I got beat up today by a 7mm Mag

getting beat up

The worst Ive been beat up by a gun was dove hunting , when there were a lot of doves, go out and shoot a limit. Go out the next day and shoot a limit. They would get educated and put the moves on ya when you stood up to shoot needless to say my average wasn't too good. My shoulder would be black and blue from trap loads in a 12 guage but it sure was fun. Sometimes it took 2 boxes of shells for me to get a limit. Doug
It looks like you survived & thrived, Jackie. ;) Next time, put a BRAKE on it - but, then, he'd have to get a new case!:eek:RG
The worst Ive been beat up by a gun was dove hunting , when there were a lot of doves, go out and shoot a limit. Go out the next day and shoot a limit. They would get educated and put the moves on ya when you stood up to shoot needless to say my average wasn't too good. My shoulder would be black and blue from trap loads in a 12 guage but it sure was fun. Sometimes it took 2 boxes of shells for me to get a limit. Doug


I used to shoot a lot of trap and live birds, and no matter how good you think you are there are days nothing seems to work. If you need a lift on an off day get a laff by using one of these excuses.

I will never let my wife reload for me again!

I just like to see them fly!

Need to leave some for seed!

To much atmosphere and not enough target!

The last one is my favorite.

My old boss had a beaut ...... after a particularly egregious miss he's drop his gun and stand there shaking his head . . . . . . "Yonder flies a dead bird!"
old hunts

You just witnessed a miracle a dead bird flew off. I miss those old dove hunts duck hunts quail hunts. My dad used to get his old pointer to roll over on his back and he acted like he was twisting his nuts. He would say , There hes set on quail. Ah, the old days. Doug
I bought a plastic stocked Savage 110 with a hard rubber buttpad, might as well been a piece of oak, in 7mm Magnum several years ago. Shot 3 shots & said screw this, went home & ordered a Pachmyer Decelerator?? & installed it to shoot off the remaining 17 rounds. Traded the gun thereafter & have never wanted another!
I never flinched shooting before I bought that gun & it took me a few years to get rid of them.
I feel for ya Jackie!

About 15 years ago, my brother asked me to sight in a 12 ga 3" pump action slug gun that he had just bought for a Pennsylvania deer hunt. Won't do that again.
If you think the 7 mag is rough try the 7 mm Ultra Mag. My son has one that I shot twice, but not in the same day. I must have had a lapse of memory when I shot it the second time. I came away bleeding both times.
Funny thing about some Guns. You know its gonna hurt before you shoot it, but for the love of guns and curiosity, you shoot it anyway. "Ouch"


I hear that Glenn. I came away with a black & blue shoulder awhile back from the range running perhaps 20 rounds through my Win, 88 in .284. I knew it was gonna work on me ( at 150 lbs. but didn't care. Went to a local pub later wearing a very short sleeve T shirt, ( whereby...all could see) The laughter still rings in my ears, and that was $0 years ago !
I don't know about the rabbit

I had a friend a few years back who enjoyed hunting rifles. He had a .375 H&H and a .416 as well as several others rifles. The friend has long since passed on and this story was told to me by one of his sons. The son was a teenager at the time and together with some other young idiots they went rabbit one night with his father's rifles. They were driving around a ranch in a pickup shooting jack rabbits with a .222. One of his friends who had never shot a center fire rifle before was having a blast with the .222 that they were passing around. Well as kids would do someone passed the .416 to the unsuspecting young man. I could finish this story but you know where this is going. I did hear that the young shooter was angry.

Concho Bill