Heavy Varmint Postal Match, USA and South Aftica



Team USA will be shooting a postal match in HV with South Africa.

USA Team 1, from the Northwest:
Ron Silveira
Mike Hopkins
Wayne Burns

USA Team 2, from the Northeast:
Dan Brown
Daniel Finney
Rick Ingraham

USA Team 3, from California:
Jim Herrick
John Carter
Brian Dinardo

We are pleased to have this opportunity and wish everyone good shooting.

Australia is next on the schedule.
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South Africa Team 1
- Pieter Grundligh
- Paul van Gass
- Gert van Wyk

South Africa Team 2
- Tiaan Broodryk
- Eugene du Plessis
- Cuan Robinson

South Africa Team 3
- Niekie van Dyk
- Ruth Penmann
- James Mitchell

All 3 our teams will shoot on the 19 November at the same event (SGBSA Open Championship at Surefocus).

Good luck everybody!

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I edited my first post to add the missing names. I only have one firm date and that is November 12 for the Holbrook match. I will provide the other dates as they are confirmed. This is another pivotal match for Team USA. Thank you.

I edited my first post to add the missing names. I only have one firm date and that is November 12 for the Holbrook match. I will provide the other dates as they are confirmed. This is another pivotal match for Team USA. Thank you.

This postal match concept have really taken off. Keep it going and goodluck to all ......
To let all USA shooters know, if you shoot at one of these 3 matches, you are welcome to submit your scores as an individual toward the overall standings. Good luck.
We have confirmation that the Northwest team and any others will be shooting tomorrow.
Open Grove in California will be having their match on the 26th of November, anyone is welcomed to shoot, a courteous call or email beforehand would be nice.

Good Luck to both the US and SA teams and individuals. I wish I could participate this time, but the scheduling doesn't work out for me(college visits in North Carolina with my daughter this weekend).
Despite the naysayer, Postal competitions are an excellent way to grow a shooting sport. I can say this from experience, having started shooting RF benchrest in the RimfireCentral.com e-mail matches several years ago. Since then, I've logged almost a quarter of a million miles driving to rimfire and air rifle BR matches and have made more friends across this country and around the world than I ever dreamed possible. My first shoulder to shoulder RF match pitted my custom 10/22 against $2-3000 custom rifles. I may have come in last, but I got a good look at what kind of equipment it took to win and met some great people that were more than happy to help out a new shooter.

If you own an air rifle, are curious about benchrest shooting and live anywhere near any of the clubs that are shooting don't hesitate to stop by a match to see what the sport involves. You will most likely be invited to shoot a target either with your own gun, or someone will loan you one to try. It's not for everybody, but you never know until you try it!!
Todd Banks
The Northwest team is first with scores and a big thank you to them for arranging one last outdoor match at the last minute and braving the elements.

Team USA 1:
Heavy Varmint

Ron Silveira
247 13x
248 5x
249 8x
744 26x

Mike Hopkins
247 12x
248 8x
248 9x
743 29x

Wayne Burns
242 9x
244 10x
245 3x
731 22x

Individual Score:

Chris Lovitt
245 7x
245 11x
247 13x
737 31x
Good shooting . We well shoot at Holbrook Ma. Saturday . I hope the tropical storm coming up the coast dos not get us to bad . This is my first trip to Holbrook and the start of me traveling throughout the US ( and the World ) to shoot Bench Rest air rifle . I hope to see old friends and make many new ones .The more opportunity to shoot the better for the sport . See you Northeasters on Sat . Rick
Great shooting Ron, Mike, Wayne and Chris! You sure raised the bar for the rest of us! Your FWB P-70's sure are smoking.

Looks like the rain will end for our shoot on Sat. too bad the wind is staying around for a few days! Will have the wood stove going

to warm up between targets.

Rick glad you can make the trip. Todd you will be missed and have a safe trip to N.C. with your daughter.

See the rest of you on Sat.

The Northwest team is first with scores and a big thank you to them for arranging one last outdoor match at the last minute and braving the elements.

Team USA 1:
Heavy Varmint

Ron Silveira
247 13x
248 5x
249 8x
744 26x

Mike Hopkins
247 12x
248 8x
248 9x
743 29x

Wayne Burns
242 9x
244 10x
245 3x
731 22x

Individual Score:

Chris Lovitt
245 7x
245 11x
247 13x
737 31x

Well done, very good scores!


