Here is something that might never happen again in my lifetime.

Here in Ontario, we have a saying. If you don't like the weather at the back door, go out the front door. We do not get the cold temperatures that they do out West, but we get snow and lots of it. 76.5 inches at last count and winter is half over. Oh well we don't have hurricanes, or mosquitoes in May, the Black Flies keep them away.
Oh well we don't have hurricanes, or mosquitoes in May, the Black Flies keep them away.

Some of the worst storms I have ever seen were at our place in Loring , Ontario. Must not be too close to you, as you could actually hear the hum of the giant mosquito clouds most evenings. It was like someone with their bass speaker cranked to 11, you felt it more than you heard it.

Gorgeous country, great folks too.
