How may I obtain the best .270 Wnchester brass?

I notice that Lapua .30-06 brass is on sale at Sinclair's today.

Personally I like Dark Ethiopian Yirgacheffe coffee purchased in 5 lb. (unground) bags from
My day doesn't start until I drink about 4 cups of the stuff which makes life hard when I travel to a match. :)

Hey, thanks for the link. If I get bedridden & can't make it out, that will be one of my most-used links.

(I've already expressed my opinions on Lapua .30/06 brass.)
We had 3 draw operations at Lake City. First,second,final. Hit the head twice. First one was called pocket and then heading. Pocket started the primer pocket. Heading finished the pocket and headstamped. Anything that wasnt blank was hit twice on the head. Quality control was always checking head hardness. On 7.62. The boss said the heads had to be extra hard for a French machinegun I guess for extraction.
Lapua. Out of the "regular" brands, I would choose Winchester. Order them both from Midway USA. Winchester is fine for almost anything. Lapua will have fewer (if any) rejects and will require less prep.
Lapua. Out of the "regular" brands, I would choose Winchester. Order them both from Midway USA. Winchester is fine for almost anything. Lapua will have fewer (if any) rejects and will require less prep.
Have you tested Lapua .30/06? See my post #17

used Lapua .30/06 brass for my 6.5/06 AI. Two different lots, over three years. For some reason, it was junk. About 50% of the cases had wall variation over .004. As a general rule of thumb, '06 brass is known for being held to lower tolerance standards. YMMV.

Having said that, I believe German Salazer has found the Lapua quite good. While the column *is* for .30/06, See

German's remarks on the Lapua '06 brass that I'm remembering may have been in a private email. You can almost always take what he says to the bank.

Anyway, the point of this is that "general reputation" isn't always sufficient. Lapua has, over the years sold some junk in some chamberings, and in the States, its price makes testing expensive. I'd buy the smallest quantity available for the first effort.

Again, you can get RWS .270 brass, & it's reported Huntington's importing RWS again. That would be my first choice for the highest quality, price-no-object cases.


The 270 is the one on left (correct?)


A good friend, who happens to be a lawyer, tells me, "Never ask a question that you don't already know the answer to."

Here's a photo of two sectioned cases showing the guts. One is a 30-06 and one is a .270. Which is which??


It looks like one of my 270 Win on the left.
Lapua 270 Brass

I have Lapua 270 loaded rounds, don't remember how many boxes, but i could try to find it if i have a little time to look. Hey, maybe I could trade it for some Lapua 30-30 brass. Someone try to find that for me. For those who don't know, Lapua did actually make 30-30 brass.

The 270

is on the right. Or it should be anyway. The stronger case should be the 270.



A good friend, who happens to be a lawyer, tells me, "Never ask a question that you don't already know the answer to."

Here's a photo of two sectioned cases showing the guts. One is a 30-06 and one is a .270. Which is which??

is on the right. Or it should be anyway. The stronger case should be the 270.

Read post #28

We got away from grinding beans but liked the Costco selections. The next time we are there we will pickup some guys got me interested again.