01.) 744 26x - Ron Silveira (USA Team 1)
02.) 743 29x - Mike Hopkins (USA Team 1)
03.) 737 31x - Chris Lovitt (USA)
04.) 731 22x - Wayne Burns (USA Team 1)
05.) 727 24x - Dan Brown (USA Team 2)
06.) 724 20x - Doug Shea (USA)
07.) 714 11x - Daniel Finney (USA Team 2)
08.) 711 21x - Rick Ingraham (USA Team 2)
09.) 707 14x - Paul Bendix (USA)
10.) 671 12x - David Shattuck (USA)
11.) 628 12x - Mark Normandin (USA)
12.) 624 05x - Norm Liebner (USA)


1.) 2218 77x - USA Team 1
2.) 2152 56x - USA Team 2
We had fun, but very hot and difficult conditions.

Some pictures: http://www.airrifle.co.za/showthread.php?p=354089#post354089

SA Team 1 - 2143 34x
235 2x / 233 2x / 231 3x = 699 07x Pieter Grundligh
241 5x / 245 6x / 243 9x = 729 20x Paul van Gass
237 1x / 238 1x / 240 5x = 715 07x Gert van Wyk

SA Team 2 - 2181 62x
245 8x / 241 5x / 243 8x = 729 21x Tiaan Broodryk
243 8x / 244 7x / 242 6x = 729 21x Eugene du Plessis
242 7x / 242 5x / 239 8x = 723 20x Cuan Robinson

SA Team 3 - 2131 42x
227 2x / 243 8x / 242 3x = 712 13x Niekie van Dyk
238 7x / 233 2x / 236 2x = 707 11x Ruth Penmann
237 4x / 239 7x / 236 7x = 712 18x James Mitchell

242 6x / 234 1x / 242 5x = 718 12x Willie Visser
236 7x / 234 5x / 219 2x = 689 14x Grieta Mitchell
222 4x / 225 4x / 226 1x = 673 06x John Dean

01.) 744 26x - Ron Silveira (USA Team 1)
02.) 743 29x - Mike Hopkins (USA Team 1)
03.) 737 31x - Chris Lovitt (USA)
04.) 731 22x - Wayne Burns (USA Team 1)
05.) 729 21x - Eugene du Plessis (SA Team 2)
05.) 729 21x - Tiaan Broodryk (SA Team 2)
07.) 729 20x - Paul van Gass (SA Team 1)
08.) 727 24x - Dan Brown (USA Team 2)
09.) 724 20x - Doug Shea (USA)
10.) 723 20x - Cuan Robinson (SA Team 2)
11.) 718 12x - Willie Visser (SA)
12.) 715 07x - Gert van Wyk (SA Team 1)
13.) 714 11x - Daniel Finney (USA Team 2)
14.) 712 18x - James Mitchell (SA Team 3)
15.) 712 13x - Niekie van Dyk (SA Team 3)
16.) 711 21x - Rick Ingraham (USA Team 2)
17.) 707 14x - Paul Bendix (USA)
18.) 707 11x - Ruth Penmann (SA Team 3)
19.) 699 07x - Pieter Grundligh (SA Team 1)
20.) 689 14x - Grieta Mitchell (SA)
21.) 673 06x - John Dean (SA)
22.) 671 12x - David Shattuck (USA)
23.) 628 12x - Mark Normandin (USA)
24.) 624 05x - Norm Liebner (USA)


1.) 2218 77x - USA Team 1
2.) 2181 62x - SA Team 2
3.) 2152 56x - USA Team 2
4.) 2143 34x - SA Team 1
5.) 2131 42x - SA Team 3
Good shooting to both the SA and US teams! Nice pictures, too! Good to see some familiar faces from SA...tell Niekie to quit texting while he's shooting and his scores will go up:p
I hope we can continue to shoot these matches and that I can participate next time!
Todd Banks
Great shooting South Africa. After seeing your pictures and the pictures from Holbrook last week, this is what benchrest shooting should be.

We need to wait for next week when our other USA Team shoots in Oxnard, California.

I hope we can have Australia and United Kingdom on the schedule in the spring. Any other countries are welcome and we will do everything possible to fit you in.

Maybe the match organizers could put together an equipment list that can be shared. Thanks.
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Good shooting to both the SA and US teams! Nice pictures, too! Good to see some familiar faces from SA...tell Niekie to quit texting while he's shooting and his scores will go up:p
I hope we can continue to shoot these matches and that I can participate next time!
Todd Banks

Todd, Niekie's scores only improved when he put his USFT away and used his 12fpe EV in those difficult conditions.

He shot his first target with his USFT (227 2x) and then decided to use his 12fpe EV for the second and third target (243 8x & 242 2x).
