in."

He apparently has a decent amount of pull with Dr. Garrett.

I had moved a refrigerator on Monday.
By myself for the most part.
Loaded it on my hand truck, put it in the back of the Tahoe, unloaded it at my Dad's house.
Hand trucked to front steps into house (six brick steps up).
Brother helped up the steps.


Hang in there.
Find a statin that works for you with minimal side effects.
And then take the darn things.

My maternal grandfather died of his first (and only) MI 6 moths before his scheduled retirement date way back in 1967 at 64.
Oh, My... Jackie...

Hi Jackie,

So sorry to hear of this news, but, glad to hear of your very positive prognosis!

Will keep you in my prayers for a complete and fast recovery!

Take Care!

There is nothing like going in to the hospital thinking this is the " Big One " for a reality check. Mine was two decades ago but it has helped me TRY and lead a healthier life.
Jackie, sounds like the best prognosis that you could have under the circumstances. Glad to hear you are doing as well as you are. Being an old man is relative. I’ve always considered that someone who is old as being someone who is 20 years older than you are at the time. I guess when we run out of people older than us we’ll be there.
Jackie: Glad they found your problem. Sometimes they sneak up on you disguised as Heart Burn or Indigestion. I now have a total of 10 stents, after a Cabbage, as they refer to a Quad By-Pass, in 2001. Just this last Monday morning that same pain you described hit me at 2AM. Short trip to the ER and they diagnosed the problem and the Cardiologist, set up an appoint with the Cath Lab. Three more stents in a graff that was already residence to several stents. Take my experienced advice, Slow Down and follow the Doctors orders. We need to keep you around for a while longer. I know I want too.
Glad you are ok

Sounds like you are out of the danger zone; glad to hear it.
Sounds like you are out of the danger zone; glad to hear it.

Pretty much. The doctor has me on a blood thinner, beta blocker for blood pressure, and a statin for cholesterol.

I don't like the drugs. They make me feel kinda weird, like my edge is gone. But it's not like I have much choice. I went over 70 years without having to take pills or even have a regular doctor, for that matter.

I suppose times have changed.

I am back to life as usual, or as usual as I can make it.
Watch those statins, they can have a lot of side effects. I can't take them.
Wayne, I'm not sure if it's the Statin, the Beta Blocker, or just 71 years that have got me feeling a little listless, but I have an appointment next Wednesday so my Personal Doctor can sort of evaluate my progress.

I feel lazy. And I don't like it.
Wayne, I'm not sure if it's the Statin, the Beta Blocker, or just 71 years that have got me feeling a little listless, but I have an appointment next Wednesday so my Personal Doctor can sort of evaluate my progress.

I feel lazy. And I don't like it.

Sent you a PM with a little info.
Wayne, I'm not sure if it's the Statin, the Beta Blocker, or just 71 years that have got me feeling a little listless, but I have an appointment next Wednesday so my Personal Doctor can sort of evaluate my progress.

I feel lazy. And I don't like it.

Jackie, I'm now 80. Ar 70 I was taking several high powered, Dr prescribed pills. I did a lot of reading of the side effects. I quit all that zigleo... crap and started taking 3-4 power naps. One about 9AM,one about 1PM, one at 7PM. I now rake 3 Fish Oil and two MSM a day. Feel great. My cholesterol is down from 325 (it was over 300 since about 1980) to now 170. First time in decades.

Jackie, certain beta blockers can give you a feeling of fatigue at first. There's a 'learning curve' that your body goes through after an event like this. Generally, things even out as you get a few months into the regimen.

On a personal note, I just had another cardiac echo as part of the follow up to my heart surgery. All is well...the Dr. told me I could probably eat every greasy cheeseburger I wanted for the rest of my life without it catching up to me. :eek: I don't know if that's good or bad??? ;) :)

Good shootin'. -Al